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MANY FUTURITY NOMINATIONS ARRIVING. Secretary McL. Earlocker Expects Fully a Thousand for the Big Race of 1919. New York. January 4. — Secretary A. McL. Car locker has already received more than 000 entries for the Futurity of 191" and anticipates more than 1.000 for the Futurity of 191!. there arc 04.". nominations. John E. Madden has intininted that he will have about two haadred nominations for the 1919 Futurity. Several other liberal nominators are yet to be heard from. President Phil Dwyer of the Queens County and Brooklyn Jockey Clubs will spend a few weeks in Lakewood. N. .1.. during January and February. J. O. Keens, who has just returned from abroad savs Tracerv is the best looking stallion iu " England.