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THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward, Handicap. Dec. 20. 1910—1:11 -.-. — 3— 110. BARSAC, b. g-, 7 122 Bv Mazagan— Amy J. F. Mallory. 32036 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 good 11-5 122 4 4 I 3 2:i V .1 OBn 8 Manganese, Diadi. Siher Moon 11684 Tijuana 3-4 1:13 fast 4 112 3 3 2 21 1* W J OBn 8 Con. Tower. Deliver. Bayonarra 0671 Tijuana 5. f l:09-,good 1 HJ 3 6 3 V 1- W J CBn 7 Ilaz.-lDale. PrinceS.. S1I.M0..11 81530 Tijuana 3-4 i:i60good 7-10 1 10 2 11 1*11* G AlexaJr 0 Cecil, Lackrose, Louise Paul 31196 Tijuana 61. f 1 :07 fast 4 111 4 7 8 71 6*1 G Alexdra 8 Ril.Shapiro. Dolina. I.Cummingg 31040 Tijuana 1 l:1S-!-,hvv 4 110 5 3 4 4 4" 4 1 *. Alexdra 5 Say. Prince S.. Veldt 30948 Tijuana 3-4 l:14%slow 31 112 4 5 6 V 1; J Metealf 7 .Douse. O. Blossom. Priv.Petal 30737 Tijuana 3-4 1:13 fast 11-5 107 1 4 3 8*1 1«S M Mthews 0 Rosea*, Cecil, Maznik 80468 Tijuana M f 1 :"7 fast 12 106 7 6 6 61 4 JI Mthews 7 Per. Weaver. Cus. House. Osap.e 30623 Tijuana 3-4 1 :12%f ast 12 105 8 8 8 8 «JM Mthews 9 Roscas. Charmeuse, Van Horn 30502 Tijuana 51 f 1.04%faat 16 108 6 7 7 7 661, M Mth eWS 7 DaftkawaBTCr, Kenneth, Muznik PALATABLE, ch. h, 7 105 By Chop Suey— Omah Wood G. A. Marshall. 32035 Tijuana 2-4 1:14 goods no 1 3 t 1 5» W Kelsay 0 Maasjsn Baraac. Diadi and1818 Tijuana 3-4 1 :21"-,hvy 3 112 2 2 .! 4 4* W Kelsay 4 BroucoBillv. BheBDo, Redland 31842 Tijuana 2-4 1:17 slop 41 148 2 11 1*11* W Kelsay O Dolina. Manganese. Blue Cap 1772 Tijuana 2-4 1:19 mud 12 108 1 2 3 1| 1» W Kelsay 8 Cmcea, Presumption, Sil.Moon 31683 Tijuana 2-4 1:14 fast 6 109 2 3 2 11 11 W Kelsay 7 John Hurie, General, Cecil 81002 Tijuana 51 f l:0S%good 12 112 4 11 21 43 W Kelsay * Or.Blossom. Lackrose. Pat. Mack 31495 Tijuana 81 t l:10%slow 10 IN 3 5 7 7 6-F Stevens 7 General. Ann Tilly. Geral.l.une 30916 Tijuana 3-4 l:lS%good 3 111 1 111 .;3 W Ormes 9 LoanShark. Innuieta. KidNelaon 30793 Tijuana 61 f 1 :07 fast 8 113 5 4 4 31 «J O Gross 8 Kenneth, Cal Cum, Vignola 30569 Tijuana 61 f 1:07 fast 41 111 o 3 4 3h 8* K Lapaille 7 Old Coin, Kenneth, Dusky Dave 18483 Tijuana 8-4 l:13%fast 12 113 4 4 4 41 2° V Stevens 7 Delaney, Gimli. Glint PRESUMPTION, b. g. 8 117 By Golden Maxim— Proud Duchess J. Dabcl. 2004 Tijuana 61 t l:09%jrood 9-5 114 6 4 2 21 Itl C B game 11 H.Dele, PrtvetPetal. Brl/rbouse 81 ..a Tijuana 61 * l:10%hvy 21 115 4 4 4 41 43J C Bgame 7 Francis. CurHcvje, Ben Uuin.-e M772 Tijuana 3 4 1:19 mud 1 113 4 4 4 S | Z*% C Bnatne 8 PalatahtS, Graces. Silver Moon 31685 Tijuana 3-1 l:13Vsfast 4 116 1 2 3 3- 8*1 C Bgame 3 Grapeshot. King Worth, Dolina 31601 Tijuana 3-4 1 :144good 7 112 4 5 5 62 6s A Pickens 7 Dor. Dean. Bp.Queea. Savonarra 20492 Dowio 7-8 l:28*5good 17 109 7 7 7 7 4* 4 F P.ol.son 8 las Kav, Margaret N.. Vermont £0394 Bowie lm70y 1:48 fast 8-5 10S 3 3 3 3 41 4* F Rob son 8 Soldier, HarryLander, Handfull 30370 Bowie 7-S 1 :27 -, 31 109 1 1 2 2 2- T- Fltobsonll V. Helen. Bel ween Is, Ponlefraet 8 .843 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast 4 108 i 7 6 6* 4T1 B Ambroscl2 T.-a-Liug. T. as Steel. F.Heleu 21176 Laurel 3-4 l:12%fast 13 108 6 7 6 42 31 E Ambrose S Y. Notions. Wat. Lily, Etruscan 30067 Laurel 8-4 1:14 fast 77-10 114 1 2 1 lu* 2 G By rue 12 Ambrose, Broom vale, Borax fDisqualified for foul. 1RULANE. b. g. 5 108 By Atkins— Princess Tulanc Sherman and Clark. 33047 Tijuana : 1 1 1 : .fast * HW 6 8 s s 8 B Smith s M. Bacon Shell ] . Bayoaarra 31760 Tijuana 51 f 1:87 fast 21 114 3 I 2 f*| 1| W .1 OBn 8 Basel Dale, Swcctdalo. Briahae M681 Tijuana 5-8 BOlUfast 16-5 109 5 6 I 21 1*1 W J OBn 10 SprgVallev, Francis, M.Jimmie 2J73S Tijuana 3-4 l:U%faat 31 110 3 11 lJ lJ W J OBn I Annlilh. BJehaaoa, I.Cumings 27714 Tijuana 3-4 1:13 fast 10 111 4 1 1 l1 2- W J OBn I tus. House, Pros. Son, MissBrush 27.21 Tijuana ;:-4 1 :13*f,fast 7 112 5 4 2 B t*| W J OBn 6 Prosp.Son. IdaPinack. Bafrssor 274:17 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:47%fast 21 109 1 1 1 1 lJ 6»J W J OBn 8 Zetetic. Capt. Druse, Lew Hill 27308 Tijuana ll:40%fast 8 108 111 1 1- l«j W J OBn s Safranor. Babyl.vnch. M. Fielder 27101 Tijuana 1 1:41 fast 10 104 4 4 4 4 4i 6 H II PlipslO D.ofSliclby, Fred T., Capt. Druse CAPT. MARCHMONT, b. g, 6 103 By Marchmont II.— Nina F. J. W. Fuller. ■ J.m Tijuana 51 f 1 :09-sgood 20 in 10 11 10 10 Sr:J C VanDunll PreMimptn. 11. Pale. Br. Pi tal 31668 Tijuana 51 f 1:12 good 3J 114 5 t t 1" 1- C YanDunlO BodCirclo. B. Favorite. ;. Dragon 00948 Tijuana 2-4 l:14%slow 50 109 3 7 7 7 6" C VanDun 7 flaiaai. C*S. Hotiso, Or Blossom 3U145 Latonia 2-4 l:14Hfast 28 10917 8 6 31 3 L Gentry 12 J.C.Stone, Iron Master, S. Beach MM Church 1 1 1-16 l:4S%fast 27-10112 7 6 5 3 7s 6» M Buxton 9 Meditation. Bov. Pierce W. :*t275 Douglas lm70y l:46fast 22-5 106 6 6 6 4 3= 38 J Kederis ti A.s Bass, Meditation, J.Oakley 29055 Lexgtnn 1 1-16 l:46h;fast 21-5 112 8 7 8 8 81 S-» J Kederis 9 Galaway. J.C.Stone. W.ODay 27.H3 Windsor 3-4 1:15 fast 26-5 105 1 8 10 6 4"! T Hayes s 13 Owana. Rus. Square, J. 0. Stone 27834 Windsor 3-4 l:13,fast 128 110 8 7 7 7« 6J T Haves 8 Scrutineer, M. Caeca, Kootenny 27547 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47?5f ast 22-5 109 6 9 7 7 7» 9" C VanDunl5 Norvic. Fleuron IB. Solid Bock TIAJAN, b. o, 4 108 By Solitaire II.— Oratossa C. A. Davies. 21946 Tijuana 1 l:55*fchvy 4 i 7 2 1 2 4 4" ;■« O AlexaJr 7 Inqufeta. Harwood, Jawbone 31876 Tijuana 51 f 1:12 hvy 3 5 111 4 2 1 1* l2 G AlexaJr S S. Vallev, Prince S.. Estimable 31728 Tijuana 2-4 l:13 4fast 7 !d8 1 2 3 Sh 21 G AlexaJr 7 Sil.Moon, C. House. C.Mrchmont :l."22 Tijuana 3-4 1 :10a5Slow 3 107 4 3 3 32 3* G Alexa.Ir ! King Worth. Boppee, Ann TillT 21420 Tijuana 5ifl:lS5hvy 9-5 110 2 3 3 21 2" G AlexaJr 0 Poppee, Checks, Chief Brown 31338 Tijuana 3-4 l:22%hvy 3-2 108 1 2 2 3=1 2J G Aiexdra 4 Dolina. Maznik, Patsy Mack 2125:1 Tijuana 8-4 l:18%mnd 7-5 113 4 3 3 21 2i G Aiexdra 5 Cos. House. 811. Shapiro, B.Shark 31120 Tijuana 3-4 l:14%good 2J 110 4 12 2- 2=1 G Aiexdra 7 ShellDo, JusticeGoebel, Colinet 31063 Tijuana 61 f l:10%hvy 4 102 4 4 4 S | 1 R Harton 5 AnnaKruter. Grapeshot. R.Baird 30929 Tijuana 3-4 l:13%fast 6 98 4 1 1 26, 4*1 F Hopkins 8 Savonarra, Shell Do, Jus.Goebel 30845 Tijuana 3-4 l:189smud 20 108 5 5 5 5 4° G Aiexdra 5 A. Kruter, C. House, Blackthorn STRIKER, br. g. 7 103 By Disguise— Contentious fL. Beckerl. :i ;-." Tijuana 3-4 l:12%fast 20 114 6 * 6 6 C1 T Haves ft Grapeshot. K.Worth, Presumpn 2*489 H.deGce 51 f l:08%slow 31-5 111 4 4 I 2= 21 J McTagt S Thesieres. Palanquin, Aneou 29686 H .deOee 3-4 l:13Hfast 12 117 4 10 10 11» 10* G W Car112 Bit. Dipper. Shoddy, Palanquin £9866 Belmont 3-4 st l:13-fegood 12 113 8 4 4 3l 2J H H PlipslO Yan. Notions. Mr.Specs, Tielin 28780 Belmont 01 f 1:22 fast 10 118 1 2 10 11s 10° E Haynes IS Plumose, Naaahoa, Malabar 17288 Aqduct 3-4 l:14%fast 7 114 3 2 5 8" 821 M Buxton 10 Hanworth. B. Shot. N. Simplex 26415 Belmont 3-4 st l:13%fast 15 120 7 7 6 82 91! E Dugan 9 Charmeuse. CyMerrick, Nauehes 26205 Jamaica 3-4 1:15 fast 13-5120 5 4 3 45 4* M Buxton 5 Dervish. Armament. Piquette