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Saratoga Entries and Past Performances for Thursday August 29 WEATHER CLEAH TRACK FAST Racing starts at 300 p m Chicago time 200 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner j Fair mud runner SI maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Fillies Selling SellingTrack Track record Aug 22 1918 104 107 107Todays Todays Wt Rcc AWtHan 39429 Duch 114 107 119 725 393iii His Sister M 1051720 39197 Brace Up M 112 108 105i715 105i71539244s 39244s Ambassador III 99 l09h 108X715 108X715l3Cr l3Cr Iletta It M 114 107 = 305710 39331 Ballyconnell M101 107 If 105 705 429 Plurenzi M 105 lOSj 105 700 39340 Itettie Bluff M 105 700 394 US Tag M 10G 107 105 700 700Duchess Duchess Lace is ill good form formSecond Second Race 34 Mile Rensellaer Highwcight Handicap HandicapAll All Ages Track record Aug 22 1918 110 3 115 3941 f Flags 118 111 3 128 750 39378 Tyntce 115 110 3 124X745 124X745S93SS S93SS Top th Morninglli 111 12SX745 12SX745394rat 394rat Kverest 101 111 3 115 745 7453J3SS 3J3SS = George Slarr 122 110J 3 127 745 393 iP Cora Tassel 127 113 4 12 X745 39153 Papp 130 113 3 1270745 39415 Dr Johnson 120 111 3 113X715 39388 Tea Caddy Ill 112 5 104X740 IK iii 12 111 9415 Regal Lodge 104 112 3 112X74 9115 = Crank 125 111 4 118X74 1212 Paddy 112 113 3 108 73 UCSi Itachelors RlissM109 112 4 100 7i 7i25S9 25S9 = Itulse 5 129 73 733S4K7 3S4K7 Snapdragon II 109 114 3 115 72 723910SJ 3910SJ Mancha M 110 112 3 100 72 72tltrighton tltrighton Stable entry jI entryjI Lumsden entry Flags is extremely fast fastThird Third Race 1 Mile Amsterdam Selling Stakes 2500 Guaranteed Guaranteed3yearolds 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record Aug C 191S 136 3 113 393371 SLIPPERY ELM 100 137 5 10107 394 5GtKoliINoor 104 138 4 98 74 39338 Wyoming 102 137 3 101X72 101X7239428s 39428s Peerless One 110 138 3 97X73 97X73390S3 390S3 Sands of Pleasure 106 139 5 101X73 101X73VJ338S VJ338S Klmendorf 108 138 3 101 73 39237 Damrosch 126 138 5 120073 9218 Wihimsy 110 138 5 112173 39390 Sasin 103 137 5 109X73 3 29Sf St Isidore 115 138 5 112X73 112X73KUliliJ KUliliJ Monomoy 108 139 4 106073 39258 Seafarer 3 96071 96071fK fK Arlington entry JJ K L Itoss entry entrySlippery Slippery Kim is fast and favored in the weight Fourth Race 1 Mile MileWilton Wilton Handicap Handicap3yearolds 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record Aug G 1918 13G 3 113 39364 = The Porter 118 137 3 118 750 75038748s 38748s George Smith 112 139 5 12tix 394153 Naturalist 122 136 4 1190 39415 = Crank 110138 4105x745 4105x74539415f 39415f Kegal Lodge 104 138 3 100X740 38843 f Poacher 100 138 3 102X740 39390 Freecuttcr 106 137 3 97X735 97X7353929S 3929S St Isidore 115138 5112X735 38228 Valor 107138 41100730 41100730tS tS C Hildreth entry The Porter is extremely speedy Fifth Race 1 Mile 3 yearolds Selling Track record Aug C 1918 136 3 113 39153 Papp 112141 1220 1220394GB 1220750 394GB Everest 109139 107 745 39001 War Machine 117142 107X 107X745 394151 Kegal Lodge 104 138 107X 107X745 38843 f Poacher 100138 107X 107X745 39304 Tombolo 95 136 115 115740 39364 Matinee Idol 108138 107 107X740 X 39350 Night AVind 100137 107 107740 39469 = Lady Gertrude 111139 102X 102X740 39245 Aalerius 108140 107 735 39418 Trophy 104 139 107 730 39468 Impetus M 107139 100 730 39388 Chief Lally 1070 1070tS 1070725 tS C Hildreth entry If now ready Papp should win easily easilySixth Sixth Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Special Weights WeightsTrack Track record Aug 23 1918 57 2 115 394165 Peter 114100 115 11539i323 39i323 Sea Way 115 11539432f 39432f Purchase 115 39392 Tetley 104 100 115 39323 Madras Gingham 108 101 112 11239340sff 39340sff Minuet 105 59 112 39351 Itallyconnell 112 39432 Mad Hatter 109 102 115 39416 Balustrade 104ll01m 115 11539392f 39392f Roderick lhu 115 102 115 38537 LKffare 115 39392 Mandarins Coat 115 100 115 38710 Zuleika 119 102 112 39340 Itettie Bluff 114101 112 39392 Senator Crow 104 102 115 39392 Due de Guise 115 39400 Rank Xote 101 103 115 39392 Courting Colors 115 101 115 115Mister Mister Mark b c by Marcovil Mystery 115 115Merrivale Merrivale b c by Alvescot Sha Shamecn mecn 115 115tt tt Thunderstorm cli c by Olainhahi Nightfall 115 115tltrighton tltrighton Stable entry JC E Micklewaite entry 5E It McLean entry ffK T Wilson entry Peter is promising