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GERMANY WILL NOT STOP RACING. Authorities Refuse to Abandon Sport, but Will Put Horse:: on Oats R.-.ticns After June 16. Amsterdam, Holland via London, June 13. — Horses will he put on o-.ts rations in iermany irom June 18, according to an ordinance issued in Berlin, varying from one and a half to three pounds daily. An agitatfea has been going on for the abandonment ef horse racing in Cermany during war time. but the authorities, the paper* say. have decided Otherwise on tin- ground that all the belligerents an- continuing raciag or have resasaed the sport after a hriei interval. "For victorious Germany," says the Rreaa Zei-taag, "there is certainly no reason to refrain from racing, especially as it would create with the enemy a wrong hapreostea. Germany will l« entirely dependent mi home breeding. There are M*J race horses in Germany, which consume a like number of tons of oats, and about odd tons of coal are Beaded for special racing trains. .Neither quantity is worth quibbling about." Vorwaerts, however, angrily protests, contending that as tin- lb rmans must abaca, even on the neces-saries of lite, and not alone on the luxuries, it should first be shown that there is not a better 1: . [.. which such oats and coal could be put.