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t ~ " " + GREEN GOLD FIRST IN THE SUFFOLK STAKES— PLAN TO AID ENGLISH BREEDERS WITH FEED FOR HORSES i Jamaica. X. V., May 21. At least 3,999 watehed Greea GaM win tic- Suffolk BeBiaaj ■takes, the feataa f todays card at .lam.-ica. The day ..;s everything that could be desired and the track exceedingly fast. There was aadta a jumble at the ■tart of the Suffolk Stakes, owing to the green, - of aaaay of the two year-oada hereabouts, one or two horses begaa badly, interfering with each other. After the tangle had been unraveled. DaWB tar, Woodthrash and Stella Mia were eoaaph tety out of the running, while the others were well bunched. It i I was anybodys race until iu the last eighth, where] ; Greea Cold showed a distinct lead aad waa gotoe; fastest. McTamrart, oa Irish Kis*. aaade a stiong effort to oatatride the little apprentice Tratoe, but the alter had a shade the best horse and WCB geiii-away under a vigorous ride. Todays decision of the Suffolk St::kes was the eleventh and its history in modified form is here shown: Year. Winner. Wt Jockey. V.d. Time. 1991 Nlacpia 109 Ballawr .. .,580 :33 1991 Waterside 107 ONeill 1,590 :50 1995 Bpecial Uceaae... 97 M Daniel .. 1,379 :54*U 1900 Til dug ! 7 V. Towers . 1,470 1:02% 1907 Kustle 99 Swain 1,540 1:01% ■908 Trance .109 Musgrave. . . 1,525 1:00% 1919 Ladasetta 94 O. Garaer.. 075 ::.;-. 1913 Anyiime 1|~ J. BatwelL. 675 1:13% 1915 Perarack 109 B. Dugan... 673 1:08 1916 straight Porward.109 J. McTast. 1.009 1:01% 1917 Greea Cold lot; it. Trotae... 1,090 1:01 No raciac In 1911 and 1912. Distance ; 1-2 far-hMapa in 1903, 1904, 1906 aad 1910; ." l-J furlongs in 1915; :: ! atitc la 1913. Baa at Aqaedact in I 1919 ami at l.ilmont Iark in 1913. Not run ia 1998 and 1914. Mars i ii!y raaaplalaa aboat the greenness of many •• the yoaager haraea in thai aectiaa and their insiiiTicieul achooUaB. Aacaal Belataat is Brack in favor of aiding the breeders of horses in de-land, by sending then grain and will assist with a goodh subscription towards that cad. acvprdiag to ti..- plaa paappa d bj .i.d o i:. Madden. In speaking on the matter. air. Iladdea that Mr. Behneat had -aid ■• would subscribe 9,000 to the fund if necessary. i I ; I it beaBK requisite that all talMllkaiBIH and itflBISBB in CnglMid s|„,uid be wi II fed to retain their health .nid vigor, other breedi rs ar. expected to fall in llae and should help the siil-.i ripi ion. which is to raise 90,000 to buy grain and Charter a ship to m ml it to r-.iglami. The Clarendon Handicap, aa overnight dash. :.f one mile aad a aixteeath, brought the best field of the afteraaoa to the barrier uaj resulted in a driving victory for IJ,.y T. Yagers Al M. Dick, maner-ap ia the Preakaeaa. Tics three-year-old, conceding m ight to all hi-; alder opponents, clos- ly followed F.i-nnil. y carl.-, and in the race through the stretch, gamely out-lay; d Ioiiwiok. The Behasal horse, which waa ■treagty fancied aa the ■teeagth of his exceBeat trial with BtraasboXi, raa a goad race and should improve over this show lag. The others of the fatal were well strung out and beatea oa?. Tin- victory of the Keatacky Btahiea Beckaa in the fifth brought about the first run up of the meeting. This plater was bid up to ,290 by I.iiiio-.I lenvii U. an advance of 90 over his cn-I tend price, but was bought in by the stable far tie- ill;..: advance. Following the disappointing iliiiailag of Trial by Jarj i-i the Iii-cii. ion Handicap, !t. P. Caraaaa announced he did not deem it advisable to ship her to t. roiito for the Doke of Coanaagk Cup. Owing to t!l • lack ef sel: KjHag of some of tBC younger bones, the stewards of the Jaaaaica meet tag have paased a rule that a trataer vili he ftaed . •• -lisp-hied, who do.-s not endeavor to edacate Ins her-.- at tie barrier. An atteadaat will be at [Jamaica, Aqacdad and Belmoat 1irk if.-y morning fr. m i,-id to lea o. tack to kelp train rs acl 1 their horses. Mat lloolev shipp-d three racers, the property of Norths* t Bamberger, to the hitters farm at Eaton-town. . .1.. yesterday. t the saaae Bare, Brssaeaa, the winner of the four mUe race at Betaaoal Terminal Saturday and another racer, also the propel ly of A. DeveraBX, wet-, loaded f..r Philadelphia. S. Byer baa ebtataed first eaB on the BppreatJee rider II. Griffith and will make his engagements during the New York ractag season. Tata hoy rides at its pounds.