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ALASKAN GAME REGULATIONS AVashington D C October 22 The Bureau of Biological Survey Department of Agriculture has issued a folder announcing the new regulations for the protection of game in certain localities in Alaska AlaskaThe The killing of deer in southeastern Alaska east of longitude 141 degrees is limited to deer having horns not less than three inches long between August 15 and October 31 The limit is three threeThe The killing of female mountain sheep female deer mountain sheep lambs mountain goat kids and fawns of deer and caribou south of the Arctic circle is prohibited prohibitedThe The killing of deer on Kodiak Island and Long Island on the islands of Hawkins Hinchinbrook and Montague in Prince William Sound and on the following islands in southeastern Alaska Duke Island near Dixon inlet Gmvina Island near Ketchikan Kruzof Island west of Sitka San Juan Island and Sininez Island near Klawak and Zerembo Island near AVrangell is prohibited until August 1 1920 1920The The sale of deer meat is prohibited in southeast ¬ ern Alaska east of longitude 141 degrees Xo deer or caribou meat may be received on board any steamer or other vessel in the waters of the south coast of Alaska between Unimak Pass and Dixon Inlet InletThe The killing of moose in southeastern Alaska cast or south of thu Iyim Canal is prohibited until August 1 191U 191UThe The sale of moose meat in Alaska between lati ¬ tude 62 degrees and the Arctic circle between De ¬ cember 25 and August 19 is prohibited prohibitedThe The sale of moose caribou mountain sheep or mountain goat in Alaska south of latitude 62 de ¬ grees and between longitude 141 degrees and the western outlet of Lake Clark in longitude 155 de ¬ grees and the shipping of the meat for sale from Anchorage Reward or other points on the Kenai Peninsula is prohibited prohibitedThe The hiring of any person to kill or capture game birds or game animals south of the Arctic circle is prohibited prohibitedThe The killing of mountain goats in southeastern Alaska east of longitude 141 degrees and on the Kenai Peninsula is limited to the period from September 1 to October 31 31The The killing of caribou on the Kenai Peninsula is prohibited until August 1 1920 1920Tim Tim killing of mountain sheep in the eastern part of the Kenai Peninsula east of longtitude 150 de ¬ grees is prohibited until the same date dateThe The killing Or permitting the killing of deer moose mountain sheep mountain goat or any game bird for feeding dogs or foxes or for baiting traps of any kind in Alaska south of the Arctic circle is prohibited prohibitedKilling Killing or permitting the killing of moose deer carilwu mountain sheep or mountain goats with dogs permitting any of the said animals to be killed by dogs or permitting dogs to hunt moose deer caribou mountain sheep or mountain goats in Alaska south of the Arctic circle is prohibited prohibitedOn On the Kenai Peninsula no dogs shall be allowed to run at large or unless accompanied by or under the immediate control of their owners or cus ¬ todians shall be allowed outside the immediate vicinity of the towns of Hope Keuai Roosevelt Seldovia Seward and Sunrise For the purposes of this regulation the immediate vicinity of the towns shall be considered to mean one mile in any direction from the post office officeGame Game killed by natives for food or clothing or by miners or explorers in need of food shall not be sold directly or indirectly nor served in any boarding house cafe cannery eating house hotel mess house or restaurant