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HEAVY TRACK AT LATOMA OPPORTUNITY DEFEATED NARROWLY BY PRINCE HLRMIS IN THE FEATURE RACE. Bodtime Stories Wins at the Shortest Price of the Kentucky Campaign — Frectuttcr, Clare and Square Dealer Take Their Races. Lntnnin. Ky.. June 14.— The durable Opportunity. regarded with high favor in the ,000 handicap at :i Mile and ■ -veaty yard*, which featured this afternoons card .it Latonia. saffered ■ art -back when Prince Hermia beat bin oal after n bard and watl-caatested strel h drive. The pair finished neck:, apart and many length* in advance of the others. Dr. S::iihi 1. taking third place. In his customary style. Opportunity in;i«le the early run-nine aad enjoyed a good lead antil the atreteb turn was reached, where Prince Hernia Joined him and, after a -i ill brash, outstayed him to win by a neek. |i| it unity waa ararked out an additional aanrter far liis start in the LatoaJa Derby next Saturday anil covered tin mile and a quarter in 2:10%. Immediately after the race, Midway .-Mid Cudgel were brought out on the course and given their final work outs for the big race of next Saturday. lUdaray wi nt the full mile ami a half anil made the distance in 2:40%, his trainer slowing him dowi during the list half mile. Cadgel araa oaly sent a mile an I a quarter, and was eased ap in the last quarter. He went the distance in U: « . the first mile in 1 :ll. Threatening weather rated, following heavy rate* during the night. The track, a* a resalt of its dreaehlag, araa heavy at t hi oataet, tint dried on, coaaiderahly and if no more rain Calls, will he fast for townnwwa raciag. A big ateadance wan again in 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 lie! the speculation was on ;i par with that of former days. Bedtime Stories proved mueh tie- lust of those starting in the fourth race an I tie- support far her was so extensive that abe was th- ihortest priced ariaaer of tin- Keatacky aeaaoa. Favorite backers were in their element, beginning with he victory of Free Cutter in the open.-r. Clan was well hacked, as wai Bajaare Dealer. J. W. May Arrives with Liberty Loan. .1. W. May arrived late iliis afternoon with Liberty Boad and three two year -olds. Liberty Bead shipped in excellent style and was the cynosure of maay eyes while beiag ted to his stable. .1. V. May saiil. •Will have no excasea to offer if they heat Liberty Boad in the big rail Saturday. He is fit and ready to run and ■hipped here in ■aaa style.- A coaaignasent of Howard Onto* horses from Lexington reached In- track this morning others that he has racing in Canada will arrive next Sunday. Hilly Bernhardt, who owns several liases, nrriveil this BIQllllllg from New Orleans sad reported that tin- outlook for racing in the Crescent City next winter is farorahte. Over 5.0M arorth of Liberty Baada were sold to horsemen at the track this afternoon. Manv oi the owners ha. i already sabacribed in large amounts. Andy Bowman and .1. o. Kenae were arrirahi this morning from Lexington. .1. C. Laarder, father of the jockey, has had tin cantract on the rider transferred to himself and will arrive from i:i Paaa to conclode amusement* with K. U. Bradley. stumpy and Miss Ringlets, which have been mated to Marathon at .1. It. Bespess Woodlawa Farm, were this morning shipped to their owners Idle Hour Farm, near IrTinftoa. Owner Will Woodward complained to the Judge* that William Perkins had demanded 250 from him not to withdraw .lane Straiih from the fifth rate. Perkins denied that he had approached Mr. Woodward and the steward* will look further into the matter tomorrow.