Edward M Leans Stable: To Begin a Campaign on New York Tracks with String of Thirty-One., Daily Racing Form, 1917-03-22


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EDWARD MLEAFS STABLE TO BEGIN A CAMPAIGN ON NEW YORK TRACKS WITH STRING OF THIRTY-ONE. Majority Are Steeplechasers and Two-Year-Olds Which Should Fare Well Under Skillful Management of Trainer Eugene Leigh. By F.rl Colo. N v Yuri;. Match 21. -Edward E. McLean will start flic racing mini with ■ stable of thirty-one horses, tin- smajority of which are slnpRchasiis and two-year-olds. Mr. Ml Lean is on.- of tin- latest sg recruit* :in.l is evidently in earnest in his proceedings. Not only has be bought as peed bora ■ as he could pi KM WC, lint he has surround "d himself with the most competent hel|t obtainable, having i spaced Bag i e Leigh as manager, Henry Craven, trainer and Fred Williams as rarer of the steeplechase rs. At present he has no rider under contract far his fiat racers. Among his jumpers it will be noticed that he lias several that have done good duly on the flat. Mr. Leighs Preach experience with cross -conn try horses in nance will no doubt bear fruit here. While in Prance he sent some rare good horses to the JMist. In fact, it is assorted he hail the best stable of Steepler a Hiiem in that country. As a pilot, there are few better than Fred Williams, if as good, and Mr. ravens r -putation -as a trainer is in turf history. The stable is being trained in Washington ami. as the weather has been acceptable, training operations have gone on through the winter months with regularity. Hence many of ther.i will he ready to race at the begktafaag of the steeplechase season in Maryland. A few of the two-year-olds are a little backward, but it is believed they will be ready for the opening of the New York tracks. The following is a complete list of the horses whi h will 1 c in Mr. McLeans colors this year: Three -Year-Olds and Upward. pV Bonnie Laddie, b. g. «;. by Doraati — Maid of the order. Distant Shore, ch. g, .1. by Yankee -Lady Schorr Ilorerls. b. ;;. 5, by Dflrunte — Crisscross. Kxton. b. z. 7. by Father-les* — Kliza Kussell. Fairweu ther. ch. g, 4, by Fair Ilay — Souriante. Fencer, b. g. 3. by Golden Maxim — Nancy D. I* igitive. ch. g. 5, by Sir Wilfred — Tio.jnna. Taker, b. g, 7, by Rryn Mawr — Prostidigiatrico. bidden River, b. m. 8. by Ardington — Rubrique. •liminy Roy, b. g. 5, bv Goodrich--Judith Camp-t. 11. Mllc. Maxim, b. m, 5. by Golden Maxim — Ko-iii ill Mail Pandean, br. g. ."i. by Peter Fan — Midge. Shyi.ess. ch. at, 5. by His Majesty — Mrs. K. Suiidnnii II.. b. g, 0, by Rroomstick — Sandrin. Sun King. b. g. 0. by Fair Ilay — Soiiveraine. Two -Year -Old Colts. Rijnzet, br. g. by lldrim — Skirts. Kttahe, br. c, by Lovctie — Indian Lass. Japhcr. br. c. by I.ovetie — Maidie. King of the Wind. ch. c. by Kingship — Blew. Rubber 1!.. br. c, by Yankei — Caouthouc. Scotch Woodcock, br. c, by Loveti — Hot Bird. Two-Year-Old Fillies. Calais, br. f. by I.oveth — La France. doss Dales, ch. 1, hy Ormondale — Ophirdale. Do»a of Peace, b. f, by Lovetfc — Rirdforth. Dusk? Moon. blk. f. by lldrim — Phyllis A. Fickle Fancy, b. f. hy I.ovetie — Fifi. ireat Heiress, ch. f, hy Superman — Wealth. Half Measure, br. f. by lldrim— Mutchkin very dark. Rose Meatli. eh. f. by Armcnth II.— Miss Rose. Tolerance, br. f. by lldrim sufferance. White Tuft, ch. f. by Anneath II. — Sotemia. Among these turf babes are a half-brother to Armament, a brother to Fuzzy Wnzs.v. a half-sister to Fairy Legend, a half-sister to Ida Claire and Welga. and a half-sister to Friar Nought. Some of Hie alder horses were purchased from L. W. Garth, Mr. McLeans former trainer: some from W. P. Spurgeon. ami sosae from .1. I. Tslhstt

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917032201/drf1917032201_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1917032201_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800