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LEOPOLD DE ROTHSCHILD IN RACING. Exploits of tho Many Fine Horses Which Raced in the Colors of the Now Bead Financier. Article Four. In 1904 the combined strings won only fifteen races, but they were wortli ?S5,1G0 and among them were such coveted prizes as the Two Thousand and the Derby, which were Avon, as outlined in the early part of this memoir, by the home-bred St. Amaut. Above has been given a slight sketch of the reception Accorded to Mr. Leopold nfter St. Amants victory in the "Blue Ribbon." Before proceeding further it should be mentioned that his dam. Lady Loverule, split one of her fore pasterns, so badly when a young two-year-old that Mr. Rothschild was advised to have her shot, but as she was a fine mare and had been tried pretty smart, her owner decided to give her a chance at the stud, although she was not sound on the injured limb, which was disfigured by a bony excrescence. For that act of mercy Mr. Rothschild was well rewarded, her son, St. Aniant, alone winning almost 20,001 in stakes. It will be interesting to give her complete stud record: lady loverule Ch, 1888. Winnings. 1892 Catkin, ch. f, by Dog Rose $ 1,000 1893 Barren. 1894 Barren. 1895 Slipped twlnsw 189i Trident, ch. c, by Ocean Wave 19,200.25 1897 Filly dead, by Orme. 1898 Slipped twins. 1899 Venus, b. f, by St. Simon 7,921.25 1900 Not covered the previous year. 1901 St. Aniant, b. c. by St. Frusquin . . 129,320 1902 Monarda, b, f, by Florizel II 1903 St. Amadour, b. c, by St; Frusquin 870 1904 Not covered the previous year. 1905 Durindal, died in 1900, br. c, by St. Frusquin. 1900 King Charming, ch. c, by St. Frusquin , 1,500 1907 Powhatan, ch. c, by Gallinule Totals 59,S57.50 She died in 1908. In the Two Thousand Guineas St. Amant spread-eagled a band which included John o Gaunt, Henry the First, and Lancashire, winning by four lengths. For the Newmarket Stakes, however, he let down the layers of odds of 9 to 4, on him, finishing only third to Henry the First and John o Gaunt, the last-named being beaten a head by Mr. Maskers colt owing to Otto Maddens great finish on the latter. In the Derby, however, the "Saint" once more showed his superiority, scoring by three lengths from John o Gaunt, with St. Denis a moderate third, and. Henry the First, Lancashire, and M. Blancs Gouvernant in the unplaced number. He subsequently lost his form, and Avas one of the last pair to Pretty Polly in the Leger, and made little show in various other races that autumn. It was then that change of scene was tried, St. Amant being sent to Stock-bridge to be trained by Tom Cannon Jr., and iu the next year, thanks to the unremitting care bestowed on him, he came out with flying colors from his only race, the Jockey Club Stakes, winning that "ten thousand pounder" by three-quarters of a length from the three-year-old Polymelus, with Mondamin, Challenger, Gouvernant, etc., in the rear. The fielders were skeptical concerning his chance, and the handsome price of 100 to 7 was obtainable at the start. He retired to the stud in 1907, and will some day in all probability sire something of his own calibre. The Good Radium. In 1905 Radium, one of the few horses by Bend Or in his last stud season, won the Prince of Wales Nursery 1 mile at Doncaster. Radium ran for four seasons, and won in all ten of his twenty-four races, inclusive of the Goodwood and Doncaster Cups. On four occasions he beat The White Knight, but in the Ascot Gold Cup he was relegated to second place by that celebrity. For the Derby he ran fourth to Spearmint. In 1900 and the next year other smart performers were Chicot, Bass Rock, Catalpa, and the speedy Quel-part. In 190S Santo "Strato and Mesmer were the best winners apart from Radium, and in 1909 Santo Strato Avon for Mr. Rothschild his third Chester Cup, carrying 120 pounds in a good field, which included All Black, Yentpi, Lagos, Hanimerkop, Laomedia, Asticot, etc., Avhile such as Santa Fina, Catrail, Rock Lane, and King Charming were others that did good service for the blue and yellow. Another juvenile of the highest class avus foaled in 1908 in Pietri, by St. Frusquin Pie Powder Santo Stratos dam. Pietri Avon four races Worth 7,710, and ought never to have been beaten. Anyhow, he shared Avith Seaforth and St. Nat the credit of being the best two-year-old of 1910, and the latter pair not being engaged for the next years . Derby Pietri Avas nominally favorite for that race during the Avintcr. He avus credited with being well in front of St. Anton, which Avon good races under heavy Aveights, and A-as one of the best-lookiug of St. Frusqulns sous. First appearing in 1911 for the Esher Cup at SandoAvn. he Avas only beaten a short head under 130 pounds, presenting thirty-two pounds to Marechal Strozzi, but in tho Two Thousand Guineas, for Avhich he started favorite, he Avas unplaced behind Sunstar, Stedfast and Lycaon. He -fared no better in the Derby, Avhen Sunstar and Stedfast again filled the leading places, and afterwards, in the Whitsuntide Plate at Hurst Park just got homo from Fera-jnorz at even Aveights. At York in the Great Yorkshire Stakes Stedfast once more had the better of him, and thenceforward that year lie failed to distinguish himself, his running career coming to a close that season. But though Pietri only accounted for one of the many races in Avhich he took part in 1911, Avhile not a year of great things, brought in only a little short of 0,000, to Avhich many horses contributed, among them Catrail, St. Anton another St. Frusquin, Avhich won the Column Produce Stakes at Newmarket, Eiderduck, Facet and Quiutanoua. A Manchester Cup. The following season showed better results in stakes Avorth over 0,000, but here again many horses Avere concerned in its compilation. The best individual Avinner Avas Lorenzo also by St. Frusquin, which, although a failure at Ascot, did Avell at the back-end by victories in the Rutland Handicap at Newmarket and in the Liverpool Autumn Cup and he Avas assisted by such as Polonium, Felizardo and Day Comet. The latter, by St. Frusquin Catgut, then a two-year-old, Avon the Chesterfield Stakes at Newmarket and the Prince of Wales Stakes at Goodwood, but did no good the rest of that season. The others only chronicled "small beer." In 1913 Lorenzo improved his record by Avinning the Manchester Cup, that race representing a considerable proportion of the Aviunings of the campaign, which amounted to more than 0,000, Avhile Hippeastrum and LaAaino did a fair share towards the total. The year 1914 brought the AA-ar, and Avith it a reduction of the number of horses doing duty under the Rothschild banner. They included Fanfarona and Santa Quaranta of Avhicli the former Avas thrice successful, and Santa Quaranta brought Off au outside chance in the Column Produce Stakes Avhen she upset a fancied one of Lord Falmouths in Elenorka. The two succeeding seasons Avere productive of nothing Avorth recording and this year the "blue and yellow" has only been carried first past the post on one occasion, Avhen Ocydrome aaoii the Visitors Handicap at the Newmarket Craven. The folloAving table sets out the amounts won by Mr. L. do Rothschilds horses during their racing careers: Total Amount Won in Stakes. No. of Races . Year. Won. Amt. Won. 1879 1 $ 1,560.00 1880 . 29 43,225.00 1881 29 36,058.00 1882 40 55,054.75 18S3 50 5S.914.00 1884 , 28 54.056.25 1885 11 11,575.75 18S0 .21 24,479.25 1881 15 14,142.50 1888 15 21,492.50 1889 20 44,849.75 1890 25 43,790.75 1591 22 42,882.50 1592 ; 5 5,783.25 1893 7 10,310.00 1894 22 33,655.00 "gg 41 103,745.00 1890 54 233,830.50 1897 32 87 422.50 HSJo SS 151,337.50 lbltJ 28 57 ooo rn 9Sk 14 57,030.00 1? 18,296.25 JSS? 3o 94,122.50 15 85,160.00 2 lo 50,935.00 19 21 21,370.00 1007 21 38,876.25 190S 22 47 107 "An 1909 23 39417 1011 - 25 38.847.50 181- 30 ,....vr...j 52,262.50 Year. Won. Amt. Won. 1913 18 31,595.00 1014 10 16,085.00 1915 3 7.090.00 1916 5 8,615.00 1917 1 1,575.00 Totals 860 ,834,6S0.25 London Sportsman.