Plans For After-War Trade, Daily Racing Form, 1918-10-17


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PLANS FOR AFTERWAR TRADE The time is now ripe for more centralized con ¬ certed work on a program of economic reconstruc ¬ tion after the war says a report made public today by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce Department of Commerce It is the first of a series of reports to be issued on this subject and is de ¬ voted to the plans under consideration by other countries especially as they bear on future foreign trade developments developmentsThe The outstanding facts undqr observation states the report is the recognition in every land and by all statesmen of the problem called economic re ¬ construction But of more immediate importance is the fact that England France Italy Germany and Austria are making preparations to resume their peaceful economic life with improved facilities for foreign trade with a national supervision of the use of natural resources for the benefit of their own citizens and with assistance from the state stateAttention Attention is called to the achievement of our own government in preparing for afterwar condi ¬ tions such as the building and organization of a huge merchant navy backed by large and efficient shipyards and docks the WebbIomcrene export trade nctnnthoriziiig exporters to combine for ex iwrt trade and the leeway in foreign trade banking now iwssessod by the Federal Reserve Board and banking system All told there has be1 a consider ¬ able amount of effective work done looking toward the future but much remains undone and the bureau is issuing this analysis of European tendencies as a guide although calling attention to the fact that each cojmtry has its own peculiar problem that it must work out for itself itselfIu Iu England says Mr Cutler chief of the bureau in his introduction judging from present comments on the work of the committee of com ¬ mercial and industrial policy after the war any present attempt to lay down complete and binding policies regarding the future is now recognized as a waste of effort What is more important is the assembling of facts taking the basic step to im ¬ prove our educational research and promotive or ¬ ganizations and contributing to clear thinking as to the questions involved Sooner or later we must have a defiuite program In which work and plans for the future based on known conditions affecting our future may be coordinated I personally feel that the time is now ripe for some more centralized concerted work to that end endThe The report is entitled Economic Reconstruction Miscellaneous Scries No 73 and is on sale at 10 cents a copy by the superintendent of documents government printing office Washington D C and by all the district and cooperative offices of the Bureal of Foreign and Domestic Commerce

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