untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1917-03-17

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" i ■ f I I / D IK r* T* PHlDII GOLDEN AGE OP PLUNGERS, and tlio ■■■By, along with other small mftfi Most Remarkable Race. If LI II f ICZllkl llll I lltC I VI which Davies ma Hi horse, tempted him to "Those who saw the big bay colt win the Fu- *,r"* linviHW ■ V/l*l»l gfa up Wirk ;|Hi T.lk. to haotaakfcag. That lie rarity have always referred to it as the most re- 1 — Some Anecdotes of Race-Track Betting on the Eng- was a success can be gleaned from tin- fact that marknble race they ever saw. The colt li.nl lwen PUBLISHED DAILY. .. . _ __ . _ . when he was thirty year- of agsj he was worth suffering from distemper and ten days before the __ hsh Turf in « Days Long Gone. sTOO 000. One of his biggest leases while in bnsi race it was a dollar to I doughnut that lie could DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. nrosoooot tEWtttf- andand*andand and«% ttSr%Sn££ S.00.0 ». hut that . lie i ll ed sin J .11 won . _., . In these davs when von hear of I man making f,.ltt.rs j,.,,, ,,,„„. soln,. r,.Inarkable things. ■ tew a bet of 0,000 on a horse race you arc apt to 000 on the ambrideslnre and esarewUdi. „f which were not according to Ilnyle. and when he 111 441 t.rV»nn™ PLYMOUTH o«n„ COURT nm„,nn CHICAGO, TTT ILL. »ne of the most peculiar in-.taii.es of plunging :: hl.mv V„Ir |l||]i!s ,„ surprise DUt ,,„.,.„ Wero s.„t Morcllo to the post for the Futurity with the 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y. times especially in connection with the English occurred once at Tattorsnlls to Fry. the 1 kmaker. voungster showing nlainlyth.it be was then sutTer- turf, "when each a w:iK,t would be considered mere A somewhat seedy- looking stranger presented him- lag from the ravages of distemper, the smart fel- box and asked lor the shook their beads and that Morell-. the prophesied self at price against 0111- lows ....ibls 11 iv and unworthy of notice aavs the Sun ? Official Organ 1 tf" pSlto? i£«r»tton nvE, »f" « "" «; *■?"■ ** -t 1-eing im,™, woaH " I choke and perhaps fall before the race w. Kentucky State RaCommission. »,i,-ht be characterized as the go,,,,,, y of the -it* the £**g££1Z. ?~JJ*U iSLTbe " "v Lowe, who started the race, said that o 0 Hungers, for a striae of bets h, on record for that • "" "«" cfh Let • »" "11 congbed a doM times while at the post. «o„ld have to ,n put u up . ...si, or , get .1 a refoien,.. ef n, period which completely dwarfs anything since or — Hj,]v M ri th1 V.t,.r:in i„.k.y who !lMd Entered as second-class matter, April 2. 1806. at £*«*■ **«* were the days of the Marnnta of J *»« I™ the a r; tag coo . took on • «"»»J tll. mount, offer said before his death that be cx- the post-office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of Hastings and the Duke of Hamilton, while somewhat Id wallet, and from it extra cted li Bank of I... ,„.,..,„, ,,, haV. to „nn tll. youngster up before half March 3 1S79 earlier were the Karl of Glasgow, the Maripiis of laud notes, each of !.... 0 »O. and laid them 111 fiont t,„. distaace was over. That sick giant, however. Kxeter, Leviathan Davies. Lord George i.entinck and " the bookaiaker. Fry was so surprised that be .,v;h good enough to toy with one of the best liehls several others Of this brigade of reckless plungers nearly fell off his chair. Common won. and the of two-year-olds out that year and. although many NeW York CitV Office, 1482 BrOadwaV undoubtedly the most remarkable character was shabby person sauntered back out of the crowd to of us had bets on other candidates, we threw up „,. n4 J the Marquis of Hastings, whose short life was one collect the equivalent of 275,000. Fry had to give our hats and cheered madly when the gallant colt ROOM 5**-— continuous romance of the maddest plunging. It aim an open cheek and a letter to his banker, as ...arched to the front in the last lurlong. General Representative, ED COLE. nnTV fa ,ijn ,,„ W;,s ,,„,.„ ,„ .r- the stranger n.flIS,.„ „, t.,l his name. V-t-u 1?. 1," T All dealers supplied from tins office. for „ ,, 1 t, r« n that , on without ■ .,,,„/", Vi f , ,,t t f t|. Hack numbers and monthlies supplied. . .. wager- ":is " 1,!,l" st f of l.io i.oniuls ,„ Is in „ the e s saddle. I I,. Moreno M. r 11, _.....„.. _„ For sale at all hotels and news-stands. "« „ . ,n „ V , , ,,B.,.,, BARGAIN YEARLINGS OF ..„_- OTHER t.*vo DAYS. mmti |l:lv, been steel and whalebeae, for be got no Whea he was about ,».»,- twenty five years of age and let-up that winter, but was raced at Xew Orleans at the heyday of his career he owned a crack two - .lh„„f - - in i,irs. fi,.s,, „j.ked and the on through the west, winding up the fol- BUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE, year old filly -amed Lady Elisabeth, and she was ,,., j" y ,,-s gone is rei-ited bv a veteran if the """- "*»*** ■ California." Fer Week .00 ninated fo 1 the big three year old fixtures. nl|[.f U-]JS [f .j m.iTi, racing at New Orleans "ltacland was another hundred dollar yearling." Per Month .i.00 For the first t ,v times she carried silk the filly w!li ".h „.,s saved from an untimely death and lived broke in a listener. "Joe lllnian. who is alsaoai a Half Year 15. 00 was fairlv suc -essful and the marquis thoueht hi ro prodoce a filly that proved a* sensation on the memory now as a plunger, was the lucky purchaser One Tear 30.00 saw in her a chance to retrieve his waning fortune. u].f, js i„.r. told in the old turfmans own words: " the big angular geld, ng by Billet, and if Joe had The above rates are for single copies as sealed The climax of her two-year old season came in the "The first and or.lv time that I ever saw her JJP* Lai-eland daring his entire racing o.incr and letters— first-class mail. Middle Park Plate. Then, as now, the race was was at the old Fair Orounds track at New Orleans. M on him exclusively, he woman t Have Hied BACK NUMBERS TEN CENTS ECH considered the two-year-old Derby trial. Lady She was a starter in a sprint at three quarters of a "rok. n nnanciallj . as rasas* Has it. Elizalwth was a splendid animal to the eye. and for mile one January afternoon and. while running in a Old Bor.cs His Nickname. If sent bv m-iil first-class onlv twelve cents sent oy man tnrst cuss oniy, rweive cents. . far . rossi,1, 1riminP„t position, she was carried into the fen e .., ikp Mmillo_ Ui1celand had a curb, and like " time he informed the :i" l Jer shoulder was torn feartully. As she stood jforelh of fettle, and at the same owner be was rejected because it. Old Hones Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send that she was a sure winner, and, acting on the trembling and bleeding, unable to walk, her owner w;|s njs „tc*»m», and be gained fame in the colors single copies as first-class mail in all cases. advice he backed her for the sum of S150.000. ult," rs V us v*s; i-moyei. the saddle and bridle f lUma„. the elder August Belmont and finally Local subscriptions-outside the down-town dis- Vs tu, ,„„.,,., we»t t„ ti„. post the owner of Lady «* 1",°V* LPgLJSFt JFand ?£" * ™** with I"v- I,r "l"m "« •* ■ and*•■*■ " «take« deClU,Cd at °l tirat-class mail Klizab,tll was rftttag with Maria Marchioness of ■■ Vf !*r toUmrihJ "JSS. !and" I thing I "1 purses, besides an untold s,un in wag,,-,, for the ™-,«"erWrite-!f matter rates. S unhandsome true steel and would V, ,1 £Si gelding was as as klUdnn In her enri-.ge and he witched -rC? • AH.sburj in her eaTrhlge, everv Don Kill i her. *.2L»,, „?S Iw. t e"5J27*JMri ,.„,, straight as a string under punishment; in move of the horse through a field glass. 1 he hoises "The Kentuckian who owned the mare wished ,-.,,. . ,,„ _TT"M ,,,..,,.1.. .. , ,,,;..„ ..,- „1.1.i,i„.rv ■,-, v«n A Daily Reflection of the American Turf by were a long way off. but early in the fray the the young fellow good luck and walked away. The J,;;, ",,,J f , tlie thorou-hbred r -nrks • 3 Telegraph. keen eye of the marquis saw that Lady Elizabeth best veterinarian in the Crescent City was consulted "Price eats no great figure for an untried per- — — — — had not the ghost of a chance, but. being one of the and a temporary house was made out of boards fotmet ■• remarked i bystander "The Dwyera used Editor and Proprietor F II Brunell ■*•* *»««*■, he never .mailed. Only as the horses only a hundred feet away from where the accident u llMv tremendous figures for the brothers and sis- Associate Editor. Clinton C. Itiley flashed past the post he was a trifle pale, but his oc.airre.l and lor two mon is the mare hung sas- t.rs ,f thpil. ..,, ll-rs,s ,Ut m,y , tin,1 „f |t BeeiCtai* Mrs F il Brunell moutli was set and liis eves glared. Then the mar- I111""1 in slings, sue touia rin.iuy wjik, uiu was w,1.n || M ,..asion they gave more than .sso.H0 chioness. noticing his pallor and being a woman of "shewasso " ™ well bred that she was valuable as *"* "l."* AV "f f nL!!"1 Z quick perception and at the same time resourceful. s"1*-16 s"kl candidate, in fact. 1 flunk they won a ,„.„,.„,. ,,TTx-,,,o „■„,.„ ,- ,„,- i,r„mi„,,r,. -nut her mm owner whose fither CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, MARCH li. 191,. offered the her betting book and asked him ofn.i.l on fe Slli,1K 2f2 wMb "f, tl,llr S"l11 5rfCkf marquis v ls an oltui.u or f tin he tr.u r, k K was was on tie xne lool loououi it ,S0"U,„ , ... to p.,,,.,,!.,,,. c.U.ulate how ...J. mm ,„„..,, h she she h-ol Had lost lost, He lie did did soma some ? f,,r ., chance to mate her with some of the fash- t+ among which was Joe Blackhurn. a brother to #___„ T ,,,-, i,„. n, the worst I ev, r uw 0 , figuring and. returning the book in the coolest and io„able sires of the thoroughbred region of Tennes- l , »!:„„ wnr ,,. h-i -i ni -1 dvli « In case answers to any information ads. in politest manner, informed her that she had lost see or Kentucky. One day a man who owned a t,viMg ,„ m ,ke hhn nil" this newspaper are followed by letters telling about SILT,. It was a most clever interruption, exe- good son of the English horse. St. Simon, came to •..,il |f th. flrgt ],,nons in tho thorou-hbr. 1 line of "killings" and "coups" over long shots, the cured for the purpose of distracting the thoughts of the course and while in conversation with the -ye|. s,rur.1 ,,v: anvbodv was King Thomas the big parties receiving them will confer a favor on the marquis for the time being from his disaster, lather of the young man who owned the mare the m.1th.r ,„ j..,-,, F1X for wsieh the late Senator Daily Racing Form by forwarding the letters he must youngster plucked up courage enough to say that and yet the marchioness only guessed that H » M •2o,080. King Thomas could run about to tnis office. | have had a heavy bet on the race. " bhwd lines of h,s mare vvo. Id match tho.e of , , , Ahhert Cooeers buggy horse and ,, the stallion of the Tennesseean. 0 a premier „i,,.„ when i,„ he u,,„fF,„,i shuffled .,r„„„.i around Sheepsbeai «i,u.,.a,o„i 1 Bay «.,,- ;„ in t.... the Won 00,000 When Hermit Won the Derby. - " -- » T Orranaclaugnter _r ot gr, Hermit. _ilt mornings, old Albert would shake his head and In her three-year-old year Lady Elizabeth gave • fpw gmstfcma developed the fact that the mumble something about foolish jteople with more TELEGRAPHIC FOR3I. promise that she aright land the Derby, for in her „ ,lre was a granddaughter of the great English money than horse sense. About all that King early spring races she showed high-class form. Her ;M,rse. Hermit, and an invitation was extended to Thomas had to recommend him at any time was most dangerous opponent was Hermit, which be s,.n,| the crippled mare to Tennessee. A year later bulk, and you can have too much of that when it The horses which seem best in Saturdays races longed to a wealthy man named Cha.ilin. who was c very handsome chestnut filly walked by the comes to tarrying it a mile and a quarter, or even are: at the time engaged to marry the Marchioness of matrons side. She was perfect in contour and was ta some of the great three-year-old prizes like the Oaklawn Park— Hot Springs. Ark.. March 1G. Aibsbury. This state of affairs involved a romance considered one of the choicest weanlings on the Realization Stakes.- 1 — Joe D Ithvmer Ladv Mildred — the marchioness was madly in love with the Ilat:;, ... , . , , , Proctor Knott Overlooked. 2-Sosi„s. Lady Ward. Stonehenge. Marquis of Hastir.gs. and it was an open secret __?1 « f *2? Z£J?TZ!tol£JlZand "Y"" ■" overlook, ,1 a pretty good hundred-dollar 3— KILTFR. Alex Getz. Miss Kruter. that he had the highest regard for her. However. 2J0hbtveWrced |j? «,£ country for the llo s " "" v"" ,1i,illt «•"" P«oet©r Knott." -poke 4— Hanovia. Bob Henslev. Bedtime Stories. the Derby came around and some enormous betting thirty years came to New Orleans on l yearly ■" ;l Lcntuckian. "I remembah the day Sam Kry- 5— Billie Baker. First Star. Kilday. was recorded. The marquis took one last chance pilgrimage. " The young chap obtained an iutroduc- ;ut m«* -v"u •£ 2l, ll1" il "ep-liead Hay. «— LitUe String, Jack Reeves, Tureo. ••""I ■« hacked Lady Elizabeth to the amount of tion to tiiis man and told him about the mare and *ou r W7 s" -, sl k. w w."on. .ol" .S:lm J11",1,"1 *" J. L. Dcmpsey. 3,000. but he was doomed once more to disap- foal he had in Tennessee. Would he see them? A ftteflf£S2fi, "llL,™ J*? ti Fat, r t v" wis pointment. for Hermit won the much-coveted race few minutes conversation brought an offer of . MM , ,. , V , ., «? i? Observers Hot Springs Handicap. and liis owner gathered in the handsome sum of for the pair provided the millionaires stud groom " •" f „ ". ™ " j"1 wo™* tlK™;ht a.viL. - ,.,". ,.,, . M.FT... for you .xew lorker-. who thought Salvator w-f»h- was t!ie ,,,„ ,,,„, », ,• ,i ..f 1— Joe D., Hazelnut. Lady Mihlred. Spectre. 00,000. which is probably the biggest t amount approved ,..,„„.., of them. classiest boss cut that yeah 2-Sosius. Lady Ward. Quiz. Willdo. ever won by one man over the race. The Marchion- JjrtrerM £**£ Lerib- ttat »rnoo- ..„.. "J u,Unecock on the back of Sams 2~ ulrVJf "o FXKv" HS Krl£"r • AleXt,Get 7 nZ * nd"n ried htaaiid TSrnl - ZZfS* to* » SSJSS* «S **£ -- ***** -. f- when PK*j Harnes, 4 — BOH HENSLL1, Bedtime « Stories, Hanovia. wv tll m.uquis and mairied him and shared sonu t f n j , ... „rollfi when he Docketed the the best little niggah ridah in Kentucky, put it on Fleetahelle. of the misfortunes which befell him later on. S fw tlwhkiS thl »«1 Salvator and Isaac Murphy. Murphy, of oohse. was 5— Billie Baker, Kilday, Transport, Thanksgiv- Over this same race of Hermit there was a still "You all know that the Astoria Stakes at Graves- B Kaintucky niggah. too. but while he was a lining, more tragic episode. William, the third Duke of pnj is om. *f tn. slortiest events of the year. It ished ridah and a great judge of pace he couldnt 0— Little String, Jack Reeves, Turco, Jessie Hamilton, being the chief actor. People went mad js :l sp,..jal stake tor two-vear-old fillies and be- finish like Iikey. and we all got the money. Louise. »ver the chances of Hermit, and especially when it sides the monev value there is a handsome piece of « made Sam Bryant spruce up. an perhaps he was reported that he had burst a blood vessel. All plate for the owner of the winner, who gives a din- *««« l siniy class fol, some time round Lexington. sorts of bets were laid against him and the wildest nor to the other subscribers and some f rit nds. It is I ol!l old Sam. he was fond ot bosses u he was The horses which seem best in Saturdays races sort of plunging was done over what he might do modeled on the lines of the famous Gimcraok Stakes game to the last, going to the race track to see tin-are: «*« "hen the doctors told him he «M iu the race. His trainer was the famous Captain at York, and I think there is scarcely a man who m.ght on Oriental Park-Havana. Cuba. March 16. Machell. the keenest judge of horses, and of course. "TELr* SkS nonnZ!!! TheS *» a light in the Kentu-kians eyes as he _ 1-Protagoras. Palm Leaf, Marigold. he knew whether the bursting of the blood vessel i * » on t -m . wj fon ot iiikh ni ,i mom. lit finisilel which meant much. It told more eloqu, , . I ih than the mere w ot the olat. or mom . 2— SABLE. Flecha Negra. Magnetina. affected the bonef chances. One night abort inning j than words that iu his opinion Hryant had risked*" a — Cuddle Up, Immense, Polonium. ■ couple of weeks before the race Machell walked Astoria Stak.es at Her Mercy. i,js life in a good cause and that there are few 4— Seminole. Dancing Star. Dr. Cann. »to Longs Hotel, where there was some brisk "This was esoeciallv true of the millionaire who better things than a struggle between thoroughbreds g — Colors, If Coming, iann. betting going on. No matter what size bet a man bought the crippled granddaughter of Hermit and trained to the hour when they meet in a fair field 6 — Royal Tea, Divan, Molly O. wanted to make ho could always find a taker at her filly. The "season at Gravesead was yet young with no favor. — New York Sun. T. K. Lynch. Longs, for it was a plungers resort. that season when it was rumored that the race lor On this occasion they were laying lit to 1 against the Astoria Stakes was at the mercy of a certain Observers Havana Handicap. Hermit and before he was long in the house Machell chestnut filly in the stable of a western owner, and GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. 1-Gino. Palm Leaf. Lost Fortune. Stonybrook. ha« covered bets which would bring him 25,000. xvhl" *" *W ,m •"liLSEJL !"" *£.!- Mi " 2— SABLE. Oakwood Boy. Flecha Negra, Cherry He put up his money so freely that a few of the •"";" "" l . L "l ! ; ,, rV f Iii W Oiasji Duke Nicholas. i,l„l of the Bassiaa army Belle. wiser division began to think the trainer had a good PJ» *wT5? fair haired giri arte, whom *** ranked as Russias master strategist, looms as »— Bonnie Tess. Cuddle Cp. Onar. Immense. thing, knowing, of course, what Hermit could do, t,. Jstoria candidate had been named It was only the big military figure of the hour m Russia. 1 he 4— San Jon. Dancing Star, Otero. Altamaha. s naturally after a little while there came a lull ;1 gallop for the handsome youngsti r. whose mothers relinquishment of the throne by Niehol-s n. anto- 5 — Ethan Allen. Colors. Gano. If Coming. il the anxiety to lay odds against Hermit. Then |j... h.1| |„..n saved by the Louisiana boy. and she matically derived him of his ran:; as comaiander 6— Royal Tea, Hapenny, Granada, Page White. it was Macliells turn to create a surprise, and he We:it right along nicking sp other stake races until in chief of the Bassiaa armies. The heir to the did it when in a loud voice he announced that he j„ the autumn upward of 0,000 had been placed to throne is a child, and Grand Duke Michael, named stood ready to take 00,000 to ,000 about the her credit. as regent, while a soldier of route, is not of ■,„„ The horses which seem best in Saturdays races horse and in a very short time the money wa- "She broke down before she was a three year old manding military experience. Grand Duke Nicholas are: coveted. Just at that moment in walked the Duke and was sent to the Kentucky stud of her owner. js ..,,,,,,,..1 to have arrived "at the capital and the Tijuana, Mex., March M. »f Hamilton and he was immediately told about the where she remained until his death He willed her ,r„n.,-,,iiit v is that be will take command of the betting and he was aflame in a minute for a » M« »«£ *£, who intern tired .fwdaj and sold gwgian 1-Zenotek. Knight of Pythias. .Tnanita Fredrick, troops. Of the complete saccess of the rev- •1— LADY KATIIEKN. Cru.es. Police ,le Leon. plunge, but when a few of his retainers who were • 1 •■1 ..,■.., f ,,,, is her best ,,.•,, In. ••• t", olutionarv movement there seems no doubt. What 3-Loftus. Diadi. Blue Cap. there wanted to give him the exact figures be j; s is : "vonng mare yet and great things reports have bee,, received ..on. the army a. the 4— Bigtodo. Col. Marehmont. Clicks. waved them aside, saying that the sums were not ,m, jn sl.i fl. |il: 11, 1U|t/. front indicate that the military, with the exception .r -Concha. Delaney, Visible. worth talking about. •Fortune plays some funny pranks in racing," of reactionaries among the officers, is backing the i — Lackroso, Prince S., Ann Tilly. An Extraordinary Wager Declared OiF. interjected another racing man. "There are cases new government. The Sanaa, the chief factor in L. Wing. .f ,, iiwt-mt he w-ilked * over to where every year ol tnifmeu with large breeding establish - shaping the new regime and the Zemstvo Council , ,. TM.rifl slindii draXin ments selling yearlings from their farms which give are reported co-ooerating successfully ia straight „.. „ Pantsia » was and himself Observers Tijuana Handicap. ■ I-- M; Hit ,; 1 ". sound beatings to the best that are retained eningout the various tangles which have resulted 1-Thistle Belle of Clara "» *° £"£* HenntttatW "The i»«tanccs of supposedly nnfashionably bred Knight Pythias, W., oncV . fl,„:l ,,„. lnoni,.llt,lls ,.|;a„ge in government control. • --M" against lit unit — that n would do no so so on, . voungsters that have sold cheaply turning out world- . ?,„„. Cnnln-i A » " •»«• ,„., » - ,„„..,.,, ,„,:.■ poht,. .,1 ,i amnesty t,- is ; ,...,„., reported t. ,i ■••,« twi "- tl"•,•,■ ,i"", f,n,r ti,,us five *■" " s,x beaters is long. Take the case of the crack til.y. K«" •• -l I i I 1,S Ion,,. ,ie I,™ Mat, M.tehos Miss Miss Ponce de Leon, lies, by the Russian minister ot - Pn parat.on new jus- im.s it was as if a thunderbolt had fallen, ami Bound the World. She cost an even hundred dollars ". „ it»MToi • then everyone present lookid toward Mach.ll and. a little more than a year ago and she has won up- tice. r !•• i i i , , u 1 , !°, u l.iddy. i.en gnince. Commaur- ,lft,r ; ft.u. Mg„PBte- paase, be quietly but firmly ward of 5,000 in stakes and purses. Rejection of General Carr.-mzas pronosal to place 4-Bigtodo, tol. Marehmont. Camellia. illlornl,.i 1]l. ,,uk. that he would take the full Hundred -Dollar Yearling. an embargo on suoolies to the allies h ,s been made - ril V; .;„.„ t„l„ t„. , WtMaa. amonat— ttat is. SiKMl.OOO to .0,000. The end of .. _ . . i,,,,,,,.,, .i,,,,.... ! .- that be !,v " Cnited States government. A note was sent £S.%m3£it Trout Fly. £«%£» »" « ZAm** ". ZSTZSFVt STSySf «nr * Cj™- by the state department and is expected nig the duke offered a nice sum to have the bet ,.v,.r saw a better race horse than this big son of to reach arransa by Monday. At the tune of the canceled, but Machell refused. Next day. however, nhm. Be was a raw-boned, rakish fellow when be proposal being made known to the tnited States ■mrTTVT-a i»ri.iV£.xt T 1 ia tj-pct iJiSl tivt 1JN ■rimraarai UAJMAKli T,-»uTiir iiAauitar. at " 1",k ;1 different view of the situation, for he was led into the sales ring as a yearling, and the government, British sailors were landed to guard declared the bet off altogether. fact that he was bred in Virginia was probably the the oil interests in Mexico from which the British A generation earlier George, fourth earl of Glas- reason young Doswell of that state bid on the colt. nT]r draws a large part of its supply. The pro-Runs Three -Quarters in IM% To Eeat Gladiola g«W, flourished, and though he was a notorious "* *«* "r?,1,I™bI£5g J_t*r: 1"--"1 ■ ■» • * " "1"" as a blow at allied interest- plunger, he was the worst kind of a loser and a lm . and when the joung i iginian who v.ts . in t]u. w;lr .„„, ,,.1 about the same time as and Tokay— Laura Miller Disappoints. testy sort of a sportsman at the best. He did some .TCkiioMh to offe-° some DeVmTlauahed PPOM8 »l: 1« »y foreign minister Zimrarr.. ami of heavy betting oyer the St. Leger in ISL4 and after j,, " lla11,is . The colt had a big curb and Germany in relation to an track upon this govern- " h*1*** "» llls • "»ts »«MO that he was a but this ugly duck- mer.t. was regarded with suspicion, Tiio.,,e, Al,.v Af,r,l, Id Pill,., .Imj.1 b,ek generally anprepossesafalg; mc I ii7 ml r-, I m lie this Wi"""r l" "" "!*?? V **:** nt V fL became • swan !,11 rightf when he appeared President Wilson made his first move to prevent to 1 1st an r u x p IslV when he aid long odds I nt, MM over the Derby m the following spring at Washington he was in a the threatened, railway strike after the cabinet » aft t i noon T, 1 he fillj il r ran the thre, quart, a is s n There told with against the winner. Mameluke. is a story dass by himself and won his first two races m,otill„ Frhp.v The president had canceled UO% and was easily best at the finish. G ad.ola „f L„,, QhMgaw having jumped up on the table at such ease that the attention of the smartest horse- "I :,.! ■„„,,, a lei , ts f re o on g set the ear y pace displayiiiB great speed but t, staI 11 ttl r,on.aster. the night before the men at the track Was challenged. r mi il n,J t """ ,, " " .s •Nl N™ " Y, 1 " " tl s tired when challenged and barely saved second place gt »««•„ cf 182S and otfertaK 25 to 1 aaainst a.., nisi Bra- j .„ "The late William M. gingerly, a Philadelphia V , s," , , for . u! ," 1 , he from the f-,st cominc- lok-iv b . ,,"",, .,,..,.,,..,,..... ,,,.,,, ...._ t.il.l -ilwiiif the of Fobis denly summoned the members late Friday. lrom u*e rast-comtag loaay. n, wspap, i man, was toM about tin son son ol i.oius John big tandorf in thousands. Gully getting a • ■-::,=, A fall in the third race resulted without any _„„, ,,f th„ ,„,,,„ .„. th„ - - by Irank A an Ness, than whom there was not a impn ; nmou prevails n in OHiciai circles tlr tint th; tin Presi serious accident. Bag and Category got into a V ,"",., ... , ,. more shrewd observer on the running or trotting dent before going further will appeal to both tangle at- the eighth nost and tliouah the horses h,m •Vl-;irs latr Ij"ld Gto**wW and Lord George tlll.f Th. ,.,,,, jonB B McDonald was another smart railroad- and men not to plunge the country into fell -.mi thew- their ri.lers thebovs *ot ,„, imine- .eutinek were constant opponents in the plunging turfmen who regarded Morcllo as a potential chant- a railway strike at this critical juncture of in- .H.tei" ,,,1 vv.re Vo. Ii,R- "Whenever the least opportunity arose they pi,,,,, and it was a race between them to see who ternational affairs. their f.11 U, -o t oi.itd... none tin W«CS« wt TiKiri.ui " • " v ■ vvagered each other. Lord Bentinck had a should him. McDonald sent man the against buy a Jo cose „p from the start forged to the front ia the . ,| ,mt f|1]n1 tlut V;|n pay Sfm A , ,,,„,,=„„ battalion f,f of t,,„ tie i-nit01 I n.tod St., st.,tf,s es r. icgul.i ,.„l „• f» i„f,„t,v stretch and easily held Itulucon II and Delaney ln J "rt" Ku" "lH ta 1h1 ,h" forestalled him few minutes. ," st;lt;m", ", ■««« the race be strolled Into Cockfords to had by a , safe, going away at OH end. allaha led all the * , ,■ ,v ,gers Cock fo, l" was in St limes "It was :l big tarn for young Doswell. He had Panama anal zone at once, it was r -ported ia way to account for the second race, while Billy m**f „dn thW* days was the «r-i ft haunt of won two good races with a coll that cost him 00 "l ial circles Friday. Nestlehouse won the first for two year o his. with .. ..,,:.,„,...„ ™ t ,.r1 ,;..,sgow who haooened to be "".v un "..nths before and had then disposed of CokmeJ Koo-evelt refuses to divulge the where- Laura Miller in second place and Ike Mills third fT* willi to lay Pumm. pounds- hoegjen WemUhed Mlelh,1 *4£and marks Bb°nta "r t!"- ;tl»" "f ** trl" "* ": Th" ofVZ-r filt a"" lr0Si,er°S BabV something like $«0.000-*t odds of 3 to 1 against SeT them? rirTigwlrlrd I"1"""1 ." to ;lU,lit lle "» «° ll"vil fl-"",» out OUt of the flrst rdte" » ""*■ Gaper. The size of the bet staggered Lord Ben- Mordlo for what was a most sensational career. thick and for once in his life he had to take water PONS TWO-YEAR-OLDS TO BE SOLD. by admitting that the sum was a little larger than — OAKLAWN PARK FORM CHART. r..|. .I,, Kv M-,rch 1u— Seven two veir-olds The second Marquis of Kxeter was another of the HOT SPRINGS. ARK FRIDAY. MARCH 16, 1917,-Oaklawn Park. Ninth day. Bashsew Mens League. v est big turfmen who liked to do son.,- plunging oca- of Fru.cK I N ■ . -j» tl, s proper proper oi tin stat. ,e or rrancu a. i on wert ere of Weather JO Baring Meeting days. cloudy. todav consigned to the Kentucky Sales Company to Monauy, ana ■»« n » me „.hm oft-hand oh nn manner m.u..,i,. 1 ; — . ,_ — j — — , be sold here Tuesday Mav S The youngsters now One day at Newmarket he walked up to the betting Presiding Judge, rrancis Nelson. Associate Judge. J. B. Campbell. Starter, A. B. Dade. Lacing are in training at Louisville by Walter Brannon, ri»« i""1 ;lsk,,,i f,,r Mr- I :,vi-s- f1 I11,-lllf I,l:tl,UL ggggjgg; ■■ "•-1it»lJii 1l: . who sav- thev will 1 . ready to race at the Ken- Davies. a bookmaker, who at the time handled the Racing -tarts at 2;30 ... ni._ Chicago time L:30 p. m.l. Indicates apprentice allowance. tacky Association meeting." They were bred by biggest bets on th,- turf and was well-known to all »j TS g« - "j F"iUST RACE— d Mile. April 12, 1900— 1:12%— 5— llgT Purse 00. Lyear- Pons at Bluegrass Farm. Madison. T, „.,.. where the noblemen. Gn Daies making his appearance Q X t olds and upward. Colts. Hor-es and Geldings. Claiming. Net value to winner Kxeter asked him Low much he would lay against breeding operations at the farm are to be con- slo1. v, .,,„, s,;.v thirl 185 tinned under the MiMtfni, at of li Platte so„-iii- his horse, which happened to be running ill one ot : . _i- : — : , law of " ff-ased tmtman r.dfowing is the Ust 0« .ace. Davies told his lordship 0,000 to I*de« Horses ANtS, -4 ■,_Str_Fin_.lo,kev:s Q_H C P 8_ of the two rear-olds 5,000, and the figures being satisfactory, the StlOlSOSILS wflU o 4! 4U l3 1* W rump J Livingston * 0-5 % W 4-8 M .. UTfc* t ,,v .,.,,.,.. nnania ■ ■■ Colins bo., kmaker was told to jot them down, after which 31550 UNCUS JIMMIE w C lis I » V » l V Murphy G M George in U 12 B 2] 4 / r li l. BmTro Kxeter strolled away to the paddock. J2 105 PROGRESSIVE WS 7 121 I »l « H » T McTautT Francs ;; 4 B-67-6 « Irish Idol. ch. f f by hv T, lon „ B.m, ro-.r.„ C, e e M, Me _ . , _ ,., 77T; au-fc— v— 8* 14»* •CIRCULATE v.stlia I Ek i .v 4 N Barrett O* Mean Pros 15 It SI I 4 Judge Wright IL, b. c, by Judge aj right— Dolly __..„ Leviathan Davies Peculiar Advent as ac Bookmaker. ;v,00,Ri BRAZOS a Ml:: t TJ n 7" :,- w Roag A G Woodman 20 21 IS I I Bultman. The advent of Davies u a bookmaker occurred 32100 PONTEFRACT wn S lis 10 in !ll S1 «- J AVilliams.J M Booker 6 H fi 2 1 Lady Luxury, b. f, by Tony Bonero— Lady Mciee. j,, .t moat peculiar wav. He was a carpenter by StOMED LUCE W 6 lit: 1 ti1 3k 4.. 7- Q ScberrerQuinlan A Higel 6 7 0 2 1 Miss Wright, b. f. by Judge Wright— Abrasion. ,,..„,,, .,,„, nhvn , yoamg man was sent to New- 32015 VAX BORN W S 11$ 7 ■ 7» 9- S C Gilbert K W Fox K 20 20 S 4 Oriental Girl. b. f. by Tony Bonero— May Orsini. marKet to do some work around the BtaMes There ! " r ; •» PLANTAGENET wn 8 112 2 1" Il « »■ D Wolmff T B Waters »1 40 4i U ti Prince Bonero. b. c-bv Tony Bonero-Lillian K. w., ., ,n,.,.tilu; under w y and on the advice of -"-IIS CARONDOLJBT we. 10112 S sln Ifl p, .1 HanoverCook .V Stearns 15 21 15 ti :: Chn.nnau ... V Camden of the S, .„. iUctag .,;.,, s,.,,,,- KtaM* hands he made a few «««11 b. ,, „„,. „ Time, 2*3 ,. to* 1:17 % Track .iniddy Spreckels. m.ssiou. has returned to l„s l, ,„.■ ,, . ford arere Mice... „1 Another a«|iiaintance whieh I, Wrs* to post at 2:30. At |iortt 1 mirnite. Btart good ami slow. Won eaaily; second and third driT- County, saying that he feels that he has i»e.i re- made ar id the stable a,lise,i uin to had. favored the soft going drew j SOSI.S was by and. following the leaders riosely to the stretch, out stored to health. Attila for the Derby ol the following year. At t|1i., ,,, wiB i:! ., ,,,,,1,,.. xcLE JIMMIE showed a good order of speed and -laved well in the final Chairman Johnson N. Camden today called a that tune the horse was not even meat 1011, .1 tor the | drive. PRtKJKESSIVE closed a bis rap and finished fast. Tltti 1.A1K and lilt BBAZOS ran Well, meeting of the Stat- Lacing Commission to be held classic, and in the winter books Davies got 100 !o j lLA NIAi . KM. I showed apeed, but quit att r setting the pace to the stretch, here next Tuesday morning at 11 oclock. 1 against the 1917.sh which he invested. AttUa won, Bcratched-2JS107 Heir Apparent, 110; 3"_HM Capt. Ben, IIS.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917031701/drf1917031701_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1917031701_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800