Jefferson Park Entries and Past Performances for Friday, December 13., Daily Racing Form, 1918-12-13


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Jefferson Park Entries and Past Performances for Friday December 13 WEATHER CLEAB TRACK Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 Superior inud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 34 Mile MileAll All ARCS Claiming Track record Dec 22 1917 114 1 10i 10iTodays Todays TodaysInd Ind Horse Wr Rec AWtHan 40573 Jack Henley 31 100X 00 KMS20 Miss Fannie IOC 113 G 111XC95 111XC9540S05 40S05 Lewis B M 103 120 3 111XC90 111XC9040022s 40022s Earlymorn 115 115 7 114XC90 40470 Sir Drke 10S 114 9 109XC85 Laird o Kirkcaldy 40593 Malice M 102 115 3 107 CSO CSOJack Jack Healey has a good chance chanceSecond Second Race 5 12 Furlongs 2yearblds Maidens Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Doc 31 1917 1OSJ 3 108 10840304s 40304s Shady 10CX725 40391 = Dahinda 105 108 111X720 111X72040t 40t 173 Einnuule 109 109 114X715 40493 Vigilante 112 108 112X715 112X71540C04 40C04 Doveridge 99 110 100710 401501 Verity 112110 100 710 71040G04 40G04 Positive Ill 111 100 703 40024 Ellxrta 98 llUh 105 700 4 M rt Drop Light 104113 105 700 700Shady Shady ran well last Monday MondayThird Third Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Dec 22 1917 114 4 106 10640S1 40S1 HASTY MABEL 112 115 3 102725 10272540G1S 40G1S Al Pierce 104 112 5 1090715 4051 Robert Lee 103 113 5 114X715 114X7154WW 4WW KisiKnle 100 114 3 107X710 107X7104CT 4CT ISiuit Rock 10i 113 5 109X710 W22 Dartworth 1083114 10 1140710 40618 Cobalt 1151133 3 110 705 40519 Margaret N 97 l14i 5 111705 111705Hasty Hasty Mabel should prove best here hereFourth Fourth Racc 1 Mile 3venrolds and upward Sellin SellinTrack Track record Dec 5 1917 IMO 3 100 10040G07 40G07 Gipsy Queen 10G l3SJf 3102X725 40120 Wsnikiag 106 139 4 1100720 40596 = AVarsaw 1105138 4 110X715 405942 Irregular 115 141 4 1150715 1150715Gipsy Gipsy Queen runs well in heavy going goingFifth Fifth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track ClaimingTrack record Dec 5 1917 140 3 100 406273 107X72540GOS Semper Stalwart 103 140 5 107X725 40GOS Petelns 110141 91120720 40627 Dr Charoot 112 144 7 1120715 40627 Bit of Blarney 103 143 3 104X710 40627 Transportation TransportationMinnie Hi lr l53h 3h 7 112X710 40622 Minnie F Ill 141 8 8104X705 104X705 Rose Water 6Jl41f 5 109X705 Semper Stalwart has been racing well Sixth Race 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Dec 31 1917 1OS 3 108 40620 Medusa 3 111X725 40623 General 108 100 8 1130720 40569 Parlor BOV 111 107 i 10 1180715 40350 = Langdeii 109 106 4 118X715 403S6 Roedercr 102 107 3 109 710 40585 Sabretash 104 109 3 109 710 40623 Dr Campbell 112 107 4 113X710 40477 Saf ranor 106 107 8 115X710 37923 Frencliy 96 109 3 109 705 39769 Vanessa Welles 105 l13m 3111X705 40593 Theopliile V 108 li3h 3 114X705 40315 Alma B M 4 115X705 40622 Mildred Euretta 110 109 3 106X700 40585 Ettahe M 3 119700 Medusa is gifted with speed

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Local Identifier: drf1918121301_3_1
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