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fr f ALL SET FOR THE DECISION OF THE KENTUCKY DERBY AT CHURCHILL DOWNS TOMORROW I JL, -T. ; lamia I MM, Ky., May M. Derby Day. which has come to be regarded as Keatackya greatest outdoor fete, will differ tl is year from those „r the past, in that it will he marki d by a number of patriotic features, in perfect keepieg with the spirit af the times. A. . Stanley, govcraor of the state, has accepted an invitatio.i to deliver an address on patriot ban in froal of the - aadstaad at 1 oclock. CoL Colston, commaadiag tiio First Keatacky Begiaaeat, the oiTieers ami their command . together with the rcgimeatal band, "ill be en haad. Prior to the first race the bead vill reader the Star Bpaagtod Banner, simaltaaeously with tie aafarliag of an immense American Hag on the sevcaty-flve foot pole in the ceater fi id. The words of the aatioaal anthem will b priated on tic- days eaTiclal ara-gram and the big crowd will join in the rheraa. Everythiag at t li - course is in a ceoani te stat--of lu-eparat ion. and not a siagle detail has been overlooked. The club house, graadstaad and other buildiaga have beea thoroughly reaovatcd aad freshly painted, while the giuauds are decked out witii an abuadaacc of feraa ami flowers. The society elemeat wti be pretty will reprc- selltei! ill the |ab louse by prominent pi ople from all over the country. Local railroad ageata report special trains lamliif from New Tack, Philadelphia, Chicago aad St. Louis. Large parties are also com ii:j: from other bi£ centers of population. Practically every room in the local hotel-; baa been reserved for Derby Bay ami th" Butter of takiag care of the immense infl w of visitors is b coming a problem. Col. Matt Winn is Hgarfasg oa an attendaiice in .■xc-ss ,,f 40.000 ia the graadstaad -closure, while ] .• thiiiks 10,000 more will view the race from the center field, which from time immemorial has been free to the public on Derby Day. Da th event of the great contest, trainers of probable starters are rushing forward their preparation and today witnessed a number of final tryoata for the conflict. These included three of the Macaaaher eii:_;hi"s. War Star, Berth star III.. and Btargaaer; Andrew Millers Ticket; J. w. .-- loirs Cadgel; F. J. Nolans Top ,, the Wave. Middhton and Joins Day Fortane: Jcimson and Hillings Omar Khayyam: J. S. Wards I.erlin: 11. II. Hewltta Skeptie and Harry Payae Whitneys Rickety. After the trials each traiaer exaresaed himself us being satisfied that his charge waa ready for the bagbe all. At linn hill BoBWfl Rickety showed the best performance whea he was sent for the full Derby route, running ii the foUowiag fi ctions: 24, 48, l:iil. 1:13%, 1:40, 2K». Traiaer Bowc waa weB pleased iil i1- trial although he would eel make any claims tor the eott. T A. K. Maeoniber arrived from California. arCQM pawled by I". N. Wcscott in time to witness th" final trials of War Star. North Star 111. and Star gaaer, the trio that be has selected to represeat aha in the Derby. The colts bcgaa tig- ther from the three quarters post and worked a mile aad a quarter, with Btargaaer in the vaa at all times. Ilis time was 1:48% far .he mile, the final thwe being LMs. Nothing aeaaathaaal waa attempted, traiaer Jennings directing that the oils not be Slurried too much. The three arc fit ami read] aad their owner is roof idea I in the ability of one of ;liii io pull down the rich ■takes lie said he regretted the mfarimo to North star ML. whea th;. crack eott was kicked by a staMomntc as th y were lined up for their last previous work at. The colt still bears the mark on his rignt front leg. Mr. Maeoniber stated that it was fortunate the injury not inflicted a little higher up. if it hail been, the call could not have started in the Derby. Cudgel aad Top o* the Wave were bath seat a mile and a quarter, the former lianaing iiii 2:11%. and the hitler 2:lg%. Ticket "us given a si w mile in 1 : is. Omar Khayyam was given a ■Ultorl oils work -out shortly after his arrival from Lex iagtou and covered a mile in good time. At Douglas Park BkeptiC and Berlin were given their final gallops over the full Derby rente. Prom ace scat indications the Derby field will line up as follows: Horse. Jockey. North Star III J. U.ftus War Star M. Baztoa Btargaaer W. damp Biekety P. Bobiaaoa Picket I. McTaggart •mar Khayyam I. Borel Atwidl L. Lykes Maaaater To! F. Keogh Cadge] F. Murpliy Berlin II. Stearns Top o the Wave W. Doyle Skeptic Ilidecided Aeabado . Schuttinger Greta Jones It. lliiiiso Midway Indeciiled Day Fortune I. Connolly Westy Hagaa K. famiHhi A. K. Maceaaher signified his lab athm of starting both Dick Williams and Dodge in the special lace at one mile and a sixteeath to be run Derby Day. II was framed to bring the best of the Icindi- rap d vision together. Old Rosebud and aVaaaaer are n garded as sure starters. colon, i eiinie. Hedge and ahahruMiiy are also expected to g...