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PETITIONING KENTUCKY RACING OFFICIALS. Lexington. Ky.. March 11. At a me-ting here today of prominent blue grass farm owners, who are engaged ia breeding thoroughbred horses, the following petition, prepared by Arthur B. Hancock of Bourbon county, was placed in the bauds of several gentlemen for circulation during the coming week. "We, the ondersigu d. breeders of thoroughbred horses in the Slat of K litueky. are deeply hater-i sted in the standing and success of racing in the date. We desire that mere attention be paid to 1 longer distance racing and that the meetings be honestly and capably conducted. We therefore, re-Bpectfnlly ask that ihe State Baring im mission, at the m -ting called for March M at the Seelbai h Hotel in Louisville, appoint, among Others, the following oliieials: Thomas Hart Talbot, to be a Ktcward to repress at the racing coui miss ion: Thomas .1. Clay ii be presiding steward, and Willi:. in .1. Shell. • to Ih- racing secretary." When ;ii.- petition Is signed by the breeders it will be taken by a committee to Louisville and presented to the commission at its meeting Monday week.