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LOUISVILLE SPRING RACING CLOSES. Schorrs Jas. T. Clark Defeats Escoba in the Valuable Srring Trir.l Stakes. Louisville. Ky.. June !. John W. Schorrs colors were again triumphant in the rich Spring Trial Stakes ami his Jas. T. Clark, under Coaaollys rousing ride, repeated Hairy Kellys feat of last year, by scoriae, in gallaal style from the beat youngsters that could be Mastered ia this section. Ton Ponnaa uiadcd iu second plan- and the here tofore unbeaten K rofaa wiadiag up in the third place, a shirt margin iu advance of Atalanta. Tin- race, which was worth 010 net to the win aer, bad tea starters, Jas. t. Clark aad lay Bird, representing John W. Behorr and J-nm 1 Kostei heiag cowpled with Tex Ponnaa as the W. II. Baker • atry. Beeaaoe of iiis aabrokea atriag of victories, Kseoha wis lo--i farored, his admirers having no doulit aboat his ability to concede the thirl pounds penalty be bad to shoulder. The weight however, coupled with the sticky going, prored too much for him aad, although finishing in game fashion, he was no match for the pair which finished in adv.uiee of him. Atalanta moved late the lead like a -.imt -.: after the barrier was released aad was attended by Jack Hare. Jr. until reach lag the stretch turn, where there eras .-•. general closing up. Jas. T. Clark made his dash while tin- field was about lo round the last tare and quickly overhauled the leader. Tex Pornaaa .-mil Kscobn nlsn loomed ap in tie- last eighth, hut the winners lead w.r- too big to lie overcome and in the battle between Tea Poraaaa ami James Foster, tin- Baker represeatative held Beeoha safe. Getaway day at Doaglas Part was marked by uastable weather, storms of the night and early BHirniag hours putting tin- track in hul order .nil the three teaiag weather anil occasional thunder rumMiags before the rat hag, croatrlhated to deer- :• lag crowd, hut a surprisingly large gathering was on hand to view the fiieiie of the spring racing here. Tin- crowd waa speculatively Inciiaed and additional machines were necessary for their ;;o- eoaamodatioa. The atardy and ceaaisteal three year old Opportunity agaia figured in a sensational perform aiue when he won the Cn-seent Mill Handicap a! a mile and an eighth from iriiiee Hermia aad Bllison. lb- showed extreme apeed in the going and covered tin fiwi mile of the race in 1:10. Close and iaterestlag sport resulted in all tin-dashes, with first sad seeoad choicea usually be in returned the winners. Meliffey C-ood-Looking Yoi:n~stcr. GaDaher Bros, nacov :• -I a c,M»d lookiag yoaagster in then- UehaBey, which started in tin- opening da h. Re wea like a good one after showing high speed al! the way. Ifartre agaia figared in a wiaaiag perforaaaace whea ahe beat her oppoaeata in the second race an-I Mary li. apsel cajealatioa in he third when she outstayed Sleet* la the tin id race. Skil.-. Knob and lolly joe put ap a rouiiiu battle in the fourth, with tie- former drawiag out ia the last twenty yards. Joseph k. Martin, general aaaaager of tin- Port Brie and Oaklawn lid Kprings track, was a vi ito-thia afteraooa and departed tonight for st. Leasts. Jockey Lapaille was absent from the saddle this afteraooa oa accoaal of illness. Jockey Peak, who has been deeded a ridiag license by tie- Kentucky Slate Baeiag Coniniissiou. was an arrival today frees his hone- in Hot Springs, Arkansas, to plead his caaae before tin- coaami -1 oa at its next ne-etiiiL. County CourJ aad Lady G., owned by Henry ami Pearcc, were shipped to Devonshire for the racing there. Ileal of the owaen here were ba y this aaeraing prepariag their horses for shipment to Latonia. Special liains were ready for their accouimodai ion and more will be available tomorrow and Monday BMraiag. Geaeral Maaager John Hacaateister, diseassing the aaeethag fast said: "There was a Increase over preceding air 1 1 lag a iu attendance and receipts and the gain was about on a par witli the improvement shown at Lexiagtoa and Church ill Downs this spring. Ibis is highly gratifyiag i" view of the bad Weather that has to some extent inti n-feri-d with our meeting. Tie- amount of parse moie-y and stakes this seaaaa has ,il-o totaled mop-than at any former meeting." Mr. Hachaaeister will be at Latonia toaiorrmv afteraooa and give personal attention to detail! pertaiaiag to the open lag of that track Monday. Jockey Gamer departed this afternoon to join the Wickliffe stable at Delmont Park. Jas. T. Clark, winner of the Spring Trial Stakes this afternoon, is named for a prominent business man of Louisville and an intimate friend of the Schorrs.