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DOUGLAS PARK RAIN SWEPT ♦ Heavy Going Brings Scratching and One Substituted Race. ♦ Ticklish Wins at His First Start, but Not as Easily as Was Expected. — ♦ — Louisville, k.v.. Jinn- «.-Heavy win during the night caused a change in track conditions n ml was likewise rosjHiusible for declaring oft" the intended fiali:!-- race, a handicap at throe quarters, for a purse «.f ,000. in which wore minted, among others. Ac Porter. Solly ami Prime of Omm. its elimination caused the sulistitutimi of another to complete lot aril of seven races. The now one was under wiling conditions ail v ith ■ vi-.-w to giving the more ordinary o:ie- at the track an . |.|e.rt Miii 1 v. Tli- original aawent of s 1.000 was add d to it. Several of the other dashes, rather light in their original entries. Miff red additionally tiv withdrawals on account of the going. The threatening weather, which ruled before post lime, was rcsitousibk for a decreased att a.lanc.-. The ■|ii !■! fiiia was Mil Willi light, of the fields often::- but |toor s| cciilnl ive un-diims. Th. Walden Morris •"ace" Ticklish, a iimili iHTaMe.i youngster. ! y King Jann Tickle, made lii-, •■ lint in the third race and he won. lint not in !• p manlier OHM of him. for he had to Ik-ridden lard near the end to outstay Silvery Light. His failure to achieve victory in more impressive fashion, was due to the faulty riding that Byan ga him. ■] cull iH-gan w»!l 2nd his rider had the choice of the going. I tut instead of guiding him into tin-part which had firm footing, he elected to keep him n-ar the inner rail, where i! was dee|icst. re-Mtttag in tie- e..l: badly ill Hie las, .-ighih and almost bringing alniut his defeat. The showing of t-c colt this afternoon was much below his advance notices, but h - will more than probably improve, lie is a showy individual and compactly built. Ivl. V. Moores Arrh-t earned her first purse on a I— iImIIIi track, when she nlhnri home in ad vance f Prided Voter and Oruinly in the fifth race, She MM con-idi red with high favor, nearly all tin- MJMMl in the race going to her. She in -dnlgid the others with tie lead for the first half mile, but when called on. drew away from the others to v in wilii cast . JOCKEY GENTRY ON EXEMPTED LIST. Jo-key L. Gentry returned this morning from his homo in Grornvillo. Tex., when he had been summoned by his draft board. He has been placed in ! diss r,. regarded as equal to .-xcmptioii and will con: inn- riding during the Kentucky season. . urge M. Ilendrie dep-uted last niglit for his , home. Ho will return to 1-tonia to witness the running of the Latouia Derby. IS. A. Jones sent four homes and J. A. Seckington , two to Ik- turned out ::t Paraett, Mo. Jockey M. Gin r« failere to fill his engagements - made it necessary for owners to substitute riders s for liim on Col. Harrison, Ur. Levy and Harvest t The iiresonco in the paddock of the much-talked 1 of Ticklish attracted a big gallery. He is a striking, well mtisckd colt much on the oriU r of his sire. King Jann - Jockey Saude came in for a severe call by the • stewards after lie dismounted from Diversion Ih-caiine of his herding tactics, ltifle being the chief C sufferer from it. jockey Shilling was fined $£i by the starter for r disoliediciK-o at the post. J O. Ke. ne. who has Ix-on devoting much of his * lime of late to his Kooiioland Kami, near Lcxing-ton was among the visitors this afternoon, lie leiKirts that he has si colts by Lake Mel.llke that promise to l«- ih . iack of the Kentucky youngster ■ crop of this season.