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NOTED IRISH TRAINER PASSES AWAY. : miliar aid popular figure, both on Knglish aid Irish rici course-, in the person of O. W. 1 ushington, pa: ted awaj on Tuesday, February 0. at hi- residence, Coayaham Lodge. Garragb. Though bora in Keat, Mr. Lashiagtoa, known far and wide :s Tommy," speat tin- greater part of bis racing i ireer in the Emerald lie. where he acted for ,t ••ll. period a- trainer, to the late Major Eustaci l.oder He also had charge of King Kd ward- steeplechaser-, including the Orand National winner. Amtm-h II.. which he purchased for his late Majesty with the special purpose of carrying off the Aii.-r e Steeplechase. Mr. Lashiagtoa was freqaeatly sacceaafal in the Royal ralan, and both on the flat and over ob-taoles won many races. *moag*t the meal important lieing the Irish Derby, and th.- Qraad leftoa Steeplechase at Liverpool. So capable a hu-eman and excellent a aportaasaa will be greatly Biased in racing cir les everywhere iu the British Isles.