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| r ; , . a J . j ,. J J s , " [ , - s r 11 e e 1 t t LACK OF TRANSPORTATION TO PiMLICO May Keep a Number of New York Trainers from Shipping to Maryland Course. New York. April 30.— It looks much as if the trainers of some of the larger racing establi-hments are so disappointed over tiie lack of traus|iortatiiii to Pimlieo that they have decided not to go there. For days A. J. Joyner and Tom Welsh, with Laniu and Trompe la Morte. Preakness eligibles. have le-en waiting for a car without success. The gist of their conversation today indicated they would both stay at Belmont Iark. fearing they would lie unable to get back here wliii there was so much trouble to get cars. Mr. Healey, too. has decided not to ship any horses to Iimlico. If trainer Samuel llildretli decides not to go with any of Major Belmonts horses it will tak" much of the interest out of tin-Ireakness Stakes with Iamius, Luciillitc. Bnatfa and Trompe la Morte absentees. All these horses are well engaged in the stakes to lie run over the Ni-.v York tracks and if they could not get transportation ba-k here they would miss many opiior-timities in rich stakes. It is ■juMircd by .Mr. Pons, wiio looks after the racing interests of .injor Belmont-- ataM*, that neither l.ucullii ■ nor BMffcaa will Ik- sent to Iim- lice, though there is a pos-sible chance for Drasiie to go if transportation facilities are favorable wiili iu a week of the Ireakness. "Drastic has done wonderfully well." said Mr. Pons, "and while not a- good a horse as Lticullite. he may be good enough to win. as he will go a long distance and any kind 01 going will suit him. Iteing a Hasting horse. I.ueiil lite and llourless an- two Iwarara that are too val- liable to ship around when they have so many en g.ueiiients on the Long Island courses and. while the stakes may not Ik- as rich as the Preakness. it means much to Mr. Belmont to win events like the Withers aud Belmont."