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FEMININE TRAINERS IN A NOVEL CONTEST. New York. February 28. — ! There is a horse train log contest going on between Mrs. .1. E. Davis and Mrs. F. Ambrose Clark, two prominent thoroughbred enthusiasts. Mrs. Davis is training the four-vear old Basils and Mr-. Clark her four-year-old Dis-tance. Both horses are now at Aiken. S. C.. and it has been arrange, that the horse gaining the greatest number of points during the season win he declared the winner of the prise. The conditions stipulate that live points shall be counted for a winning, three points for a second and one for a third. The contest is quite a sporting event and is creating much interest in thoroughbred circles. both in this city anil Aiken. Andrew Miller, who lias- been wintering in Florida and the south, has returned to this city much improved in health. The Saratoga stake blanks will be issued in a feu days. The conditions are not quite perfected, but the date of dosing will be March 27. Anril 29 is the date set for the four-mile point-to point steeplechase arranged by the Maryland Hunt Club. It will be run over the estate of G. Bernard Fenwick at Glyadow, Md. It will be the twenty-third running of the event. TV in MoCroery. who ha- been running a bloodstock farm in California for tbe past five years, is back again and will resume his old occupation as a trainer of thoroughbreds. "If l cannot get some horses to train." said he. "1 will bay some ol my own." Mr. Flynn. who is associated with ex-jockey Mickey Mile- in several horses, lost a foal on February 12 by Peter Fan— Harlem Lass. He has a yearling filly of the same breeding which gives some promise. W. Shaw, one of the leading riders of this country some years ago. who has spent the last eight rears la Germany, has an odfer to go back there to nude for one of the most prominent owners, lie has not yet decided upon his future plans and. as he is informed there will not be more than seventy day- of racing in Gerjnany this vear. be may stay in this country. He can ride at Hr.» pounds