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NORTE AMERICAN RECORDS IN FLAT RACING AT ALL DISTANCES AT TEE BEGINNING OF THIS YEAR Several successful assaults upon existing time records lent interest to the racing of 1918. The most sensational was evergreen Hoamors race against the mile record established by Salvator at Monmouth Park, August 128, 1S90, when he ran the distance in 1:35 over a straight course. Hoamers race took .place at Saratoga. August 21. Carrying the same weight Salvator did 110 pounds he ran the eighth in 12 quarter in "3, three-eighths in 3-1, half mile in 40, five-eighths in .rS, three-quarters in l:10Jf., .seven-eighths in 1:12:2 and in triumph iiuished the mile in 1:34 This remarkable and greatly applauded feat had been preceded earlier in the Saratoga meeting by the establishment of a new Ameri-jcau record at a mile in a regular race when, on August 5, in winning the Delaware Handicap, Sun Briar i carried 113 pounds and ran the distance in 1:31!. Another noble display of speed was given at Sara-! toga, August Hi, when Cudgel took up the steadying impost of 131 pounds and t-overed the mile and three-sixteenths of the Schenectady Handicap in the new American record time of l:.rli. At Douglas Park, Slay 129, Pif Jr. established a new American record at a mile and seventy yards when he ran the distance in 1:41, carrying 120 pounds. At Belmont Park, September 12, the lieet illy Pen Hose made a new record at live-eighths, of a mile straight when she ran the distance in 55 with 110 pounds up. Thus four new records was the years total, but at Havana, February 15, Senator James, 103 pounds, was credited with running one mile and twenty yards in 1:39, equaling the record made by Froglegs at Churchill Downs in 1913. The existing records at all distances are already so fast that excelling any of thera is a matter of extreme difficulty, so that when a new one is made it represents a display of speed of the highest order. The American track records in Hat racing, revised to date, are now as follows: Dist. Horse. A. Wt. Track. Date. Time. 1-4 Bob Wade 4 122 Butte, Slont August 20. 1890 :21, " 1-2 f Nash Cash 2 112 Charleston, S. C. Palmetto Park February 5, 1912 :294 3-8 Atoka 105 Butte, Slont, September 7, 19011 :33 3 1-2 f Joe Blair 5 115 Juarez, Slex February, 5, 1915 :39 1-2 Donau . 2 115 Bos Angeles, Cal. Santa Anita .Slarch 13, 1909 :45Ms Anion 2 115 Juarez. Slex February 9, 1911 :4GJf, 4 1-" f Joe Slorris 2 103 Louisville, Ky. Churchill Downs Slay S, 1909 :52 Floral Park 2 107 Salt Lake City, Utah Lagoon . .July 9, 1912 v. . .:52f, 5-8 Pan Zareta 5 120 Juarez, Slox February 10, 1915 :iiYr. 5 1-2 f Iron Slask 0 150 Juarez, Slex. ... Slarch 8, 1914 1:0373 Old FuturitV Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. Kingston .. 7 129 Sheepshend Bay, X. Y June 22, 1891 1:0S 3-4 Iron Slask 0 115 Juarez, Slex January 4, 1914 1:09 i 1-4 f Slonfcinle ...4 109 Chicago, 111. Washington Park .July 20, 1901 1:15 i 1-2 f Brookdale Nymph .. 4 124 Belmont Park, N. Y October 14, 1907 1:17 7-8 Hoseben 5 120 Belmoit Park, N." Y October 10. 1901 . . .,. 1:22 7 l- f Hestigouche ... 3 107 Belmont Park, N. Y Slay 29, 190S 1:31 1 Hoamer 7 110 Saratoga Springs, N. Y August. 21, 1918 1:3412 Sun Briar 3 113 Saratoga Springs. N. Y August 0, 191S l:3i lm20y Froglegs 4 107 Louisville, Ky. Churchill DownsJSIay 13, 1913 1:39, SIuianceT". .TTTTITlU THIffliloT N"y! tKeniiworth Pnrk.Iune 29,1907 . . . .7!-. .?; :42 Harry Shaw ...... 4 104 Baltimore, Sid. Pimlico . . . . ...November 9, 1915 :L.1:42 . Chiclet... . vV: w.-. 4. 114 Baltimore. Sid. Pimlico .November 8. TJ10 1:42 lm50v Vox Populi 4 104 Seattle, Wash. . The Sleadows . .September 5, 190S 1:40 lm5y First Wliip 3 101 Saratoga, N Y ....August 22. 1900 1:43V lmGOy Watervale 3 98 Baltimore, Sid. Pimlico ..Slay 9, 1911 1:42 lni70v Pif Jr 0 120 Louisville, Ky. Douglas Park. -Slay 29, 1918 1:41 lmlOOy Rapid Water . 114 Oakland, Cal November 30, 1907 1:44 1 1-10 Celesta 4 10S Syracuse, N. Y. September 3, 1914 1:42 1 1-8 Borrow 9 117 Aqueduct, N. Y June 25, 1917 1:49 Boots 0 127 Aqueduct, N. Y Inly 7, 1917 1:49 1 3-10 Cudgel 4 131 Saratoga Springs, X. Y .. August 10. 1918 1:55 1 1-4 Whisk Broom II.... 139 Belmont Park, N. Y June 28, 1913 2:00 lmSOOy Swiftwing 5 100 Latonia, Ky Job- 8. 1905 2:10 1 5-10 Ballot 4 125 Sheepshead Bay, X. Y July 1, 190S 2:09 1 3-8 Irish Lad 4 120 Sheepshead Bay. X. Y June 25, 1904 2:17 1 1-2 rJoodrich 3 102 Chicago, 111. Washington Park .July 15, 1898 2:30 15-8 Fitz Herbert . . 3 122 Sheepshead Bay, N. Y July 30, 1909 . ..2:45 1 3-4 Slajor Daingerfiehl. 4 120 Slorris Park, X. Y October 3, 1903 2:57 17-8 Orcagna 85 Oakland, Cal Slarch 2. 1909 3:17 2 Everett 3 107 Baltimore, Sid. Pimlico October 31. 1910 3:25 m70y Grcsgrnin 4 101 New Orleans, La. City Park . .January 27, 190 3:35 " 1-10 War Whoop ,4 90 Toronto, Out. Woodbine Park . .September 23, 1905 3:34i 2 1-8 Joe Slurphy 4 99 Chicago, III. Harlem August 30, 1S94 3:42 2 1-4 Ethelbert 4 124 Brighton Beach, X. Y August 4, 1900 3:49 2 1-2 Kyrat 3 88 Xewport, Ky November 18. 1899 4:24 2 5-8 Teh Broeck 4 104 Lexington, Ky September 10, 1870 4:5S. 2 3-4 Hubbard 4 107 Saratoga, N. Y August 9, 1873 ...4:5S 3 Slamie Algol 5 105 New Orleans, La. City Park ..February 10. 1907 5:19 4 Lucretia Borgia ... 4 85 Oakland, Cal Slay 20, 1S97 7:11 Sotemia 5 119 Louisville, Ky. Churchill Downs October 7, 1912 7:10 " Straight Course. , 1-2 Geraldine 4 122 Slorris Park, X. Y TAugust 30, 1SS9 :45 4 1-2 f Preceptor 2 112 Belmont Park, X. Y Slay 19, 190S :51 5-S Pen Hose . 2 110 Belmont Park, N. Y September 12. 1918 .... :55 5 1-2 f Plater 2 107 Slorris Park, X. Y October 21, 1902 ..1:02 3-4 Artful 2 130 Slorris Park, X. Y October 15, 1904 1;0S 0 1-" f Ladv Vera 2 90 Belmont Park, X. Ys October 19, 1900 1:10 7-8 Paris 2 110 Belmont Park, X. Y. September 12, 1914 1:22 1 "Salvator 4 110 Sloiimouth Park, NY -J August 28, 1890 jr... .1:351. Kihleer 4 91 Monmouth Park, X. J August 13, 1892 ...1:37A 11-4 Banquet . 3 10S Sloiimouth Iark, X. J ...July 17, 1S90 ..; 2:034 "Against time.