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THE KAISER TALKS FOCH SHOOTS Sir Eric Geddes first lord of the Britisli admir ¬ alty now in this country talks as straight as his navy shoots shootsMy My business he says is not to make peace but to get on with this war We cannot win by talking of peace To get us all taking of peace is just what Germany wants wantsHe He follows with this amplification amplificationImagine Imagine this kind of propaganda permeating a munitions factorv The men working there keyed up to the highest pitch of enthusiasm suddenly weaken They are told that peace is coming They look at a great gun and say This will not be finished for three months and the war will be over in a few weeks so whats the use of going ahead at such a pace The paceThe soldier at the front who gets the notion that peace is coming soon and that Germany is about to collapse loses his enthusiasm for war he loses the will to win When people lose enthusiasm to win they lose the power to win winThere There can be no greater peril to the cause of liberty decency and humanity for which the allies are fighting than a relaxation of energy brought about by a general conviction that the war is about to end that Germany is licked and that therefore it is not necessary to continue preparation and striv iug iugDuring During the war my policy has been to be pre ¬ pared two years in advance Always assume that the war is going to last two years longer and you will be on the safe side If you dp peace will one day come a lasting peace more quickly than other ¬ wise wiseI I am not interested in how much longer Germany can hold out What interests me is how great a whipping we can give her We can only succeed in thrashing her thoroughly if we concentrate all our energies all our resources all our ability on that supreme enterprise The allied armies and the allied navies will bring peace Let the kaiser talk while Foch shoots shootsSo So say we all And it may be counted on that no one better understands the situation as presented by Sir Erie than the commander of our army and navy himself that Woodrow Wilson will no more stum ¬ ble into this German trap of a protracted peace parley than he stumbled into the German trap of a brusque reply to the Maximilian note tield Marshal Haig lias already issued an army order warning iiis en against any such trap trapThe The only way that Germany can get peace now is to atceitt it on the terms already laid down by the president She cannot get it by agreeing to talk about those terms in conference as a basis for negotiations She will not be given any such con ¬ ference ferenceOn On with the Liberty Loan On to Berlin And Berlin it will be unless Germany surrenders uncon ¬ ditionally btfore we get there Louisville Courier Journal Buy Liberty Bonds and keep the Huns going