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WESTERN CHAMPIONS At TRAP SHOOT C. M. Powers of Decatur, 111., was one of the ten high amateurs in 1918 who shot at 2,000 or more targets, jiercentage was: .9599, and Homer Clark of Alton, I1L, was . high professional for the year with a percentage of .9752. Itolla O. iieikcs of . iDayfont the veteran, was one of the ten hlgTAirofeSSfonnl trap shots for the year 191. his percentage being .H5S3. Rolla is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, professional now on the road, and ik a3 widely knowu as any living trapshooter. F M. Troeh of Vancouver. JVash.. made high amateur percentage during the Star jiist past. He shot at 0 845 targets and broke .0,055 of them, or a percentage of .9722. -Sonic shufltiag that, let us assure the reader.