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NO STAKE RACES AT BOWIE MEETING. Baltimore, Md., February 28.— Racing Secretary Joseph MLcnnan of the Bowie track, who i- now at eu Orleans, has made up the book of conditions lor the firs! seven days ed the spring meeting and it w a -.-nt oui today. The race- are made up along the usual line-. with no slake-, bul a liberal allowance oi overnight handicap-. The two-year-elds "ill be provided ror. although ;it the p reseat time ii seenix there might be a scarcity of ymmghteis lit to race at the opening of the meeting. Seretary McLennan states that he has hooked at New Orleans 211 horses so far for Bowie and experts l e.i-ih -w.ll Ibal number to 250. The Southern Maryland Vgi i. nil ural ssm-ialbMl will fire its ssual Mitring meeting aad fair at Marl bora an il has claimed dates from May 25 to via. vli Inclusive.