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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. That the country faces a very serious sitoitioii relative to the insistent demands of the railway trainmen and the ee|iially firm retaliation of the employers, was emphasized Thursday, by reports from the headquarters of the warring factioas. The statement given out by the traiiim -u. both before and after, the statement of the- executives was as follows: We are going ahead just as if there vv is no Adamson law. We will proceed as if there was no Supreme Court decision pending. We- have watted Monday alter Monday to have a deeisioa on the Adamson law handed down. Now we will not wait — as a matter of fact, it will make- no difference. The decision wont influence our action in tin-slightest. There may be war. If war does come it may mean that our men will have to wait four or five years for their dc-manels. We- want to get that out of the way be-fore- war comes. The railroads, after having refused to accept a settlement of the eight-hear controversy proposed by President Wilson last August, and after having refused to obtain the eight-hour law enacted by Coiigre-ss. must accept responsibility for a strike, should it take place. It is too late for them now to pose as patriots, hoping thereby to defeat the just contentions of their employes. We hare requested a renewal of negotiations commencing today in the hope of effecting a peaceful settlement. The statement given out by the executives in connection with the strike- controversy was as follows: The serious international situation causes every good citizen to put every thought of p rsonal right or desire second to his duty to his country. Surely this is no time for internal industrial warfare. With this situation before us. we fed confident the patriotism and loyalty of our men will not countenance any rash movement which may seriously embarass the government and give- the impression outside our borders that this country is torn by industrial strife and therefore an easy prey for any foeign foe. President Wilson will present all of the facts covering Germanys submarim actioaa to Caagreaa when it convenes in apecwi session next month. This will include tin- record of all aaaaalta apaa American rights. The- report will deal with eveiy sing!" instance in which German ruthlessu- s has endangered and cost lives of ft mas nana and loss of American property. The crowning assault, the- sink-ing of the Alifonqllin. flying the American flag, will be detailed. It also is possible that the- li-t of outrages will be increased before April 16. when Congress reconvenes. That thousands of Japanese soldiers are being laadfd in Canada for transportation to the Baropeaa] war zone is tin- statement of J. .1. Tohlas, chancellor of the Chicago Law School, who received his information from a Canadian govern- fg. im-nt inspecting engineer who had just retaraed A to Chicago from Canada. According to Mr. Tobias, the engineer estimated that within two ssoaths more than a million Jap soldiers would be- fiuhting. side by side with the French and English treape, A successful revolution lias interred in Bmnia, the coiise-rvative party, supposed to be in Carat of a separate peace with Russia. Iicing overthrown and tie- government has passed automatically lata Unhands of the revolutionists. A nunc r says the Czar may abdicate in favor of his son. although this is questioned in some circles. The royai palace in Pet-roirrad was stormc-el. although the C/.arin.i was all-ewe-el to remain therein, the revotatlonlstn proia-hdng that the dynasty would not 1m- dieonlvcd Agents of the Warren Line announced Thursday that they had received indirect word the; the British steamer Sauamoro. which sailed from Boston February 21 for Liveriiool, had lieen sunk by a submarine. The Sagamore was in command of apt. P. Cummings and had a crew of hfty. There were no Americans aboard. She carried a general cargo, including munitions for the British government and was erased with a 4.7-im-h gnu. Vesael and cargo WCTe valued at Si .51 it. CI K. That Chicago and tin- middle- West is threatened with a new educational and housing problem was made- known by reports on the- arrival in Chicago af an unprecedented number of negroes from SOBthera cities. Ten thousand are now in the city, recent arrivals, and by August there will be 45. 0IKI D*W members of the- celeced eettleaeeat, so it is said. The negroes have been brought aorta by labor agencies to supply the decrease in labor ill large industries of the middle West. Despite assurances from Washington that the Algoiiiuiu sinking does not change the situation ill this country relative to war between United States and Germany, yet the F.ngli h press and ptoplc seem certain that eventualities will bring this country into armed conflict with Germany within ten days. Tin- silence in oflieial Washington is due. no doubt, to the railroad situation, as disposition of that matter is looked upon as of initial importance. The German emperor has ordered compulsory de-■ portations from Belgium discontinued lor the present, according to a Berlin dispatch to the- Ciiiteel States by way of Amsterdam. in addition the -m-peror has diree-ted the governor general of Be igium. as the result of a thorough investigation, to repatriate- imme-eliatc-ly all Bclgiums wrongly se-nt to Germany as unemployed. An official statement issued by the admiralty tonight says that during the- wo. k ending midnight. March 11. 707 nie-rchant ships of all nat ii-nalitii-s abeeve 100 tons net and exclusive- of fishing and coasting reseats, entered French ports. In the same period two French ships of over 1.500 tons gross were- sunk by submarines or mines. Ambass-wlor Gerard has advised the State- Department at Washington that Germany will sink all American ships she- can. and that BBC will not hesitate- to endanger lives of American etttteaa OB the seas. ,-rinany. s.. Mr. Gerard informed Secretary Lansing, will BOl hesitate- to go the limit to farther the outlined plan of submarine elestruetion.