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-; ; FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEW ORLEANS, LA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1919. Fair Grounds. Twenty-fifth day. Business Mens Association. Winter Meeting of 54 days. Weather clear; temperature 66 . Judges, Joseph A. Murphy, J. B. Campbell and E. C. Smith. Starter, A. B. Dade, Racing Secretary. Joseph McLennan. Racing starts at 2:00 it. m. Chicago time 2:00 p. in.. W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age or Horse anu weight carried. . Indicates apprentice allowance. A-t-tThK: FIRST RACE 3-8 Mile. Jan. 7, 1916 35 2 H5. 5600 Added. 2-year-olds. tEXJLdO Claiming:. Net value to winner 70; seoond, 18; third, 2. Index Horses AWtPPSt ft Str Fin Jockey3 Owners O H C P S 4105GRUNNAN vl20 4 3 2i P J Metcalf A B Spreckels 9-5 2 7-5 1-3 out 410G9 FORECLOSURE w 11" 2 2 11 2 A JohnsonG Peterson 7-5 2 9-5 2-5 out 41115 AIRNAT w 120 5 1 3" 3" C RobsonH S Koppin 3 4 Al 4-a out NELLIE WITWER w 10S 14 4 4 C Cochran J W Tate 30 50 50 8 o 41115 BONE DRY w 113 3 5 5 5 L Gentry E R Bradley 20 30 30 7 Time, 25, 38. Track heavy. Winner B. c, by Kunnymede Georgia Girl trained by C. W. Carroll; bred by Mr. Adolpli It. Went to post at 1:59. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the samp. RUNNAN was taken back soon after the start, but under strong riding held on well and outstayed FORECLOSURE through the last seventy yards. FORECLOSURE was in the best going for the entire way and, setting- a good pace, held on well, but tired near the end. AIRN AT raced close up until in the last sixteenth, where lie also tired. The others were always outrun. Scratched 41082Hidden Ship, 112. A U i SECOND RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 12, 1916 1:42 4 113. 00 Added. 4tL -3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to -winner 85; second, 27; third, 8. Index Horses AWtPPSt ft ft ft Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 409G2DAHABIAH II. w 4 108 3 4 2 3- 1 1 li J Mooney D T Morris 6 6 5 8-5 7-10 41083 . 1, A. SHERIDAN wit 3 105 8 S C 45 21 2 2 J Rod g ez Crown Stable la 20 .0 8 4 4105-ASTRAEA w3 95 7 2 4 2U 3 3 3 C RobsonH P Headley 1 i-o C-5 1-2 1-4 41070 WILFREDA w 3 100 4 7 8 Ci" 4h 4l 4 II ErlcksnG T McM itch ell 2 3 3 4-3 2-a 41075 REUBEN HUGH w 4 113 C C 5 5 C5 7 5 O Willis C Lacoco 30 30 30 10 5 8154MARAMON wli 3 100 2 3 l5 IS 5 Cl 61 H J Burke J Livingston Id la 12 5 11 41L17 HANDSEL ROSE w 5 108 1 1 3" 7 7 5 73 M Garner F Gering Jr 10 12 12 5 2 41057 CAVE MAN wit 4 ll?. 5 5 V 8 S 8 8 M Rowan F A Herold 30 Ji 2a 10 5 Time, 25, 52, 1:19, 1:47. 1:52. Track heavy. Winner Br. f, by Helmet Altiora trained by D. T. Morris; bred by Estate of L. L. Israel. Went to post at 2:24. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. DAHABIAH II. raced info the lead -with a rush after going three-quarters and, coming fast through the stretch, held JAMES A. SHERIDAN safe. The latter moved up rapidly after going a half mile and finished gamely. ASTRAEA had no mishaps and tired in the last quarter. ILFRKDA closed u gap. MARAMON tired after going a half mile in the lead. Scratched 11117 Man of Honor, 108. A -i -i I OF7 THIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Feb. 19, 1916r-l:05 4 129. 00 Added. 4-year-411o olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 95; second, 33; third, 2. Index" Horses : AWtPPSt ,j ft Str Fin Jockeys Ow-ners O H O P S 411X0BATliILDE wn 4 109 9 1 li Ill 1 J Mooney J Randolph Si 5 41 2 4-5 41060 -RCAKPIA II. wn5 115 S 3 2i 2 2 9 M Rowan Mrs E ArlingtonlO 12 12 5 25 40979 INA KAY w 7 110 1 4 31 41 41 31 T Rice C N Freeman 2 2i 2 4-5 2-5 4O071MIASTY MABEL w 4 104 3 9 7 3 31 4 C RobsonW H Flzer 7 10 10 4 2 4089 AZALEA w 4 109 5 2 4 OS 5 5 B Kleeger M J Rooney C 8 16-56-5 3-5 4100 EARLY SIGHT wn C 115 4 5 5J 5 6 G A Johnson M Siefert 0 10 10 4 2 40000 JUANITA III. wn 4 114 2 C 61 71 7 71 J RodVezJ Arthur 20 20 20 8 4 41008 ROYAIa LNTERSTwr. 7 115 10 7 S SJ S S D ConnllyJ V Phillips 15 20 20 S 4 JOandSlVOUNG JI wn i 110 S ! 9 9 J Burke J 1 Mayberry .. 30 12 ! 4ulr7 LETA L.r.i.v WH4KI9 7 10 10 10 10 10 H Stearns G If Cooper 6 12 12 5 2i Time, 25, 50. 1:031, 1:10. Tracl; heavy. Winner B. f. bv Astronomer Helen OC. trained by .1. Randolph:; bred by Mr. David Gideon. . i -. i Went to iwst ut2:51. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving BATHILDE showed the most speed from the start and. being kept in the best going, won in a ."mW SC VRPI II raced ill closest pursuit from tin- start, but tired and Just lasted to hold second nlatv InVkAY watake, through the deep going, but linished fast and gaining. HASTY MABEL tired AXALHA milt after going a half mile. LETA was away poorly. Scratched 1112JlChoir Master, 111. A H i 9 C FOURTH RACE-5 1-2 Furlongs. Feb. 19, 1916-l:05-4-129. 00 Added. 4-year-TclliSO olds and upward. Claiming. .Net value to -winner 00; second, 36; third, 4. Index Horses AWtPPSt V vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners O n O P S 41095FOXY GRIFF wn 7 110 C 3 51 2J 2 In S SndmanFrazlerandCrippen 10 12 10 4 2 41117 KEY MAR wn 7 115 9 7 Ink 1 P 2 M Garner W C AVcnnt C 9 8 3 8-;. 41097TRUSTY wn 5 110 4 4 2!- r,ak 5i 3. II J BurkeMcN m aandLelgh 1 ll-EG-5 3-5 1-3 40898C. A. COMISKEY w 4 1C9 Si "- 4J 4 4 C RobsonM E Williams- 2 3-5 40917 EARLYMORN wn 8 115 10 2 G Ci ?, 5i J RodgezP L Short 0 .0 30 12 C 41037 EDITH. L. wn 4 111 8 10 8 7 6 6U L Gentry A L Kirby 10 10 4 1 40927. PINEHURST ..wn 4 114. 3 5 4H S5 71 71 M Buxton J Specht 10 10 4 . 41090 ORNERY av 4 109 1 8 7 51 8 8 H Stearns A Dontonio 20 0 15 C 3 40504 BROWN VELVET w 6 110 2 3 10 10 9 9 J Mooney F Gerlng Jr o0 50 50 20 10 3G890 MEDDLING MISS W 5 110 7 9 ! 10 10 R Rom 111 L M Holmes 20 2a .0 8 4 Time, 24, 50, 1:04, 1:11. Track heavy. Winner B. g, bv Marta Santa Marina trained by G. W. Crippen: bred by Mr. Catcsby Woodford. Went to post nt3:17. At post 2 minutes, start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. FOXY GRIFF, suddenly improved, moved up with a rush on the stretch turn, where lie saved ground and, finishing fast. Just got up in time to win. KEY MAR showed the most .speed, but was guided widest, of all and it cost him the nice. TRUSTY raced forwardly all the way. t. A. COMIbKLl had no mishaps. EARLYMORN showed speed. Scratched 37783 Petrograd. 110; 1109. Busy Alice, 105. Overweights Edith L., 2 pounds. A- -t Of! FIFTH RACE 7 1-2 Furlongs. March 30, 1896 1:33 4 97. Claremont Purse. 4XAo.5f 5C00 Added. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 70; second, 18; third, 2. , ; Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 ?4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II O P S 41007-SAILOR wn 10S 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 K Hayncs J II Bullock 1 C-5 3-5 1-4 out 41070THE CULLEN BONw 101 2 3 4 V 3 3 2" J H ErlcksnD J Brannon 4 7 8-5 o-5 41083NEWEL W. wn 109 1 4 5 5 2 2 3 L Stalker IJayrldKe .Stable 10 12 U 3 0-;. 411 1G AR. ALEXANDER w 108 5 5 3 3 fh 4 4l J Mooney E C Church 41 b C, 8-5 1-2 41116 CHURCHL DOWNSwn 10G 3 1 T 21 5 5 5 M Garner J Greenberg 5 7 G S-a 1 - Time. 25, 51, 1:18, 1:32, 1:39. Track heavy. Winner Ch. g, bv All Gold Boisterous trained by G. Bowen: bred by Green tree Stable. Went to post at 3:40. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving SAILOR ran as if he outclassed the others, raced into the lead when called on and,- drawing away steadily, won in a canter. THE CULLEN BON was forced hack soon after the start, but finished fast and gamely NEWEL W. began slowly, but closed a gaii,. then began tiring near the end. AIiCIIIL ALEXANDER quit badly. CHURCHILL DOWNS set the pace brieliy and also quit. Scratched 41053Emanale, 100. Overweights Newel W., 3 pounds. A -t -i A SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 20 Yards. Jan. 11, 1916 1:40 3 96. 00 Added. allTtU 4-yeariolds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20; second, 43; third, 7. Index Horses AWtPPSt ?i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 4 1100 LOTTERY w 5 100 G 4 4l 4 2l 11 1 C RobsonS Louis 21 3 21 1 2-5 41O40sBERLIN wn 5 10.". 3 G 51 55 4s 21 2s M Garner W C Wcant -4 41 3 1 2-a 41119 BOB HENSLEY wit 8 105 5 3 21 2 V 3s 3 F Murphy H Perkins 3 4 31 G-5 u-5 41084 THORN BLOOM w 5 112 2 11 11 3 4 4l.T Mooney D S Fountain 8-5 12-ull-u4-5 2-5 410C1 STITCH IN TIME v 4 101 4 5 G G C 5 53 8 SndmanJ Moore 15 20 20 C 2 41074 PATRIOTIC MARY 4 92 1 2 -Si 3and 51 C G M Cruise T O Webber 100 100 100 20 8 Time, 25, 50, 1:17, 1:45, 1:47. Track heavy. ,,,, Winner Br. g, by Garry Herrmann Dovecote trained by W. A. Burttschell; bred by Mr. George D. il,Went" to post at 4:03. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third the same. LOTTERY showed sudden improvement and held BERLIN safe in the stretch drive to win easing up. BERLIN was away sluggishly and seemingly refused to extend himself fully until iu the last quarter, where he came fast. BOB HENSLEY showed much speed to the stretch, where he tired after taking the lead. THORN BLOOM dropped back after setting the pace for a half mile. The others were out-pneod.- u . A-i -i A-i SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13, 1915 1:44 3 104. 00 Added, 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 90; second, 30; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 4108GJACK REEVES w 6 109 5 8 and 2" 11 1 li J Dursch J Rabito 4 5 31 7-5 7-10 410853LITTLE COTTGEw 5 103 3 2 4h G- 41 2 2 H Wakoff D Shaw 4 G 5 2 1 4 1071 BOMBAST av 4 109 7 1 T S 7 5 31 L Stalker F P Lettelller : 5 5 2 1 40983 WATERPROOF "WB 7 10S 8 7 8 41 31 3 4 M Garner W C Weant 21 o 13-al 1-2 41119DALAVOOD wb 4 101 2 5 l1 3t 21 4i 5 H J BurkeJ W Williams la 20 20 8 4 41100 AMALGAMATOR wn 5 103 G 3 3J 11 5 G 0s C RobsonS Louis 15 la 10 4 2 41096 MAUD BACON wr. 5 101 1 4 2 5 G1 7 73 S SndmanCrist fc Buckley a G G 2 1 41042 KEBO wn 5 111 4 G CH 71 8 S 8 A Johnson W Cahlll la 20 20 8 4 v , Time, 25, 51. 1:18, 1:46, 1:53. Track heavy. Winner Ch. g, by The Commoner Brief trained by J. B. Goodman; bred by Messrs. Tanner, Stone and cnt to . nt 4;2g At iost nlimites- start good and slow. Won easily; second and third the same. JACK REEVES raced close to the inner rail for the entire way and. having saved much ground on all the turns, outstayed LITTLE COTTAGE through the stretch. LITTLE COTTAGE showed much speed and was taken wide all the way. BOMBAST closed a gap and canie with a rush through thu stretch. WATERPROOF tired in the last quarter. DALWOOD, AMALGAMATOR and MAUD BACON 1UitScratdied 11110Queen Apple, 103 : 41042 Puts and Calls, 100. Overweights Bombast, 3 pounds; Maud Bacon, 3.