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t 1 I THIRTY LEADING WINNING OWNERS OF 1917. I * ™ + The promise made through results at the New Orleans meeting of a prosperous turf year for Jefferson Livingston still holds good. Hi- is far in the lead of all competing owners with stable earnings already considerably in excess of his total for last year. II. O. I.edwell is now second among the winning owners of the year, but is hardly likely to repeat his feat of last year in finishing at the head of the list So far tvele owners can boast of stable winnings in excess of 0,000 and. with many valuable slakes to be soon decided, there should soon be accessions to this number. The western owner. K. 1J Br.-nllcv seems in for a good year and will probably gre.ith increase his stable total over his showing of 191*! Dp lo and including the racing of .May M the stable records of our thirty leading owners were as follows-Wea in Lending Winner W..11 in Leading Winner i I Mi Owners. in lltlO. 1st. 2d. 3d. P.I1T. in 1 »17. 27*s7 J. Livingston Julia L 37 H 21 3,710 - Colonel Yeaata 71100 II. 1;. Bedwcll Manokin 10 30 40 21. .".11 Menlo lark Killings and Johnson 1 0 0 II,. 000 Omar Kh-ivv-im 43587 11. K. Whitney Borrow- Hi IS 12 15.S57 Pennant 2417a .1. K. Seagram Mandarin 4 ."« 4 12,870 Belle Mahone S118 K. McBride Tom Klwanl 12 0 li 12,738 . . Charlie LeyuVcker 12750 K. It. K.radley K.liud Baggage 13 12 4 14,728 Kalitaa ECHO C Alexandra Coiinwingn 30 B2 20 II.o.mi Shaban 5245 ;. H. p.rowne Pair Mac is 11 10 10.505 ..... Runes Iss.iO Mirasol Stable Klines 0 7 7 10.450 ..King Uersa 71035 K. T. Wilson Campfire 11 0 4 14.400 Campfire 11970 B. Iarr lSroomseilge 10 13 I !t.4!»7 Crimper K. T. Colton Hanovia S 10 5 S.O.v", "" Hanovia IBM .1. A. Strode K.illie Maker Is U 10 N.030 Yodelea 1027.". V. c. Weant Baby Cal 10 8 14 MM Souvenir 17120 Qreeatree stable Cherrji Malette • 2 o BJS05 Cherry Ualotte 1S040 E. T. fllBf effl I All Smiles !» 0 «1 7.!l51 Pratt Cake 4M5 .1. M. l.ooker Dundreary 10 .", 13»i Talebearer BK* K. Spence Wilhite 10 27 25 7.335 Hocair Marshall Bros 14 13 2 72253 Marie Miller 5150 V. Stoektiui Dr. Nehtea s 7 2 7.111 . Rhomb 17955 J. W. Hedrick QeMeresI Bey 10 15 13 0,925 Shooting Star 501 1 G. Km belkamp thanksgiving 10 20 13 li.sso l.ucile K 1«721 .1. 1 ,. 0 Imaii Liberator 13 14 S 0.S27 Droll 5550S .1. V. Schorr Ed Crump !t 3 S 0.S22 Cudgel 0100 C. l.uxton Shyness 0 3 4 0,785 Sasia 0M5 W. A. McKinney Mud Sill 14 0 5 0.045 Little String 5709 It. J. Braaaaa Typhoon 11 12 0 7.15 » . . s.p Ier 12005 W. Walker B.dl.ind 12 22 17 0.520 Boxer VMM A. Belmont llourless 4 7 2 13,000 I.iioiillite