H. G. Bedwell Scores a Double: Wizard and Wall Street Win for Him at Oriental Park-Father Bill Daly Puts One Over, Daily Racing Form, 1917-01-06


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H. G. BEDWELL SCORES A DOUBLE. Wizard and Wall Street Win for Him at Oriental Park — Father Bill Daly Puts One Over. Havana. Cuba. Jan. 5. — The Rodwell stable scored a elouble victory at Oriental Park this afternoon wlu-ii Wizard and Wall Street won the se-eonel and fourth races. The- forme-r runs in D. A. OMcaras colors, but is trained by Hedwell. The famous green and red cup of Father Pill Daly was carried to victory in the opening event, when Ampere II. e-ame from behind and beat Argument by three parts of a length. It was the lirst race that Daly has v. mi in some years. Marigold stumbled and fell in the first race, and Jo key Carroll escaped with a shaking up. The attendance was again large and well backed horses won a majority of the raoes. Jockey Ambrose rode his first winner here when he brought Lord Ryron home first in the third race.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917010601/drf1917010601_1_4
Local Identifier: drf1917010601_1_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800