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DOUBLE WIN FOR SEAGRAM STABLE. Sturdec at 1 Phili-.tine Carry Popular Canadian Owners Colors io Victory at Connaueht Park. Otawa, Oat., Jaae D. W. .1. Pre** furnished the winner of ..days feature race at Coaaaaght Park in hi* Broomstick gelding Hubbub, which came from behind after tadalgiag Slippery Btaa with the lead for line, quarters ami wm gelag away by a leagth. Blipperj Rim, a receat arrival from Windsor, was made tin medium of string backing. The Seagram Stable scored a double when Btatdee won the race tor Canadian bteda and Philistine the fifth race, a dash of three qaarters, in which be heal twelve Others. 1hilistine made a runawav of iiis r.i.e. while sturdee came from behind .oe nroa going away. Ih.- close-1 finish of the afternoon came with th.- running of the steeplechase, in which Reddest beat Welshman out by a bead. Charley Brow* broke dowa and Phil T. and Sim mm tin-, at -d their riders. .1. U. Btowe wa* an arrival from Montreal this moratag with hi- stable. His plans are to ship from bete to Hamilton and continue on the big line for the rematadet of tin- Canadian season. Rood riders are already in great demand for the Frontier Stakes, the richest .vent of the Canadian turf ami which will be run at Windsor in .lair. This take will nrobabiy be worth over SlO.OCtl I. the winner. B. W. Moor- has had several ..h.-rs in Jockey Crumps services, bat a* . • ! is made no ena- la. -ill . Ih. -re is talk of the Back Piv. r Jockey Ola! featariag steeplechases at the Bona! Bayal meet lag ami already several owners who have jumpers in their stables, are arranging to shin back to Montreal. Trainer W. Livingston of the B. McBride stable thinks thai he la- located Reprobate** troahl . lie believes that it i- in hi. feet, which accounts far his extreme nervousae** at the post. The Mi-Bride .table i. one ,,t the many that will ship io Saratoga at the coactasloa of the Windsor meeting. • apt. W. .1. Pies* will ship his horses to Hamilton tie Lit t. r part of the week. lie has engaged Jockey Cramp to ride the colt Iron Creaa II. in th.- Hamilton Derby. A notice was posted in the secretarys office that th.- dales for the inaugural Meeting at the Thorn-eliile track. Toronto, would be | r. m July 21 to .Inly 28. Keaxts of Oak Goes Lame. Hearts of Oak en ut of his race so lame yesterday that it is doubtful if trainer Harry Bidding* will be able to get him to the post again this year. The horse wont Wteanj in the same leg that gave him trouble at Pimlico last fall. •I. K. I. Boas gaad handicap horse Damreseh lii- beea turned sal for the summer ami will not be take* up again aatil aexl fall. Th.- horse did m.t train aeU ami has been a keen disappointment to his people all spring, lie maaaged to win a race at Iimlie... bill th. ,i has failed to race up to expectations. .!... Bdwards, acting for the affaraaol Stable, purchased the two .war •!,! fitly Lady BOeea of Woods Btocktoa. Lady Bileca w..n a ra.-e at Havre .ie tlrace, another at Totoato and two at Blae Bonnet*. She is a bit small, but is as game a fill., tor bet inches as ever stood on iron-. I. Rilmartta, win. went ;.. liraad Rapid* as rep r -sent.-, liv for S|. Mahomy. to look over the plant there, brings back glowtag reports from the furniture city. 11" says that they have a fine, modern steel an.! • r.te graadstaad ami stalls f...- 4.".t horse*. Six thousand furniture buyers will be in Grand Rapid* during tin- race saeectag and alrearij it is Impossible to secare reservations at the different hotels. The track is nineteen minutes from the heart of the city and the car fare there is eight cents. Tie- system of speculation will !.-• employed ami will be under the nian:ii;einent of Mortimer Mahsaey. Allie Rates, Qeae Lata ami P.. I.. Case were ar-rivala from Toronto with their stable; yesterday Moraine. Lata hroaght his sromisiag apprentice rider Bricaon with him. .look. Karl Hayae* went to New York from Detroit at the con.-lusi « iff tic- Devonshire meet tag. J. O. Wagnoa shipped his horses to Hamilton. as did al-... Ow.-n Iotis. Jockej M.-riim •• lefl here Saturday nisjhl fat Ham iltoa to rejoin the Paa* stable.