Empire City Jockey Percentages., Daily Racing Form, 1918-10-17

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EMPIRE CITY JOCKEY PERCENTAGES From January l 1O18 to October 12 1918 Inclusive At or Under UnderPO Jockey PO Wt Mts 1st 2d Loftus J 29 116 101 29 17 Lyke L 22 110 682 164 103 Robinson F 21 109 664 137 100 Kairbrother C 21 113 139 Myers H 19 95 27 Walls G 18 102 383 Ensor L 18 107 343 Schuttingcr A 18 107 257 Trecce G Jr 15 100 55 Haynes E 14 113 7 Tnplin E 13 107 284 McAtee L 12 101 317 Rice T 11 109 284 Buxton M 09 108 305 McCrann II 08 100 205 Rowan M 08 105 131 Bullman U 07 97 242 At or orUnder Under UnderJockey Jockey PO Wt Mts 1st 2d 3d 3dTroise Troise R 06 103 307 17 44 3 ° Bell J 05 106 138 7 11 1 1Midgley Midgley W Jr 05 102 42 42Collins Collins W 04 107 136 136Rowan Rowan T 03 100 ST STHansen Hansen C 02 96 f fLaiis Laiis W 02 98 59 1 5 5 5Zoeller Zoeller J 90 3 0 0 1 Parailise A 100 3 Constantino W 100 14 Betiicl W 101 19 Garrigan C 101 5 Van Kirk J 102 8 Snell J 105 r Hopkins F 106 4 Hughes C 106 Cruise J

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1918101701/drf1918101701_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1918101701_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800