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BELLOW STREAK mTHE HUN Shows fir Spori us lit War Thai He Is Not Game Quits glider Punishment PunishmentTlie Tlie German will quit writes Joe Vright the popular Canadian oarsman who for the past three seasons has coached the crews of the University of Pennsylvania lie always quits wlton he finds hes up against it when hes confronted with the option of himself taking punishment or throwing up his hands The German is a kainarad performer lid wont stick aifd be punished like the Britisher Xobody wilt ever find the German winning the last battle unless its likewise the first buttle or he s won them all When lies lield hes through He has no comeback inhis psychology Xo coii tinned the celebrated oarsman Im not n war eipert or a war prophet I dont pre ¬ sume to speciiiate on the military situation or its strategy n t I know1 the German I have studied hinj in snort Germany liolds no atlilettic chain pionshijis nor do its lads and men figure inath ¬ letic achievements that call for supreme stainitta and sou life has not the big courageous heart Of the AngloSaxon the heart thai wilt stay under punishment that will hang W that will eventually win from beliinil Give the German all the advantage or let him think lie has Jt start him out in rout and he will go like all possessed He will show no mercy to his less fortunate competitors Biit once lies up against it or thinks he is and has to fight even with those gritty bulldog fellows who hang on that Britain turns out hes through make no mistake about it itIts Its has been demonstrated in scores of athletic competitions i have seeii it aljain and again The most outstanding instance which comes to my memory at the moment occurred at the English Henley in 1913 when a German four rowed for the Steward Challenge Cup The Teuton crew were great large fgllows fine specimens of physical size and perfection averaging qver 190 pounds in weight and seemingly lstroug as oxen They won the first two heats they rowed They got jn front at the start and continued at top speed going away off ahead and beating their competitors as far as they could Then they met the Xew College crew stroked byj B pnrne the famous Cinlltrtlge oarsman light in weifeht but strong on pluck Bourne had a light crew so light in fact that the contrast with their husky German opponents was most marked But the Xew Collegians didnt know what the word quitiimeant The big Germans as usual broke ahead at the start and increased their lead to a full length or morc in the first t if ty yards of the course But they got no farther away ifrom the Britishers Bourne and his lightweights could not be shaken off For moretthan half the distance the Britishers rowecV a seemlhgfy hopeless1 hopeless1racel racel IMit they dinng on neither gaining nor losing This fact discon ¬ certed the Germans and during the last half of the race thejitirsuers began to catch up Inch by inch they crept forward and it was when they were nearly even with their competitors not when they liad overtaken and passed them that the big Ger man crew to the amazement of the spectators quit cold The ew College crew won won a race worth winning by courage grit and sticktoitiveness while their big German opponents threw up their hands the moment they realized they were held The German enjoys inflicting punishment ion others but heil quit ever time before taking it iimscf The kamarad spirit was known on tlie water courses and tlitv fields1 fields1of of sport even before our splendid soldiers came cross it on the battlefields of France and Flanders lis a kind of national psychology concluded Mr Wright and It has proved itself times without humfier Xo Xapoluoh will ever have to declare that the German won the lastkbattle of a hard and rnellingistriiggle Sticking it under adverse elr cumstaiices isiit a Gehnrfn job