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DOUGLAS PARKS QUIET DAY ♦ Reaction from Saturdays Excitement Tells at the Gate. St. Augustine Wins Owner McDowell His First Race of the Year — Gossip of the Track. I»uisviUe. K.v.. June S. — After Saturdays liijr as-stinldagc at the track, todays attendance seemed «! ■ idcdly light. Imt at that a good crowd for a Monday was out to view tin- ordinary card decided. The hard drenching tlie course had Saturday night was still noticeable, for the going was cuppy. but improved steadily during the afternoon. Surprises developed fre juently and in some cases, when the heavily supported choices failed to be placed, the backers, part it ularly those with a penchant for ••safety" investments by backing the favorites to show, sustained great losses. Exhortcr and Hon Tromp were especially mediums of their undoing. The card was "entirely devoid of any outstanding 1.:; ture. but the evenly matched fields furnished excellent si»«rt and the finishes were close and at ti-iK i exciting. T!:e change in riders from Mulcahy to Lilley worked a vast improvement in the running of St. I tenia rd. which won tlie fifth race, that l.rouglit l"gi-ii:er some fairly highly tried youngsters, in-cluliir: 11 ury Roberts ami Lancelot. The sixth race develo|»ed a fall and was due to Sargon II.. which was in a prominent position at the li-nc. stumbling and tlirowing ". Miller heavily. TIh rider appeared to have sustained severe ia-jliries and it was some time In-fore he recovtreil consciousness, but after lieing carried to the jockeys quarters in a siretcher. wiiere medical attention was awaiting him. he came to and later showed i! ili effect* from tl • fall. Pa by Lynch displayed a full recovery of speed thi-.; afternoon and won his race after leading for tie- entire distance. T. C. McDowells colors scored their first triumph of the Kentucky season on a Louisville track, when St. August in won the fourth race, which had a purse of 1918.sh00. He led for the entire race and was lucky at the start, while Hon Tromp and Counterblast seemed to suffer and were far out tif any chance at once. Speariene and Silk Lady, two outsiders, fought it out for the minor iiositions of the purse. Jockey Donahue was suspended for three days by the starter for disobedience it the iMist. Eight two-year-elds, owned by F. II. Brunell. were sent yesterday by trainer Galen Brown to C. 15. Heads Waldeck Farm, where they will l c turned out for the present season. RACING COMMISSION MEETING SATURDAY. I I he Kentucky State Racing Commission members i will met here next Saturday and. among other • ruing matters, they will pass on. will be the allotment of dates to the various Kentucky tracks for • f:i.l racing. The stewards this afternoon handed down the . following rulings: "Because of inconsistent racing, the further entry of the horse J. Rufus, owned by A. L. Kirby, is refused. "For provoking an altercation and attempting to assault another jockey while in the jockeys room, ■ M. Caruer is fined S5». "The claim of J. M. Cootie for the horse Snnsy-miug. seventh race. June 1. is disallowed because of failure to register ownership, as required by Rule «8». "J. M. ;«tHle is also fined 5 for such default, under Hie provisions of said rule." Owners were informed this morning that registration blanks for their employes, as required by the • Kentucky State Uacing Commission, were available in the secretarys office. The names and ages of F the stable employes are required to Im- in the hand.-of Secretary S. C. Nuckols of the Kentucky State Uicing Commission by June 10. Cudgel was ship|tcd to New York yesterday and trainer Bedwell and jockeys Lyke and Buxton departed for the east Saturday night. Word was received at the track of the death of W. II. Shadley. one of the old-time guard of horsemen. Of late he had lieen employed at the l atonia track as mail distributor at the track postofficc. News of the death of former jockey C. llyams also came during the afternoon. He died in Cincinnati. P. M. Civills Ierugiiio. Out and Prevaricator will lie sold by auction in the Douglas lark paddock tomorrow. Edward it. McLean and his party, who came here to witness the |ierformauees of The Porter and Leo-chares, departed this morning for Cincinnati, where be will remain for some time and also take in the racing at Lab-nia. where his extensive string of horses, including Kathleen and a numlier of English and Frenelitired two-year-olds are at present quartered. I lie Porter and Leochares will rejoin the others at tlie close of the present meeting. •