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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY Three million Americans will lie under arms bv August 1, the Senate Military Committee was told yesterdav bv Provost Marshal Cenoral Crowder H«. said that 1.347.000 of the 2.12S.000 men p laced j„ class 1 already have li-en called to the colors. He estimated that some 400.000 additional men for the Brat class will be. obtained from the men who r-gisl-red last June 5 and that another 200 000 will lie added by the reclassification of men iu Dure examination of questionnaires now kefaej made Extension of the age limits in the army draft will be necessary. Jen. Crowder said, if tin- present rate of draft calls is continued. He estimated th.:t the men in class 1 would be e:.hausted Mea after next January 1. Cuba is doing her bit fer humanity. Prescient Mciiocal lias authorized the distribution of 50000 of the recently established credit of ,400,000 annually for use iu aiding war vi"t:ms in the various allied nations to lie divided as follows; PrajM* I nited States. 0,000; England, 0 0O0: Daly. 0,000; I-elgiiim. 0,000. The money has beea cabled to the head of the Red Cross organization in each country named. Japanese marines were landed last Sunday at Swatow, 22."» miles northeast of Canton, a treaty ixirt of China, and a center of the sugar industry. According to an official announcement issued at Tokio yesterday, the Japanese marines were sent ashore iweauso of the disturbed conditions at the liine-.e part. There are more than SOO.OOO American soldiers overseas. Ooneral Peyton C. March, chief of staff of the Pnitnl States Army, iu letting this fact Ih- known yesterday, also explained that the Oer-man groat objective undoubtedly istill la the channel ports.