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JOHREN BEATS WAR CLOUD • Wins Belmont Stakes After Great Struggle with Macomber Colt. ♦ Twenty Thousand People Witness Closing Days Sport at Belmont Park. New York. Juno IS. — An extraordinary program WOT offered at Belmont Bark today sis the fitting wind-up t«i :i most sueccssfnl meeting. Twenty thousand »«- il«. :i crowd iipiallcd that of , l:i.v, attended tin- soort eager to witness the quartet of Americas foremost three-year-old* Icittl" for the supremacy of that division in He-historic Belmont Stakes! The weather ocntinuod ideal for the spirt ami the trael; proper was lighting fast. The withdrawal of Major August Co! morns Lucullitc from ooninotition in the feature Called to detract interest from that .vent, for the major-- candidate was considered only to have :tn outside oliam-o. The race therefore narrowed down to the four logical contenders. II. B. Whitneys Johr n. the winner of the Su-ln:ran. and A. K. Xlacombers War Cloud, were the two favorites, witii the public with i. W. Lofts luni Kali linn h ii demand. The Bhiladelphians promised C. 1. Widonors Lanius would not he Mf-|ii-t--d. for tln-y staunchly supported the Quaker « By sportsmans delegate. fum Sah w:-s the first to show in front, closely f-.ll iv. ed by War Cloud and John u. with Lanius trai.inr- in tin rear. The Lof; colt set a inMM pace for a mile- ami then retired. Here War Cloud moi.-d to the front, where he was h inod hy Johreu. whii .. had he n saved from the strenuous early racing, and the two came down the homestretch he.-ni to head. Now Hie real struggle liegau. first one. then the other, gaining a slight advantage until well in the stn-ti-h. when the oxi-ossive early use of War Cloud began to tell ami Johren. under the energetic effort of Uobiuson. slowly drew away and filially crossed the winning line two lengths in aiiv::!ie;- of the game hut thoroughly beaten War Cloud. It was a great race and up to the best traditions of that famous event, .lohrens victory v. .is i Moctiingly popular and everywhere the opinion was advanced that the Spearmint colt proved himself t - lie ;: racer of exceptional ability and -Living pn.-.-er. Many acclaimed him the best of tin thr.-e yeai -olds of the year. Tin- second annual renewal of the Coaching Club Handicap, for three-year-old fillies, was an added attraction and a good iptartet of fillies faced the ■ tarter. «J. W. I»ff Seamstress lx-iug the only onto decline the issue, while A. L. Asles added Eyelid, which ruled favorite with the public at all stages over I.ady Boiot.iy. It was learned the re;iMMi attributed for the scratching of Seamstress v.-i* a wrenched ankle. The mishap occurred to the f.ily in her stall hrat night. «;. 1 . Wideners Kos • dOr. favored by her light impost, scored rather easily in this event from i:ye!id. upsetting the calculations of the talent and causing general perl nrlut ion. The winner was admirably ridden |.y I-.nsor. for he raced the favorite until the weight began to figure ami Eyelid stopiicd. Ijidy Dorothy lacked speed all the way and performed miserably. CROWD AEEIVES EAELY. Several thousand spectators were on the grounds when tin bugle called the horses to the first race, with the crowd still coming in steady streams. J. S. Tj roes Sweep Dp II. was the choice in the opener and made g-o-l after leading all tin- way. although lie was tiring badly at the end and hardly lasted long enough to head off the fast closing Torch bearer. Tiie Auiityville Steeplechase proved easy for New Haven after A! Hooves and Doublet, the favorites. Wl-rc eliminated by mishaps. Al Beeves fell lame after taking the tenth jump and was pulled up. IMuhlct fell at the third jump. John Sanfords C round-Swell was looked upon as tiie b-st betting |iroposition of the afternoon, but only brought keen disappointment to her many admirers, as she lacked speed and was always tiuldistauccl. The winner came from tin- Nassau Stable in Lady Vulcain. which beat Flyaway in tin- final diive to win by a safe margin. One of A. K. MacomlM-rs English bred youngsters. War Marvel, a son of Spanish lrinci — M.v Itolly. accounted tor the closing race, in which fifteen maiden juveniles were engaged. War Marvel led throughout and. under a hard drive, gamely withstood all opposition at the end. I.uoiillilo was scratched from tin- Belmont Stakes after a trial, in which he did not come up to the .-xpectatii lis of his trainer Sam Hil..reth. "I think :i mile and three eighths might be a little too far fur him anyhow," said Hildreth, "in his present condition. Koamer worked a fast mile : .t Jamaica this aliening, covering the unite in 1 :3s. it was claimed. Johrens time in the Belmont Stakes was slow compared with the time made in this race in tin-past. This was due considerably to a strong head m wind blowing up the stretch for the last half mile of the running. Corps of Thrift Stamp sellers employes of the "Metropolitan Life Insurance Company thronged tin-stands am reported numerous sales. W. I. Burch shipped Itonnc Cause. Grey Eagle and Imatilla to Kenning to ho rested up until tin-Saratoga meeting. a w