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. 1 e THE Monthly Form Book containing charts of all races run on recognlxed tracks In North America during the month of A DECEMBKR, is now on sale. PRICE .00 Single copies by mall will POSITIVELY only b sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for book sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT .: CHICAGO, HI. 74 EXCHANGE STREET : BUFFALO. K. T. SKIRTS MADE OF YOUR OWN MATERIAL WILSON 1418 STEVENS BUILDING, CHICAGO Telephone: RANDOLPH 3111 J. SUNNYSIDE HOTEL Magnolia Springs, Baldwin County i: : Alabama In the heart of the Ponce de. leon country, between Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Open all the year round. Fine fishing. The Springs furnish a certain cure for kidney diseases. RATES: 5 PER WEEK. TELEPHONES: Automaiic 62-756. Harrison 1314, 1315, 1316. All Departments. OWEN H. FAY LIVERY CO. AUTOMOBILE LIVERY AND GARAGE . 435 Plymouth Court : Chicago, HI.