Woodbine Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1917-05-22

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WOODBINE PARK FORM CHART. TORONTO. 0MT., MONDAY. MAY 21. MIT.— Woodbtae Park. Bemad day. Materia Jarkey Chan. First .Meeting ,,i 7 daj s. Weather cloudy. Steward to Bepreeeat «■ aadiaa Baring Associations, Francis Nelson. Presiding; Judge. Peter Clinch. Starter. A. P. Had.-. Bacing Secretory. W. P. Praam. K.i.ing starts at L::il p. in. Chicago time 1 .: .li p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. -£ * *-1 T t-l ntarr ::A,K 3"4 Mllc- Boat M, Pill -1:11%- »; 117. Mad Or Plate. MM tJ tmJ rJ I tj» Added. S-year-olda ami Upward. Selling. Net value to winner MSB: second. Bgj third, .5. Ja .lex Horses AWtiPStl L- "j Sir Fill Jockeys Owners F.piiv. Odds Strl 32922 ALEX GETTZ w 4 101 T ;: 1st ] .. I] h a JoMmoaW It Fixer Hanoi 32988 » EDDIE HBNRT wa 4 Ml :! ! V s m | . . j Dreyer D A oMeara. 4S..-HXI 3281 I HONDO WBtlB 4 10 Pi -- s- V. W GourieyT F P.ornman l lX,-m S2848*EABX,T SIGHT wa 4 HI l -i V 1» V 4 E Haynm W A Carter 220-100 329S0-DOLLNA w 4 H J I 4 41 4»* :i»t r.ii li HartonW Yvalker S2E Iimi 3S«B« OCEAN PRINCE w 1114 M 1 !i- :. 6 G 1 W Waroa J 9 Hynea UM-hM 3271S3BLUE FOX. W 3 10G 1 7 «* 7: d I*» T Parton Mirasol Stable 7!i.".-!00 89890*BEAUTY SPOT w 3 101J I « V 7 s- W Cramp N Macfariane aaaVMB 3A1S3 ARISTOBl I. is v .: 103 S 8 5a M 10 !- I. l.ykis Riverside Stable MM 1H 33MB VALERIE wnST w 3 MB l- E :!. V te W Ward J p Lyons S7.r.-100 Time. 23. 48,, 1:14. Track fast. mutnols paid, Alex C.-tz, .10 straight, Ml.Ld place, .J0 show: Eddie Ilenrv, BI 30 ph-ice. M SO show: Hondo. £17.00 show. KHiiv.-ib-nt booking odds— Alex Cctz, llSt to 100 straight. 4C0 to 100 place, 295 to 100 show: Eddie Heavy. MB to loo place, 1M to loo shew; li b . 730 to ion show. Winner— Br. g. by Dick Welles — Earopa trained by W. n. F-zi-r: bred by Mr. J. n. Bnaan Weal to pest at 2:31. At post 2 minates. Start good and slow. Won handily: second aad third driving. ALES QETZ, on the inside all tin- way. sol a good nam and drew away in the final eighth. FIHUF HENRI b.gaii slowly, but closed a gap and finished fast aad gaaaely. HONDO worked his way up on Urn extreme eatside and finished with a rash. EARLY BIGHT ran well ami was eaaed up whea beaten. DOLJNA tired. VALERM WEST quit badly. Scratched :;27t" Comacno, M; S29M Bachelors Blend, 105. Overweights Pol tan, 1 pound: Bcaaty Spot, 1..; Hondo. 4. 3» ifcvi/ ■ BBCOND RACE 1-2 Milo. May 26, MM dB%— 2 110. Ooadwaod Plate. d3 *J OV/ Added. 2 -y.eir-obls. M-iidons. Pealed in Canada. Allowaii.-.s. Ret value to winner BMBj so-oml. 2." : third. .".. Inih v. Horse:: AWtPPSt. , ■. , Str .■ in .loikeys Ownirs E.piiv. -hls Strt MAY BLOOM v. lio 3 t ::■ 5 S 1, Mtok Broohdale StablT tTo-100 BEA FROTH w lo7 2 2 L" 2 I* I- Cooper J K Seagram tMVMl TWELVE BELLS w 107 5 4 :." 4- :: T Parton J E Seagram t BLACKBURN W MB 4 .". 4- 515 4 F Hob-son Brook lab- Stable t BENCHER w- 107 11 1 l»t .rr J BeU H ;id.lings 1100-100 STANLEY FAY II. w MB 7 7 7 7 Cl W Criunp W Walker IBM Ml JUDGE PERRY w Ho r, r, ;- g 7 AY QoarieyR N. well 3slo-liK ttConpled in bettiag. Thaa, 2.T?4, 48"i eejaals trick record. Track fast. mutm-ls paid, Broohdale stable entry, j 3.-;o straight, .:jo place. 2.ao show; J. E. Beagtam entrv, . io place, S2.no show. Kiuival.iit booking odds— P.rookdab- St.bb- entry. 70 to 100 straight. 18 to 100 place. U to MB show; J. E. Seagram entry. 20 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show. Winner IS. f. by lied Pox 11. «.r Ibr. -y-The P.elle of Mayfair trained by G. Walker: bred by Messrs. S. and a. E. Dyment. Went to pest at ;S:02. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same, may BLOOM was outrun lo tin- stretch urn. where she came nrnaad the leaders and. aaaahaag fast under punishment, got up to win in tin- tinal strides. SKA FKOTH raced in closest pursuit ami w:is on hi- inside, but tired from forcing tie- early pace. TWBLVB BELLS was gaining steadily in the stretch. BLACKBURN ran well. BENCHES set a fast pace to the last eighth and tired. Scratched Moiulaine. 107. Overweights May ltleoin. 3 pounds; Blackburn. 2. _ 3tQJ "I THIRD RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. May 21. l!HM;~l:.-.2— 3— 107. Thirty-third Running 4J01 Woodstock Plate. ,000 Added. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner ,545; second, $.~00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt jj "-j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eguiv. bids Strt 3J820 FRUITCAKE w 117 3 l aa p.. ] |« 1- k Haynm B T Zollicoffer zoo-loo 3;820 NEBRASKA w 117 4 3 4"k 5l 3i 2»t 2* W Crump R Parr li;t 5 ICh S2BBS*J*OE WINCFIRLD w 114 S 4 Bk 4.1k f 4 3"k T Iarton W L Oliver 7S0-KH 3tS7S CRUMP8ALL w 114 7 2 21 |aa » :j" an M MthewsG H Browne 2810 100 30|fd BARNEY SHANNON W MB 0 7 f- 7» 7i i;5 B" 1. l.vk.-s Kiversble Stable 47ST.-100 BB4B1ARRAVAN w IB 5 t S C- 5. P V FKobsonH Trotter Ua-MB SBBBB CADILLAC w 1.7 2 G P Q G ■- 1- 7- T Kice J K L Ko.ss X70-100 :iti -il SPR1NO SONG w 10? 1 X 7£ S 8 S S W Collins K T Colton 7S75-100 Time, 24%, 49%, 1:15, 1:41%, 1:54%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Fruit Cake, 1917.sh.00 straight, .00 place, .10 show Nebraska, 0.70 place, .OO show: Judge Winglield, .00 show. E-iuivabiit booking odds— Fruit Cake, 200 to 100 straight, 100 to 100 place, 55 to 100 show; Nebraska, OB to 100 atom, 200 to IOO show; Judge Winglield. 100 to 100 show. Winner — 15. f, by Dick Welles — Parisioiine trained by W. A. Lurttscliell; bred by Mr. J. II. Resposs. Went to pant at 3:21. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. FIHTT CAKE outran her opponents from tin- start and set tin- pace under slight restraint all the Way. NKP.IIASKA responded gamely to punishment ami outstayed JUDGE WINOFIKLD for second place. Tin- latter ran a good race and finished resolutely. Clil MPSALL ran in closest pursuit to the stretch ami tired right at the end. P.AKNEY SHANNON finished close up. AKKAVAN and CADILLAC ran poorly. _____ FOIKIH RAChV— d 1-2 Furlongs. May 24. 1113— 53%— -2— 102. Fourth Running 3.*tlW» C*Om Juvenile Stakes. .000 Added. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner ,010; second , 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 g % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 32BIBCH. ni-;VI HvKt:K w« In s 4 1» H H I T Fartun li McHride 1275-100 32819 VIRGINIA YELL W 114 2 1 2" 2«W 3 2l F RobsonJ P Jones 200 100 32858M.liY MAUD w 112 7 :l 2» V 2s 31 R Estep E Mcllride t 2819 CORAL w 115 6 2 4= 4= 4"k 4. J E Haynes R Parr 24S5-100 32755 HASTY MAEEL w 104 3 G G1 6 78 55 A Johnson W H Flzer 6440 100 NORTH SKA w M i 8 7" 7" P fi L Lvkes G M Hendrle 225-100 3-J899 BOY BLUM w Ml 1 E P f.- 5l 7« M MthewsG H Browne G15-100 »8BBB*NBW MODEL w 10G 4 7 8 8 8 S W Doyle W J Lambert 2595-100 tCoupb-d in letting as E. McHride entry. Time. 23%, 48 /4, 54%. Track fast. inntiiols paid, E. Mcltride entry, .50 straight, .40 place, .90 show; Virginia Yell, .50 place. .40 show. Cpiivalini lM.ol.ing odds— E. Mcliride entry, 275 to 100 straight, 70 to 100 place, 95 to 100 show; Virginia Yell, 75 to lOO place, 70 to IOO show. Winner— B. c, by Jack Atkin— roily D. trained by W. Livingston; bred by Mr. P. J. Millett. Went to post at 4:01. At jtost 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. CHARLEY LEYDECKEB went to the front while rounding the far turn and drew awav into a long lead to win iu a canter. ViBGINIA YEKL began slowly, but finished with a rush. MARY MAID was always a lorwan! contender, but was tiring at the end. NORTH SKA was unruly when going to the post and unseated trump and L.vkes was substituted. CORAL ran well. Scratched— 32057 Jim Heffering. 107. Overweights — New Model. 2 pounds. OOQ OO FIFTH HACK— About 2 Miles Now Course. Sept. 24. Ml — 1 :lfi.— 5— 134. Atliol O Bat 87 Q*J Stceplecliase. 8038 Added. 4 -year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner S030; second. SI-."; third, 5. Jn,,,x L*""s_ ~ AWtPPgt 4 8 12 15 FTti Jockeys Owners _____ ___§ Strt SSOMMATTINATA w 4 140 G :i 4- Is 1- 1 I« MrAPHvJrA P Humphrey Jr 885-109 328H8SMASTHRFUL W 4 142 7 1 ****** 2* 2- M iCConrR Parr l!M ltiO S30M MAUSOl.US W 7 Kl .". I 8* 2* 3-" V 34 J Smith C Millar IGIO-IOO 38784 CHEVRON trtttl 1 7 l" #*• 4*» V—V—J Russell H Q BedweB tSCO-lOl 80448 ARCTURUS w I 15G :. I E* 5- I G :."• N Bates G S Brodle 3760-100 32907 WELSH KING w :. Ml 4 I 7 G M V C N Brooks H G BedweU f 32803 "REDDEST w 5 151 I 4 8*» Fell. J Clark D Raymond MMM tCoupled in bitting as H. G. BedweU entry. Time. 4:10?5 new track record. Track fast. mutu.-ls p:ii,i, Mattinata. ¥7.70 straight, .00 place, 88.80 show; Masterful, S3. 00 place, .40 show: Maaaatan, .sr..SM show. K.iuivalent booking odds— Mattinata. 283 to 100 straight, 100 to 100 place, 75 to 100 show; Masterful, SO to 100 place, 7o to 100 show: Mnusolus, 245 to 1HI sliow. Winner— Ch. f, by Thrush— Karls Seat trained l,y C. Mauley; bred in England by Capt. J. Orr Kwmg. Went to post at 4:32. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. MATTINATA WW saved for the first tarn ot the field, then went to the front with a rash and was easing up at the finish. MASTERFUL made a resolute challenge when going to the tenth feme, but could not get to Uie leader. MAUSOl.US went to the front «n sufferance and gave way when eh.il-lenged. REDDEST fell at the seventh feiacc. 3fciQVJ/|_ SIXTH RACK--1 Mile and 70 Yards. May 22. Hill- 1:43«- — a— 93. Fifteenth Run--2 *J O t ning Queens Hotel Handicap. 8888 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to wini. er _T05j second. ____ tiiird. 5. _____ B*f*ei AWtllSt 4 ■_• -".Strl-in Jockeys Owners Eimiv.Odds Strt 32760 "RUNES w» E 11G 4 .! VI :Y V !■* !■» T Par*ton Mlraaol Stable 130-101 ikon CROSS II. w3 :•: E ant 4 4* 31 2i II Jeffcott Dublin stable 4140 100 32803 Ti:, CADDY w •. no I I II l1 I" r :::• v Bobaon tt Shea 170-100 38956 CHRISTIE WW i Ml I 1 8* 8* 3| •■ 4« F MerimeeE T ZoMcoBer 1720-100 OPBRA CLASS w 4 113 I I .V- 8* a- ;." 8* J Bell S B Thomson 2KBVM0 3205 l-HAl BERK w» 5 112 1 1 G I I I G B Haynea .1 P Sweeney 67C-10Q Time 24=/D, 43S, 1:14%, 1:40%, 1:48%. Track faat. mutuels paid, Runes. 34.40 straight. 83.70 pla e. .50 show; Iron Cross II.. 2.80 place. 1917.sh 20 show; Tea Caddy. .50 show. K.iuiv.ilenr booking odds Kmies. 130 to 100 straight. 85 to 100 place. 23 to loo show: Iron Cross II 1040 to 10O id:.... 210 to 100 show; Tea Caddy. Va to 100 show. Wii.ner Br. i,. ,v Voorhees — Cliiffie trained by J. Kdwards: bred bv Mr. A. 1!. Spreckles. Went to |«.st at 4:.".S. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving second and third the same. Kl NKS after being saved to the stret. h p:.ss. .1 TEA CADDY and outstavod IKON CROSS 1! "i a etoae taiaa. The latter »hanrta much » •■ ] and finishing fast almost got up to win. TBA CADDi set a fast paee. but tired in the stret. h .irive. CHRISTIE showed speed ami finished gamely. HAUBERK ran poorly. 1_* QQPL SEVENTH RACK— 3-4 Mile. Sept. 20. MM— 1:11%— «— 117. Fashion Plate. 88 OltfOU Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and Mares. Allowances. Net value iu _ iiiii-r S040; second. |12S; third. 5. J.»_x L,,Jlsl? AWtllSt j - -4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eijiiiv. Odds Strt 32*23 *PAN BARETA wi T 1-5 7 1 n V ll 1- A Mett B T Colton 71S-1O0 3»«K7- ARR1KT wit I 116 :! I 31 :;* 3* 8* T Itice K W Moore 210-100 2S33**GHAPHlC w 3 M I 2 2 3* 2- »* R MeDottThornclUre Stable 4-a-ioo 32SO« WATER LADY w 6 113 a 7 7 7 4- «• F RobaoaJ Arthur 165-100 32M1 ANITA wsa 4 11G 14 4 43 as 5s B llavne.s H ; BedweB 3575 100 :!-.4«l DIVAN ws 4 lis 3 5 El ."4 G S W War* on J Mcllbnurray 1S43O-100 2fl«M*ISABELLE II. w 3 M 4 I «• G- 7 7 K DoaohueJ Hendrtek " 892E-100 lime. 234, 47*5, 1:13%. Track fast. 32 mutuels paid, IVn /...v t... 3RL3B straight, ?t;.oo place, .00 show; Arriet, .70 place, .90 show: Graphic, $::.-iu show. lajiiivabnt li.M.kiui: odds Pan /areta, 71a to 100 BtraigM, 200 to loo place. 36 to KM show; Arriet sr» t« loo place, -!." t . kki show: Impale, 7o to umi show. Uii r ch. m. i.y Abe Praak t addle iiirtiih trained by fe. T. CoHoa; bred by Mr. J. F. Newman. Went to post ;• B:27. At t » *--1 .". atlaatea. Ktart good and alow. Won easily; second and third driving. CAN KARETA regained her speed su.na nl.. . raced GRAPHIC into defeat iu the first I. ilf and drew away easily in Cm last eighth. ARRIET ran well and w.n- the tiring UKAPH1U ilow n for second plaee The latter aaawed iaieh early speed and tinished gaiaely. WATER LADY closed a big gap. ANITA unit Scratched 32..:.0 1 1 n.jiiieta. 113: 32721 -l.adv Me_icaB, i 13.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917052201/drf1917052201_2_9
Local Identifier: drf1917052201_2_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800