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HAPPENINGS ON LOUISVILLE TRACKS. Big Livingston String Coming from Charleston Soon — Another Garner Lad to Ride. By Charles A. Bergin. Louisville. Ky.. March 15.- Bonis Taubcr. trainer of the second division of the stable of Jefferson Livingston, now at lalmetto Bark. Charleston. S. C has written to Col. Matt J. Winn, requesting that twenty five stalls be reserved at Churchill Downs for the horses iu his charge, which an- due to reach this city about the first of April. The greater part of the horses that lauber will bring here are two-year-olds that were imported from Kngland last summer by Mr. Livingston. The youngsters, which are richly -bred and highly prised, were quartered at Douglas Bark in this city last fall, where they commanded much favorable attention. At the outset of cold weather, they were shipped to the Charleston track to be wintered. Their trainer, in his communication, declares they have wintered well and will lie ready to race when the spring racing season rolls around. They have a numlier of stake engagements in Kentucky and later on at the eastern tracks. Geae Brad, in charge of the mutuol department on all the Kentucky tracks, is spending the off season in Louisville. He will remain here until it i-; time to proceed to Lexington for the spring meeting at that track. Mr. Klrod has had several communi-catioaa lately from Ld A. Tipton, president of the Kentucky Trottiag Horse Breeders Association, which practically confirms the report that the mil tuels will supersede the bi okmaki rs at the Lexington trotting meeting next fall. Mr. Tipton is anxious to secure Mr. Klrod as man.-igi r. but it is a question whether the latter could accept, as the trotting meeting conflicts with one of the Louis ille running meetings. Many Applications for Stalls. Although the meeting at Churchill Downs is almost two months in the future, applications for stabling room are pouring in from all sides. There are, at present, lose to three hundred hors s at the track, and it is evident that every stall will be taken long before the meeting opens. From Hot Springs c. w. Gaaeer sends in a renjaest for twelve stalls, while W. Hurley requires eight. Thomas Hodge is coming from Tijuana with I i belonging to. the Alameda stable, and from Havana W. B. Beed and J. M. Brown will come with five and six head, respectively. T. F. Gamer has arrived at the Downs from Centerville. Iowa, with Tootsie earner, a two ] ear-old filly, by Harrigan — High Dockets. He was accompanied by his son. Lambert, the youngest of the Gamer boys, who is going to follow in the footsteps of his older brothers and become a Jockey. He is a brother to Mack Garner, under contract to Corrigan and MeKinnoy; "Skeets and Gay Garner. Jarner. senior, will make the youngsters riding engagements at the local meetings. "Smiling" Benny Kleeg er has arrived from Havana and is now actively engaged in galloping the horses of Corrigan and McKinnney. his contract « niployors. Kleeger is still an apprentice, he having ridden his first winner. September 13 of last year, at Havre de Grace. He rode for Geae Waylaid at Havana this winter and left there with a record of having piloted thirty-nine winners in less than sixty days. He is a native of Brooklyn. N. Y., and can scale as low as ninety pounds.