Another Postponement At Havana: Strike Situation Unchanged and No Improvement in Transportation Facilities Halts Racing., Daily Racing Form, 1918-12-13


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ANOTHER POSTPONEMENT AT HAVANA Strike Situation TTnchakgcdond No Improvoment in Transportation Facilities Halts Racing HAVANA Cuba December 12 With the strike situation unchanged anil no improvement in the transportation facilities between the city and the Oriental Park race track the management of the CubaAmerican Jockey Cluh decided to call off the program arranged for today The entries scheduled for today racing will stand for tomorrow when it is hoped that it will be possible to continue the meeting meetingIn In the meantime trainers at Oriental Park are taking advantage of the enforced idleness and put ¬ ting on the finishing touches to their horses which were not quite on edge when the meeting opened Particularly p are the late comers from Bowie and Latonia benefited by the delay and when racing is again resumed large fields will make up the daily programs

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Local Identifier: drf1918121301_1_7
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