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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. — . — _ . Communications without names and addresses | will uot be noticed nor answered. No answers will be sent by mail and none by wire unless reply prepayment is made at time of wiring query. J. H. D.. Kansas Kity, Mo. Just now Mr. Foulk is at the Marlboro track, Baltimore, Md. W. F. W., Covington, Ky. F. Cropper trained King Dick when he won two races at La tenia last fall. G. T. G., Chicago, 111. It is an estimate based on the distance between the winner and the beaten horse. A. L. T., Dayton. Ky. Presumably the horse Captain Elliott is at the Marlboro track near Baltimore, as the trainer of Water Lee is there. Phocion, not being in Longs entry, the stipulation made it a draw. J. W. E., Peoria. 111. and others elsewhere. Meteorite having been scratched and Gunrock sold to another owner, there was no Sanford entry in race 33204. If any wagers on the entry were made, they necessarily were draws.