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Fair Grounds Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, January 30. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK HEAVY. o o 41096 Little Bessie M. 99.. 700 The figures under the heading "Rec." in the 40601 Caraway M 99.. 700 entries below show the best time of each horse T1 wiu , jt Antoinette, at the distance since January 1, 1917, no matter 1 where it finished. In cases where record was Fourth Race 1 1-16 Miles, made on other than a fast or good track, Country Club Purse abbreviations show track conditions. 4-vear-olds and upward. Allowances. i 0 Track record: Feb. 13, 1915 1:441$ 3 104. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00. 41072s Bolster 102 1:47 4 102 X 725 Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. 41101 f Broom Peddler 107 1:47 4 102 720 Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice 41101 Irregular 108 1:47 5 1050715 allowance. 41118 Dan Bright 109 1:54 s 4 102X715 40900 f Douglass S 110 1:45 5 117X710 First Race--1 1-4 Miles. 41118 Sands of Pleasure. 92 1:40 6 105X700 4 -year-olds and upward. Claiming. h. S. Koppin entrv. Track record: March 7, l916-2:04-10U BfflIgter js aM and mmI mml Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. Fifth Race 1 1-16-Miles. 41141 Dalwood 102 2:15h 4 100X 725 4-vear-olds and upward. Claiming. 10S35 Sea Urchin 101 2:07 6 103 X 720 Track record: Feb. 13, 1915 1:44 3 104. 100 2:14 7 113X715 i"2H el:!r 410-3- HARVEST KING. .114 1:45 5 100X725 "iciit".r" t M113 Ijrd Herbert 109 1:51 4 104X715 tll-O T ursdMv 10SX710 Ji?.--. fi?,Mft inn lOO-.lOijh o.1rti i i W-:-10 Kiandnn 41101 Prunes 1 0911:4S 4 104X710 1 S7 n,?rvUh 41101 King Neptune ....115 1:46 6 111710 410Si Derwsli 110X00 .mol obolus 114 1:45- 7 Hl705 Dalwood is at the distance. good Harvest Kings recent form is best. Second Race 1 1-4 Miles. sixth Race! Mile 70 Yards. Tracl? 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record. March Alarch 7, 7916 1916 -S"tl01 .04 101. Track record: Feb. 12, 1916 1:42 4113. 41100 Benefactor 98 2:12 4 100X 72o .lni- T,w tu; iorw.13 m ir.vTo SSB S;tc-103i2:K5 giS3g SSS SSr.!"..::::::, SftandfeS j,," o. pVioh.i 107 o-OSSi 10 lOSandriO 410181 B1,le Rock 115 1:50 0 115X715 41ir Almi bVmY "10G 106-15-s 5 98X710 41041 Edith Baumanu .... 94 1:44 6 104X710 410S8- Col AIcNii , -los r luoQ45 410S6 Bajazet ........ ..:i0531:51h 4113:i:705 ThVrStC-?..V.V.V:.105 41134 Semper Stalwart. . .110 1:46 6 115X705 4X121 2:ll 5 100X 705 41133 Hickoryuut 105 2:12 5 105.. 700 Blue Thistles chance is good. Benefactor seems decidedly best. Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. -1 -eur-oias siiifl iipwirtl. Claiming. Third Race 1 Mile. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Track ,m ,-cord: Feb. 12, 1916-1:42--! A13. Track record: Jan. 11, 1916 1:37 5 106. 410S7 Brown Favorite ...110 1:45 6 112X725 41061 Antoinette 107 1:41 104X725 j5 SInerer Ill 1:45 7 1J5X720 41133 41070 Frank Shannon ...102 l:49h 102 X 720 ePuer : blielby 100 o 1.4. 14- h S 109X710 loaxao 41074 Frances Star 100X715 410?i ?C 40624 George Muehlebach. 99.. 715 410V 1 f1", : : JSHiLfe 1 JiSXin- 710 41041 Pttle Princess ....10 l:4o 4 102X0. 41051 Elizabeth Marie .. 103.. 41051 Romeo 106 1:41 103.. 710 Brown Favorite has been racing promisingly. FAIR GROUNDS JOCKEY PERCENTAGES. From January 1, 1918, to January 20, 1119, Inclusive. , At or At or Under Under Jockey. P.C. AVt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Jockey. P.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Pauley, R 24 100 249 59 35 38 Willis. 0 09 105 361 32 46 42 Lvke, L 23 111 784 181 129 111 Dursch, J. ... .09 108 .225 20 21 20 Robinson, F. ..... .21 111 870 ISO 141 108 Kleeger, B 09 111 221 19 27 28 Robinson. C .21 98 91 19 11 10 Brown, C 09 104 179 15 17 27 Crump. AAr. 19 107 163 31 25 24 Rowan, M. 09 100 171 15 11 11 OBrien, AV. J 18 114 281 50 41 38 Metcalf, J 09 109 131 12 17 16 Cassity. H 18 96 208 37 24 29 Haynes, E 09 110 76 7 15 6 AValls. G .....16 106 619 99 97 85 Pool, E OS 104 417 34 50 65 Garner, M 16 106 324 51 53 46 Hanover, J .OS 109 142 . 11 16, 20 Smith, F 15 101 399 59 47 51 Parrington, T. ... .08 109 101 8 12 16 Stalker. L 15 106 281 42 34 37 Bolton, R OS 100 50 4 1 11 AVakoff. H 14 100 118 16 13 13 Collins, A -. .07 106 029 43 76 57 Ensor, L 13 110 534 121 82 76 Molesworth, G 07 105 283 .20 25 30 Rodriguez. J 13 102 633 80 73 77 Gaugel, L 07 107 152 11 16 10 Murphv, F 13 100 284 33 22 30 Schwartz, M. .... .07 85 14 1 1 1 Connelly, D 12 111 634 75 82 86 Pinnegar, B 00 114 63 5 1 8 Moonev, J 12 98 475 56 57 67 Bell. J 05 107 145 7 11 -12 Gentry, L 12 112 430 51 51 41 Stearns, H 05 100 98 5 14 17 Simpson, R 12 109 365 44 42 36 Burger, N 05 108 62 3 7 7 Erickson, H 12 86 284 34 20 37 Anderson, M...... .05 102 39 2 1 4 Matthews. M 12 107 94 11 13 9 Carroll, G. W 04 102 143 6 13 11 Stevens, F 12 103 90 11 5 7 Denyse, R 04 100 126 5 7 12 Manders, AV 12 111 17 2 0 2 Hamilton, H 04 90 51 2 3 8 AVishard, D 12 10S 8 1 2 3 Gregory, I .02 98 101 2 11 10 Johnson. A 11 10S 578 62 87 78 Robinson. W. 109 22 0 3 3 Rice, T . .11 111 368 40 45 60 Constantine. W 105 21 0 3 1 McTaggart. J 11 106 254 27 47 35 Boyle, S 95 23 0 2 1 Donahue. E 11 OS 133 15 11 13 Romanelli, R 101 14 0 2 0 Burke. H. J 11 100 93 10 9 10 Scott, J 101 28- 0 .2 0 Kirschhaum. C 11 110 79 9 14 7 Bolger, S .. 110 -1 0 0 0 Buxton, M 10 103 406 41 47 49 Cochran. C 100 1 0 0 0 Sneidman, S 10 102 271 27 2S 24 Cruise. M 100 14 0 0 0 Barrett. N 10 104 206 20 28 24 Ridenour. W 100 4 0 0 0 FIRST RACE 1 1-4 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. March 7, 1916 2:04 6 101. Index Course Bist TimeTckOdds Wt St 4 Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish DALWOOD, br. g, 4 100 By Dalhousie Brynwood J. W. Williams. 41H1 F.Gnds 1 1-16 1:53 hvy 20 101 5 1 3 2 4J 59 H J Burke 8 J.Reeves, Lit.Cottage, Bombast 4111U F.Gnds lir.Oy l:55hvv 20 103 7 7 C 6 7 75 J Mooney 7 Jiffy, Grayson, Queen Apple 41075 F.Gnds 1 1-4 2:15 hvy 20 102 2 1 1 1 li 31 S SndmanlO Lord Herbert, Rhymer, Cracow l- 09a0 F.Gnds 1 1-1C l:53hvy 8 109 3 3 3 1 3 43i A Johnson 9 L. Cochran, R. Interest, Ellison 40S72 F.Gnds lm70y l:50hvy 8 107 1 2 2 2 2 l 4 F Smith "5 DioscOride, Thirst, Bajazet ! 40539 Bowie 1 1-1C 1:54 hvy 23-5 103 7 6 C 7 7 7" J McTagt 8 Gold.Boy, W.Bedotte, Foun.Fay ! 0493 Bowie lmOy l:47fast 38 98 9 8 7 7 7 510 L Stalker 10 JusquauBout, Peer.One, Poacher 5 -042G Bowie lm70y l:49good 98 103i 7 5 4 4 5 4J S Sndman 7 Babette, Everest, Dalwood -403S0 Bowie 7-8 l:31hvy 27f 110 13 13 13 11 10" G AValls 14 S.Emblem, Starfinch, Bbannock 37C72 Oaklwn lm"0y l:45good 7 110 9 6 4 3 6 7" R Troxler 10 Flapper, Austral, Cobrita t SEA URCHIN, ch. g, 6 103 By Sea King Mayme M. M. fW. L. Drake. 4US35 F.Gnds lmTOy l:47mud 12 111 9 9 10 10 9 9" F Smith 10 Mab, Handfull, Leah Cochran 40CS7 Jefson 3-4 l:17slow 10 112 5 3 3 8l 711 F Smith 9 FoxyGriff. E.Bmann, ll.Tnkel 4 40009 Jefson 1 1:43 good 10 110 3 7 7 5 4h 4 J Hanoverl2 Lucky R., Black Broonitifose 4 40512 Jefson 1 1-16 2:00hvy 7 113 1 2 2 4 34 38J H Stearns 6 AVad.Last, W.H.Bknen Acheron 40220 Laurel lm70v 1:45 fast 13 111 12 12 12 12 andl 51 AV Kelsay 13 W.Bedotte. GalaDress, Refugee WIS Laurel 1 1-16 l:47fast 28 107 7 9 6 6 6 84 AV Kelsay 14 Tie Pin, Lazy Lou, Galley Head 2 40093 Laurel lm70y 1:46 fast 51 113 6 7 7 8 3and 2and W Kelsay 9 Bravado, Zinnia, Veldt 2 4HKS Laurel 1 1-16 l:4C5fast 32 109 5 3 3 3 3 3 W Kelsay 9 Nigel, Hwfa, Galley Head 39968 Laurel 1 1-4 2:06fast 13f 103 2 8 6 6 6n 6" R Denysf 9 J.Wgfld, B.Hmpson, Bevolent 4 NOUREDDIN, br. g, 1 US By Ogden Frances McClelland S. Judge. 4 41133 F.Gnds lrnTOy l:54hvy 20 114 S S 8 S 6lJ 4si R Pauley 8 Amelita, N. Simplex. Gleipner 4 51022 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:54hvy 8 109 7 8 8 7 61 612 R Pauley 8 J. Reeves. Grumpy, Petit Bleu 4 4099C F Gnds 1 1-4 2:12hvy 6 110 7 8 5 518 R Pauley 9 Aztec. Dioscoride.. Kebo 40913 FGnds 1 1-16 l:57hvy 12 107 6 7 6 3 31 1 R Pauley 8 AmaImator, PetitBleu, Rhymer i 40S96 F.Gnds 1 1-4 2:llgood 20 100 6 6 7 7 7 7l I Gregory 7 Pit, Quito, Waterproof i 40SG1 F.Gnds lm20y l:49hvy 30 111 G 5 5 4 4IS 4 I Gregory 6 Peerless One, Cadillac, Berlin 4 40S22 Jefson 1 1-16 l:52slov 20 112 7 8 8 8 9 9l C Kschm 9 Sem.Stalwart, Brando, Mikifula 4 4076G Jefson lm.Oy l:52hvy 20 113 7 9 8 8 7 7" J Heupel 9 Dan Bright. Thirst, Hope : 40730 Jefson 3-4 1:22 hvy S 112 6 10 10 9 92 F RobsonlO Stelcliff, King Neptune, Kilmer 4 40547 Bowie 1 1-16 l:54slow 5Sf 111 9 6 5 4 4 3 J Murphy 11 Euterpe, K.Neptune, SkeerFace 4 40460 Bowie 1 1-16 l:51fast 33f 110 9 9 9 11 11 11" J Murphy 11 Kebo, Sis.Emblem, Sil.Sandals 4 40140 Bowie 1 1-16 1:52 fast 7f 1C9 10 11 4 9 9 S R Moore 12 Bl.Thistlc, Sis.Emblem, Luther 4 TOGOLAND, ch. f, 4 95 By Martimas Moki Land H. A. Cotton. 2 0G78 Jefson 51 f 1:11 hvy 0 111 2 6 0 S Ss F Robson 8 Pinehurst, II.andHalf, .TuneBug 3 34457 AVindsor 5-8 1:03 good 13 108 1 5 6 7 7 II Jeffcott 7 Blackburn, Flame. Brit.s Ally I 34270 FortErie 5-8 l:02fast 12 9G 6 7 7 8s 8 H Jeffcott 9 Pretty Baby, Cobrita, Sincerity 4 34UG Hamton 5-8 1:04 slow 13-10 112 7 4 4 51 4 T Parton 8 Bencher, B.s Ally. Red Admiral 4 34035 Hamton 5-S l:04slow 4-5 107 1 3 3 2 2 T Parton 5 R. Admiral, Thomns G., R.Navy 4 339S0 Hamton 5-8 l:05slop 47-10107 7 6 4 S5 4" T Parton 11 Wow. Marauder, Foxs Choice j 33899 Connht 5-8 l:02fast 47-10 97 5 5 5 6! 6J Bell C T.forTat, SamPickett, Fleetfoot j 3SS25 Connht 5-8 l:02fast 39-10 99 3 3 2 2k 2 W Collins 8 Sam Pickett, Dryland, Ogle 3 S36S7 BlucBon. 6-8 l:054nvy 31-5100 2 2 3 3 6 H Jeffcott 6 L.Eileen, How.Bland, S.Pickett 3 33617 BlucBon. 5-8 l:05hvy73-10f 102 4 1 1 Is 1 H Jeffcott 12 Producer, L. Sweeper, Semcena 3 I I : t l- ! ! 5 t 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 i i 4 4 : 4 4 4 4 2 3 I 4 4 4 j j 3 3 3 THURSDAY NIGHTER. ch. g, 5 108 By Trap Rock International W. J. Riley i 11120 F.Gnds lin.Oy 1:51 hvy 1X-5 105 3 3 3 3 3 3" S Sndman 6 Iilsen, C.Master, Strikebreaker 41071 F.Gnds 1 l-ifi l:54f.hvy in 109 5 2 J 2 4J 4 S Snclinanl2 OldManCrit, Bombast, Ycrmak 41005 F.Gnds 5J f l:llhvy 12 106 8 3 3 51 65i S Sndmanl2 SidC.Kceucr. Pilsen, EarlySight 40S95 F.Gnds 11-16 1:51 good 15 105 3 13 2 61 9" S SndmanlO Daedalus, Tportntion, Gleipner 40S62 F.Gnds lin70y l:53hvy 11-5 103 1 3 3 4 5 5J S Sndman 7 AVcrproof, B.Fvorite, Inquieta 40731 Jefson 1 l:52Vfchvy 3 108 3 1 1 2 2 21 S Sndman 9 Inquieta. Grumpy. Br. Favorite 406S2 Jefson 1 1-1G l:52?Uivy 16-5 102 3 1 1 1 lh 2 S Sndman 0 AVad.s Last, AVaterproof, Jiffy 40619 Jefson 3-4 1:20 mud 6-5 108 1 1 1 1 Is S Sndman 7 O.ManCrit, FoxyGriff, Ycrmak 40588 Jefson 3-4 1:15 good 15 111 4 5 6 5 5" E Haynes 7 Kenward, Miss Filley, Mab HONOLULU, b. f, 4 100 By Sweep Miss Anne M. C. Mcore. 41075 F.Gnds 1 1-4 2:15 hvy 7 100 10 9 7 6 7s 71U H J BurkelO Lordllerbert, Rhymer. Dalwood 41042 F.Gnds 1 1-S l:57slow 8 10U11 7 5 4 41 33 H J Burkell Old Ben. Cracow, Sosius 40484 Latonia 1 l:42good 4 10S 3 7 5 4 3 3h R Simpson 7 Aztec, Helen Atkin, Butch. Boy 40402 Latonia 1 1-16 l:52hvy 10 106 8 2 5 4 65 G C Brown 9 Helen Atkin, Quito, Aztec 40374 Latonia lm70y l:4Sslop S 102 2 8 8 6 6 510 H J Burke S Redmon. Bour.Lad, B.McDaweil 40346 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 12 100 S 8 5 1 1 F Smith -12 Benefactor. Helen Atkin, Hop.- 39992 Churchl 1 1-1G 1:48 fast 3 99 3 4 3 4 51 6!i F Smith 10 Redmon, Eulogy, Marvs Beau 29935 Douglas 1 1-1G l:4Cfast 18 98 8 7 5 5 2 25 H Burke 8 Clara Martiu, Quito, Angeline 39755 Lexton 1 1-16 l:47fcgood 49 100 5 2 1 1 21 65i F Smith 8 Kew.ONeil, ChickBrkley, A2tec DERVISH, blk. g, 7 110 By Delhi Coppelia G. AV. Dodge. 410S7 F.Gnds 1 1-16 1:54 hvy 4J 310 2 1 2 3 5 G E Pool 9 L.Igfellow. B.Forite, Harbanl 40930 F.Gnds lmOy l:51hvy 8 111 4 3 3 2 3 2? J Hanover 7 Gleipner, Choir Master. Revivor 40913 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:57hvy 11-5 ill 2 1 2 6 6 5,c L Ensor S Noureddin, Anilgainator. I.Bleu 40903 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:4Dfast 12 111 5 3 4 6 41 4" J HanoverlS M.RoselL. B.Jatlian, Indolence 40S46 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:54hvy 8 112 1 1 1 1 21 2 J HanoverlO AVilldo. E. Baumann, Bl. Broom 40S0S Jefson 1 1:45 good 5 116 1 1 1 3 21 31 R Pauley ! Gor.Roberts, Indolence.S.Bridge 40778 Jefson 1 l:4Ggood 10 112 2 11 1 2 2 R Pauley 8 Hope, S.s Bridge, Dr. Campbell 40751 Jefson 3-4 l:20hvy 8 115 5 5 6 6 6ei A Johnson 8 General, Handfull, Dartworth 40G85 Jefson 5-8 1:04 slow 12 113 9 9 9 81 6" M Garner 10 Th.Seven, Paganihi, B.WIiama 40618 Jefson 3-4 1:20 mud 15 109 4 5 5 6 5 F Robson 7 Al Pierce. Tze-Lsi. R.II.Andsou SECOND RACE 1 1-4 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. March 7, 1916 2:04 6 101. BENEFACTOR, b. g, 4 100 By The Manager Alanarka H. J. Rooney. 41100 F.Gnds 1 1-4 2:lGhvy 4 95 2 4 3 1 3 2 H Ericksn 0 Al Pierce, Grumpy. Gleipner 41054 F.Gnds 1 1-4 2:12 good S 9S 2 2 1 2 2JJ 21 H Ericksn 6 K. Neptune. Pit, Thanksgiving 409G2 F.Gnds lm70y l:4Ggood 3 110 8 6 5 5 41 42 B Kleeger 13 S.Face, Indolence, Dahabiah II. 40902 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:49fast 3J 103 6 S 10 9 6l 511 M Garner 13 M.RoselL, B.Jatlian, Indolence 40S36 F.Gnds lm70y l:48mud 8 108 2 2 2 2 2 31 B Kleeger S Daedalus, Parrish, Gold. Boy 40346 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4fast 1 104 11 7 4 2 2 J Gruber 12 Honolulu, Helen Atkin, Hope 40048 Churchl 1 1-S l:53fast 17-10 971 5 4 1 1 21 21 F Smith 7 Lottery, FairOrient, Bl.Broom 29971 Churchl 1 3-16 l:59fast 21 99 2 1 1 2 23 2 F Smith 12 Turco. Bl.Broom, J.W.Klein 39S92 Douglas 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 11-5 59 6 2 2 2 24 2l H Lunsfd 7 Bour.Lad. F.Orient. J.W.Klein ELLISON, br. h, 6 113 By Ossary Orsini W. C. Woant. 41071 F.Gnds 1 1-1G l:54hvy 15 112 10 10 S 5 5. 6 A Collins 12 OldManCrit, Bombast, Yermak 40990 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:53hvy 6 110 9 9 9 6 4l 31 AV Crump 9 L.Cochran, R.Interest, Dalwood 40910 F.Gnds 1 1-4 2:15mud 12 105 3 6 6 6 6 5 G Walls 0 K.Ntune, Tportation, L.Chran 40835 F.Gnds lrnTOy l:47mud 8 111 1 4 5 S 51 6" O Willis 10 Mab, Handfull, Leah Cochran 40755 Jefson 1 1:51 hvy 4 116 2 2 3 3 4" 66 G Walls 7 King Neptune, MinnieF.. Jason 40700 Jefson lm70y l:54hvy 4 10S 5 5 6 6 G:o 610 L Ensor 7 Miss Kruter, Langden, Luther 406S0 Jefson 1 1:47 hvy 9-5 114 2 5 4 5 lU 2 G "Walls 8 Tsporttion,, Dr.Levy, M.Jumbo 40G27 Jefson 1 l:52hvy 8 112 3 5 5 4 2 2l N Barrett 8 Handfull, S.Stalwt, Transptiou 40559 Jefson lm20y 1:59 hvy 4 107 6 6 6 6 6 612 D Owens 6 Harwood, Petelus, Breezy 10532 Jefson lm20y l:57hvy 8-5 108 3 5 5 5 41 481 D Owens 5 Keziah, Say, Ben Hampson 40493 Jefson lm20y 1:56 hvy 7-5 111 3 4 3 3 2b 2 D O.vens C Audrey K., Say, Rey Oakwood 40453 Jefson lm20y 1:53 hvy 11-10 108 1 5 5 5 41 41 D Owens 5 Ken. Boy, B.Humpson, Cadillac ADELANTE, b. g, 5 113 By Albula Mollie Bohn T. J. Pendcrgast. 41071 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:54hvy 8 109 12 S 9 S 9 9" F Smith 12 OldManCrit. Bombast, Yermak 41011 F.Gnds 1 1-16 1:52 slow 15 112 1 1 1 2 21 2 N Barrett 14 D.Dodge, Scrgeman, E. Bmann 40992 F.Gnds lm20y 1:47 hvy 8 108 2 3 3 4 4 453 F Smith 8 Mary II., Langden. Al Pierce 40916 F.Gnds 1 1-16 1:57 hvy 41 113 1 1 1 1 31 3i F Smith 9 Yennak, Thirst, Harwood 40845 F.Gnds 1 l:47hvy 8 114 2 2 1 2 11 1 F Smith 11 Handsel Rose, Astraea, AlmaB. 38247 Churchl 1 1-16 l:47fast 85 107 1 6 7 7 7 7" N Barrett 7 Lotterv, Kling, John W. Klein 3S065 Lexton lm70y l:45fast 26 112 3 2 2 2 3s 33 N Barrett 6 DickWcst, Ir.Master, Paicines 37788 Oaklwn 1 1-16 l:47fast 12 119 9 11 11 11 9 9 E Pool 12 Margaret N., Lackrose. Bobolink 27721 Oaklwn 1 1-16 l:47fast 20 105 6 6 7 7 6 611 E Pool 12 Ruvoco, Sea Urchin. Capitania 32434 Oaklwn 3-4 l:15fast 20 103 11 9 7 85 SJ H Stearns 13 Peachie, Cashup. Bessanta 32294 Oaklwn 1 l:4Ghvy 8 103 3 5 5 5 510 6C1 R Troise 8 Zudora, Ettas Charm, Class A. 322G4 Oaklwn 51 f 1:09 fast 15 98 10 9 8 6 4i H Jeffcott 12 Dahlia. Miss Shot.. Lame Deer PETELUS, br. g, 10 108 Bv Beep oDay Myrtelus L. A. Seregnl. 40S22 Jefson 1 1-16 l:52slow 15 112 S 7 9 9 S1 S10 L Lyke ! Sem.Stalwart, Brando, Mikifula 40788 Jefson lm70y l:50good 20 112 5 5 6 6 5C 4;1 R Romlli i B.Spiller. Algamator, L.Lfellow 40778 Jefson 1 l:4Ggood 15 112 6 6 6 6 65 fi At Garner S Hope, Dervish, Saints Bridge 40755 Jefson 1 1:51 hvy 20 116 6 6 6 7 61 5s M Garner 7 King Neptune, MinnieF., Jason 40730 Jefson 3-4 1:22 hvy 12 112 7 7 9 10 10" L Stalker 10 Stelcliff, King Neptune. Kilmer 406G7 Jefson 1 1-16 1:57 hvy 8 112 3 2 2 2 3 33 L Mink 6 Capt.Hodge, Thirst, Hickorynut 40648 Jefson lm70y l:59hvy 5 115 3 3 3 6 7 7" L Mink 7 MissFannie, Comacho, Pet. Bleu 40C44 Jefson 1 1:54 hvy 8 112 5 5 5 3 3 3 L. Mink 7 Transtion, Dr.Charcot, S.Stalwt 40G0S Jefson lm70y l:49good 10 115 1 12 11 11 12 12" L, Mink 12 PaulaV., E.Baumann, BIueRock 40589 Jefson 1 1-16 l:52good 15 1125 3 5 3 4 41 3J L Mink 8 Tze-Lsi, Brando, Saints Bridge 40566 Jefson 1 1:52 hvy 10 10S 3 6 7 5 51 4,s J De Ford 7 J. Reeves, B.Rock, AV.H.Bkner 40559 Jefson lm20y 1:59 hvy 5 107 3 4 4 4 31 2s J De Ford 6 Harwood, Breezy, Thirst 10544 Jefson 51 f 1:16 hvy 12 113 6 .4 4 3 2 L Mink 7 Al.Louise, Pros.Baby, B.ofBney 10513 Jefson lm20y 1:56 hvy 2o 108 2 4 4 6 6 5" W Gourley 6 B.Fvorite, S.Stlwart. BlucRock ALMA B., br. m, 5 M 98 By Hessian Court Dance Elspass. and Wilson. 41132 F.Gnds lm70y l:55hvy 8 99 2 3 2 1 2 2 H Ericksn 7 Jason. Merry Twinkle, Comacho 41075 F.Gnds 1 1-4 2:15 hvy 30 95 4 4 6 7 61 62 H HamtnlO LordHerbert, Rhymer, Dalwood 409G2 F Gnds lm70y l:4Ggood 20 1001 7 13 11 10 101 816 H J Burkel3 S.Face, Indolence, Dahabiah II. 40845 F.Gnds 1 l:47hvy 8 104 4 7 6 5 41 41 C Robsonll Adelante, IIndselRose, Astraea 40683 Jefson 51 f l:10slow 10 107 2 3 3 3 3 J Eodgez 8 Ettahe, Little D., Neg 40645 Jefson 51 f l:13hvy 15 115 5 8 8 Is 7" S Wolstm 8 Sabretash, Parlor Boy, Safranor 40515 Bowie 1 1-4 2:12slow 25 106 1 4 4 3 3 5,B AV Doyle 12 H.sBrother, GenevieveB., B.Coy 40477 Bowie lm70y l:47fast 18 105 11 1112 14 8 61S AV Doyle 16 Zouave, El Plaudit, LeDinosaure 40420 Bowie lm20y l:47good 8 104 6 6 6 4 31 31 R Denyse 15 Sibola, Caddie. Geo. Washington 40394 Bowie 1 1-16 l:54hvy 105 102 2 2 2 2 4 4 H Myers 10 Blue Thistle. Luther. Oc.Prince .COL. McNAB, b. g, 6 103 By Hastings Falomacita A. L. Riley. 410SS F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:55hvy 30 110 6 7 S S S S11 AA" Clump 8 Lueile 1., Jason, Choir Master 40G84 Jefson 3-4 l:18slow 20 112 7 7 7 6 718 R Simpson 8 Ringdove, Sinai, Lady Leona 40482 Latonia 51 f l:08good 67 108 8 8 8 S 8 R Simpson 8 Premium. OldM.Crit, Yorkville 3S119 Lexton lm70y l:45fast 12f 103 1 4 5 9 9 9" H Lunsfdl2 Beaut. Girl, Run. Queen. OldBen 38000 Lexton 3-4 l:21hvy 6 102 3 4 4 4 4 R Simpson C Alex Getz, Nepe. The Grader 37954 Lexton 3-4 l:16mud 123 103 8 9 9 9 9 H McLean 9 Petrovna, Sun Maid, Trusty 37250 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:51hvy 30 103 3 3 6 8 8 8" R Simpsonll Pit, Royal Interest, Rhymer 37119 F.Gnds 1-1-161:53 hvy 20 111 3 4 7 7 6 6 R Simpson S Paw, W. H. Pearce, Loan Shark 3G744 Jefson 1 1-16 1:50 good 50 105 10 12 12 11 10s 9" G AValls 14 King Hamburg, Alston. Dancer THIRST, br. m, 6 100 By. Garry Herrmann Hunger R. H. Good. 41121 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:5Shvy 20 93 5 a 5 5 5 5 I Gregory 5 Sleeth, Blue Thistle, DonDodge 41042 F.Gnds 1 1-S l:57slov 40 IOC 8 4 3 6 5l 58 I Gregory 11 Old Ben, Cracow, Honolulu 41009 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:54hvy 30 104 9 10 10 7 41 6C2 I Gregory 10 Bajazet, Pulaski, Hondo 40976 F.Gnds 1 1-4 2:09fast 12 105 4 4 4 5 4i 4 I Gregory 6 PetitBleu, L.Cochran, Han.Rose 40930 F.Gnds lm70y l:51hvy 8 101 7 6 7 6 4nt 5?1 I Gregory 7 Gleipner, Dervish, Choir Master 50916 F.Gnds 1 1-16 1:57 hvy 12 100 7 8 8 6 51 2 I Gregory 9 Yermak, Adelante, Harwood 40S72 F.Fnds lm70y l:50hvy 41 103 5 4 4 3 3 2 I Gregory 5 Dioscoride, Bajazet, Dalwood 40822 Jefson 1 1-16 l:52slow 7 104 1 5 5 5 7 7si H WakofE 9 Sem.Stalwart. Brando. Mikifula 40766 Jefson lm70y l:52hvy 12 105 9 4 4 4 2 2 S Sndman 9 Dan Bright. Hope, Kilmer HICKORYNUT. b. m, 5 105 By Hessian Lychee Nut AV. Cahill. 41133 F.Gnds lm70y l:51hvy 20 106 7 7 6 G 71 7" AA Obert 8 Ainelita, NL Simples, Gleipner 40976 F.Gnds 1 1-4 2:0ufast 12 105 6 6 6 6 6 511 J Rodgez ! PetitBleu. L.Cochran. Han.Rose 40929 F.Gnds lm70y 1:50 hvy 20 106 2 6 6 6 6 6" J Rodgez 0 M. Rose II., Seafarer, DonDodge 40846 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:54hvy 20 107 5 8 8 9 SJ S" F Smith 10 AVilldo, Dervish. EdithBaumanii 407G6 Jefson lm70y l:521ihvy 12 110 1 8 9 9 9 9 J Rodgez 9 Dan Bright, Thirst, Hope 406G7 Jefson 1 1-16 1:57 hvy 12 105 1 4 4 5 5 4 J Rodgez Capt. Hodge, Thirst, Petelus 40550 Bowie 1 1-16 l:55slow 19f 103 14 14 14 14 14 14" R McCrnnl4 Tie Pin. Langden, Margery 40476 Bowie lm70y l:4Sfast 15 10S 1 10 10 11 11 9 C KummerlS Salvatelle, Bar One. Irish Kiss 40370 Bowie 1 1-16 1:55 slop 58f 102 7 8 7 7 8 6" R Mc.Crnnl2 P.Bterfly, W.Bedotte, O.Prince 37935 H.deGce lm70yl:47hvy 16 104 5 6 9 5 10" 742 G Molesthll Boxer, Tootsie. Serenata 37900 H.deGce Im70yl:47fast l6-5f 103 3 11 10 10 S 71 AV Obert 14 High.Lassie, StirUp, B.Hampson 37S01 Oaklwn 1 1-16 l:47fast 5 108 5 2 2 2 l1! 2 AV Obert 10 Ben Levy, J.Graham, Earlymorn THIRD RACE 1 Mile. 3-7car-olds. Claiming. Jan. 11, 19161:375100. ANTOINETTE, b. f, 3 104 By Santoi Vinaigrette S. Lewis. 410G1 F.Gnds lm70y l:51mud S-5 9$ 2 1 2 1 l1 1 G Robson 5 Graphic, Margery, Miss Kruter 40978 F.Gnds 51 f 1:07 fast S 107 11 10 S S 7i G Walls 12 Bagpipe. Marmite. I win 40912 F.Gnds 1 l:47hvy 13-5 102 5 8 4 3 21 2 S Sndman 9 Silv.Light, Astraea, Prevaricate 40902 F.Gnds lm20y l:43fast S 96 5 5 6 6 5 4 C Robson 7 Baby Lynch. Graphic. M.Kruter 40S58 F.Gnds 51 f l:llhvy 12 104 5 6 6 31 25 J Rodgezl2 Sil.Light, Sylvano, F.andSquare 40727 Jefson 51 f l:13hvy 5 109 5 5 5 5 5" L Stalker 5 Pvaricate, C. Holters, F.Snnou 40434 Bowie 1 l:43fast 14 107 5 8 8 7 71 5 AV Kelsay 10 Dr. Rae, Wyndover. Poultney 40406 Bowie 1 l:46hvy 4-5 109 1 2 2 2 1 1" AV Kelsay 7 Sunduria, Rhajes, Keynote 402S1 Plmlico 1 1:41 fast 5 106 1 5 3 2 o3 51 W Kelsay 9 Grnd-Swell. Sailor," Duch. Lace 40195 Laurel 1 l:39fast 35 107 1 5 5 5 51 6" AV Kelsay 7 Milkmaid, Be Frank, Routledge 40090 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 17 10S 5 4 3 3" 31 AV Kelsay G Pen Rose. His Sister. Lill.Shaw 40037 Laurel 1 l:41fast 41 106 3 5 5 4 31 3i C Kummer 6 Tetley. Translate. Oath FRANK SHANNON, b. g, 3 102 By Sir John Johnson Marlti AV. V. Casey. 41070 F.Gnds 1 l:47hvy 25 102 7 7 6 5 51 692 S SndmanlO TheC.Bon, AVilfreda, Pvaricate 40978 F.Gnds 51 f 1:07 fast 25 103 10 11 6 6"" S82 S Sndman 12 Bagpipe. Marmite, Iwin 40912 F.Gnds 1 l:47hvy 15 100 4 7 8 8 Sl 710 J Mooney 9 Silv. Light. Antoinette, Astraea 40820 Jefson 51 f l:09slow 20 102 7 6 4 3s 31 S Sndman 9 Sylvano, Toombeola, Salgeorge 40750 Jefson 3-4 l:20hvy 10 109 4 4 5 5 5" C AAatson 5 Prevaricate, Toddler. Dahinda 40727 Jefson 51 f l:13hvy 12 107 4 4 4 4 3i C AVatson 5 Prevaricate, C.Holters, Dahinda 40680 Jefson 1 1:47 hvy 15 96 7 4 6 7 VI 615 H Ericksn 8 Tnsportation, Ellison, Dr.Levy 40631 Jefson lm70y 1:58 hvy 12 92 1 1 4 6 6 6 H Ericksn 6 Grumpy, Cracow. Luther 40606 Jefson 51 f 1:09 good 8 97 6 8 9 9 I H Ericksn 9 Ollie Martin, Jack K., Reilloc 40579 Jefson 5-8 l:04slow 10 115 5 5 4 4 3 C Watson 7 Pluviada, E. Rdall. G.Mlebach 40561 Jefson 61 f l:16hvy 18-5 107 2 3 2 l8 l1 C AVatson 0 T.Cul.Bon, Deridge. E.Randall 40555 Jefson 51 f 1:17 hvy 4 115 3 3 3 2,1 3s C AVatson 6 Sgeorge. G.Mlebach. B.Hlmet FRANCES STAR, b. f, 3 100 By Star Shoot Erances Dillon J. Fawcett. 41074 F.Gnds ImTOy 1:53 hvy 20 89 7 9 7 S 8 8 H Ericksnll M.RoselL. B. Hensley. KeyMar 40925 F.Gnds 51 f l:llhvy 7 107 5 2 3 1 1 J RodgezlO C.Ruth. J.A.Sridan, D.AVinfrey 40905 F.Gnds 51 f l:llmud 10 10S1 8 9 9 9 10" M Buxton 12 Micurist, S.C.Keener. Tnlieola 40541 Jefson 51 f 1:15 hvy 3 95 6 6 6 4s 4" G Apel 6 Sylvano, Dahinda, TheCllenBon 40468 Jefson 51 f l:15hvy 11-5 111 3 5 4 21 2 L Ensor 8 Salgeorge, Tantalns, J. Healey 40056 Jamaica 51 f l:09fast 8 110110 10 10 10 10" L Lyke 10 Virago, NelleYorke, Mrchesall. 39978 Jamaica 51 f 1:07 slow 20 102 8 5 4 4 7" R Troise 8 Thnderclap. Goaler, Toombeola 39904 Aqduct . 5-S l:00good 6 98 5 5 6 65 65 R McCrnn 7 Bonstelie, Wonderman, R.Craig 3S760 Aqduct 5-8 1:01 fast 30 91 9 9 10 71 oJ J Wessler 11 Flee.Sheik, Blairgowrie, TheBoy 3SG44 Belmont 41f st 54fast 8 99 4 3 S 31 C Mergler 8 LadyVulcain. Flyaway, ,G. Swell 3S616 Belmont 5-8 st l:02good 12 106 3 1 SI 65i A Collins 14 Pigeon, T. Rousseau. L. Vulcain GEORGE MUEHLEBACH, b. g, 3 99 By McGee Stolen Moments B. J. Brannon. 40624 Jefson 51 f l:13hvy 4 1031 4 6 6 G 6,s E Pool 8 Salgeorge, C.Holters, W.AVillow 40579 Jefson 5-S l:04slow 9-5 115 4 4 3 31 4i E Pool 7 Pluviada, E.Randall, F.Shnnoi: 40567 Jefson 51 f l:llhvy 5 103 2 4 1 11 1 J Rodgez 5 Dahinda, Silvery Light, Lama 40555 Jefson 51 f 1:17 hvy 4 109 4 4 4 21 2 E Pool 0 Salgeorge, F.Shnnon. B.Helmet 40528 Jefson 51 f l:17hvy 9-5 110! 1 5 5 4s 48J L Mink. 0 Lama. Jack Healey. Fr.Shaunon 40009 Churchl 3-4 1:15 fast 9 109 3 5 5 2 2! E Pool 12 Gold. Floss, Emanale, El Coronel 38791 Latonia 51 f 1:09 good 8 104 5 5 5 7 41 J Mooney 12 Wyndover, Cantilever. C. Rector 38685 Latonia 5-8 l:01fast 20f 104 8 5 6 51 5i J Mooney 12 Linden, Byrne, Silent Bid 3S559 Douglas 5-8 1:01 fast 14 113 5 5 5 6 61 AV Lilley 7 B. Maclean. Iwiniwin. GoldStone ELIZABETH MARIE, b. f, 3 103 By Waldo Lady Elizabeth J. Randolph. 41051 F.Gnds 51 f l:07good 12 103J10 10 9 9l S" G Walls 12 Cobweb, UiddenJewel. RoiCraig 40958 F Gnds 51 f l:0Sgood 6 107 7 6 5 3l 1 J Mooney 12 Lariat, Betsy, Pluviada 40920 F.Gnds 51 f l:10hvy 4 107 6 6 6 51 4i M Garner 9 Laggard, Milda, Aigilante 40S99 F.Gnds 51 f 1:03 fast 30 99 10 9 7 6 63 J Mooney 12 Romeo, Marmite, F. and Square ROMEO, b. g, 3 103 By Marathon Crossover R. E. Watkins. 41051 F.Gnds 51 f l:07good 15 106 9 S 7 6l 6 S Sndmanl2 Cobweb, UiddenJewel, RoiCraig 40973 F.Gnds 51 f l:0tfast 15 107 6 S S 8 S S Sndmanll RoiCraig, UnderFirc, Silv.Light 40S99 F.Gnds 51 f 1:08 fast 20 104 9 6 5 1 1 S Sndmanl2 Marmite. F.andSqare, RoiCraig 40S31 F.Gnds 51 f l:08fast 20 104 6 9 7 74 6i S SndmanlO Under Fire. Iwin, Aansylvia 40308 Pimlico 1 l:42fast 3 115 6 7 7 7 6 5i H Lunsfd 10 Veteran, Crcelles, F.andSquare 40287 Pimlico 3-4 l:14fast 5 110 14 12 11 9"t 7J L Ensor 14 Candle Light. Doleful, Veto 40233 Pimlico 3-4 l:lGslow 6 115 1 10 11 91 73iJ A Collins 13 H. Kong. C.Sweeper, OleanGone 40195 Laurel 1 l:39fast 66 106 2 3 4 7 7 5" A Collins 7 Milkmaid, Be Frank, Routledge 40022 Laurel 3-4 1:14 fast 10 110 1 9 7 7 31 A Collins 11 Ceramic. Ground-Swell, Doleful 399S2 Laurel 61 f 1:08 fast 6 115 2 5 8 8 6" A Collins 12 LEffare, Tetley, Cherubiuo 39896 H.deGce 51 f l:0Sfast 6 114 4 8 6 61 43 A Collins 10 Mar. Hollins. Avion. Uncle John LITTLE BESSIE, br. f, 3 M 99 By Olivier II Glume P. Arieux. 4109G F.Gnds 51 f 1:11 hvy 20 104 4 2 8 91 9 S Sndmanll Maud Bacon, Pilsen, Lobelia 41004 F.Gnds 61 f l:10hvy 15 107 4 2 4 6 5" S SndmanlO Cobweb, AVarMask, Ed.Tranter 40925 F.Gnds 51 f l:llhvy 6 103 7 6 7 7i 63 S SndmanlO F.Star, Clar.Ruth, J.A.Sheridan SSS03 Aqduct 41 f 52?jfaHt 50 114 11 10 10 9 J Bell 13 Polygon, Stickling, Marmite S8705 Jamaica 6-8 l:01fast 20 104 11 11 U 11 1 R Troise 12 T. Rousseau. Hohokus, L.Maudie 3S6G6 Jamaica 5-8 l:01fast 15 105 2 2 5nk 63 E AmbrselS Crys. Ford, D. Carnival, Dr. Rae 3SG27 Belmont 5-8 8t l:00good 25 112 7 7 71 7 AV Knapp 11 Syrdarya, D.Carnival, JckLeary 38529 Belmont 5-8 st 59fast 20 108 3 9 9 9" M Buxton 9 Pen Rose, Kiss Again, Sketchy CARAWAY, b. f. 3 M 90 By Toddington Cyrene T. M. Botts. 40601 Jefson 52 f l:09good S 112 12 S 6 Sl 6J L Mink lii Toddler, Minawand. Shady 40383 Latonia 5-S l:05mud 8 112 11 10 10 10 10l J Dreyer 11 Marlon Adlur, Betsy, Ketta B. 4P344 Latonia 51 f l:07fast 40f 107 10 12 12 12 10" J Dreyer 12 Legotnl. LadyLngden, Wo dpile 39903 Douglas 51 f l:0Sfast 4f 112 G 6 6 4i 4? Jackson 12 Aunt Flora, Lucky Pearl, Resist 39793 Lexton P C 1:11 fast 73 108 11 12 11 11 11" F Jackson 12 Maicurist. Pstoureau, J ncrana 390SS Latonia 3-4 l:14good 5 109 11 10 10 S. 7s G Mplesthll A.Alxnnder, Hterranun. M.Ivan - 29035 Latonia 6-S l:01fast 11 112 2 12 11 ll1 Hl C Dishmnl2 Klku. Ketta B., Lady Manager 3S993 Latonia 5-S l:01fast 22 112 8 8 5 31 32 G MoIesthl2 Woodpile. L. Manager, Leotitnj 38832 Latonia 62 f l:12hvy 19 1151 7 6 S 7 7l W Lilley 12 Sentimental, Miss Ivan, BraeeUp FOURTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. The Country Club. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Feb. 13, 1915 l:44i 3 104. BOLSTER, ch. g, 4 102 By Marco Psrmia T. Francis. 41072 FGnds 1 l:43hvy 9-5 103 G 3 3 3 3" 210 J Mooney 5 KoyceRools, Nepperhan, Ticket 40S47 F.Gnds 1 1:4G hvy 11-5 110 3 4 4 4 2 2-1 J Rodgez G Douglass S.. SandyLad. Drastic 40551 Bowie 1 l:45slow 18-5 102 3 5 C 6 4 11 J Rodgez 0 Deckmate, Minto II., Bondage 4011S Bowie 1 1:45 slow 1 103 2 4 4 4 2 ll J Rodgez 5 Water Lady. Prunes, lrophy 4047S Bowie lm70y 1:47 fast S 102 2 5 5 4 41 2s J Rodgez 0 Slip. Elm, Douglass S., Prunes 40313 Pimlico 1 1-2 2:34fast 4 105 6 7 5 3 lnlt 1 J Rodgez 7 Wdthrusli. Buckboard. J .Mount 40292 Pimlico 1 1-1G l:4Sfast 27-10 108 7 9 9 6 6s 2ITV Mclnre 9 Valspar, Lazy Lou, Sunnyland 40271 Pimlico 1 1-4 2:0Sfast 15 109 8 10 8 . 3 3ak 21 W MclnrelO M. Curie, B.of Phoenix. Biennan BROOM TEDDLER, b. g. 4 102 By Sweep Whisk Broom S. Louis. 41101 F.Gnds 1 1-S 2:02hvy 11-5 102 2 2 1 1 U IS C Robson 0 Prunes, K.Neptmie, Irregular 4Wl F Gnds 1 1-16 l:51hvy 3 100 4 3 4 -4 4s 4 C Robson 9 Har.King. Irregular, B.McDawell 40975 F.Gnds 1 1-16 1:47 fast 8 107 3 1 1 1 1 l1 C Robson 9 Orderly, Q. Apple, Bro.Jonathan " 40S71 FGnds lm70y 3:4Shvy 11-5 105 111 1 1 1C Robson G Astraea, L.Cochran, M.Xwinkle 40S50 F.Gnds 1 1-1G 1:5G hvy 4 101 3 2 2 1 1. Is C Robson 7 Comaclio, Tze-Lsi, Aztec 40S19 Jefson 3-4 1:17 slow 13-5 113 2 2 3 3J 2 F Robson 8 Star Baby, Bathilde. Has.Mabcl 407S9 Jefson 51 f 3:09good 5 111 8 8 8 8 572 F Robson 8 Jack K., Medusa Risponde 40731 Jefson 1 l:52hvy 7 10S 5 5 8 8 9 9" G Walls 9 Inquieta. Tli. Mghtcr, Grumpy 40CSS Jefson lm70y 1:49 slow 6 110 41 1 1 2 5SJ G Walls 10 MissWells. Willdo, BlueThistle IRREGULAR, br. h, 5 105 By Hastings Armilda P. Dunne. 41101 F Gnds 1 1-s 2:02hvy 6 309 6 6 5 4 4ts 4s J Mooney 6 Br.Peddler, Prunes. K. Neptune 41073 F" Gnds 11-10 1:52 hvy 3S .105 C 6 G 6 G 614 J Mooney i Opportunity. H.King, D.Bright 41021 F.Gnds 1 1-1G 3:51hvy 7 107 5 5 2 2 24 2s H J Burke 9 II.King, B.McDawell, B.Peddler 409G3FGnds 3 1-36 3:47good 4 10S 5 5 5 4 4 H J Mooney G Kewp.O Neil, Cadillac. B. Lynch 40S75 FGnds lm70y 3:50hvy 10 108 5 6 6 4 2S 2 J Mooney G Cob. Lass, Cadillac, Th. Bloom 40S47 F Gnds 11:46 hvy 8 105 S 6 6 S 5 6" L Ensor G Douglass S., Bolster, Sandy Lad 40C9S Jefson 1 l:4Shvy 4 111 5 4 4 4 410 4" L Ensor 5 Franklin, Diversion, Berlin 40G43 Jefson 1 l:50hvy 8-5 115 1 3 3 3 3" 3 F Robson 4 Waukeag. Warsaw, GipsyQueen 40594 Jefson 1 1-16 l:49good 10 97 3 4 4 4 34 2i J Mooney 4 ManisterToi, B.Voter, Diversion DAN BRIGHT, b. g, 4 102 By Star Bright Miss Danville W. Raymond. 41118 F Gnds 1 1:50 hvy 5 105 4 4 2 2 23 23 M Garner Fernllandley, AVaukeag. Ticket 51073 FGnds 1 1-1G 1-52 hvy 50 108 5 3 3 3 3s 3 M Garner 6 Opportunity, II.King, Amalette 40S47 FGnds 11-46 hvy 12 107 6 o 5 5 6 6;0 R Pauley fi Douglass S., Bolster, SandyLad 40766 Jefson lm70y l:52hvy 41 109 5 3 1 1 l3 l4 R Pauley 0 Thirst, Hope, Kilmer 40726 Jefson 3-4 1:21 hvy 12 109 7 7 5 21 21 R Pauley 8 D. Dare, G.Washington. H.Rose 40554 Bowie 1 1-1G 1:54 slow lCf 109 11 8 10 8 8 62 C Kummcrll Virg. Yell. Bar One. W.Bedotte 3-473 Gakrwn 1-2 49fast 20 114 8 7 74 711 G MolesthlO Wow, Josie A., Dickie W. 32421 Oaklwn 1-2 49good GO 114 10 10 9s 9" G Molesthl3 Nepe. Sam Pickett. Ebenezer DOUGLASS S., b. h, 5 117 By Sir Huon Victoria B. H. S. Xoppin. 40300 F.Gnds 1 1-36 l:47fast 5 108 5 4 4 4 31 2s L Lyke 6 Courtship, Ticket, Amalette 40S74 F Gnds 1 1:46 hvy 9-5 113 3 3 3 3 1J1 ll L Ensor 5 Amalette. Sleeth, Assume- 40S47 FGnds 1 1-46 hvy 12 108 4 3 3 3 ! 11 A Johnson 6 Bolster, Sandy Lad, Drastic 40552 Bowlo lm70y 1:50 slow 4 115 G 5 4 5 510 5,s G PreeceJr G J. au Bout, Manoevre, Peer.One 40517 Bowie 1 1-16 l:50slow 14 110 4 3 3 7 710 7" G PreeceJr 8 Slip.Elm, Deckmate. Sunnyland 40478 Bowie -lm70y 1:47 fast 11 106 5 1 1 1 11 3 G PreeceJr G Slip. Elm, Bolster, Prunes 40137 Bowie 1 l:43fast 7 100 1 1 2 5 5l 6 H Myers 8 Slip. Elm, Dorcas, Deckmate -40409 Bowie 1 l:44hvy 51 " 106 2 4 4 4 3" 2 C Kummer G Salvestra, Koh-i-Noor, Bondage SANDS OF PLEASURE, b. g, 6 105 By Fair Play Golden Sand H. Field. 4111S FGnds 11:50 hvy S 107 G 5 5 5 5,s 0ci G Moles th K.Handley, D.Bright., Waukeag 410r.9 FGnds 51 f l:07mud 25 10S 6 6 6 6 618 G Molesth i Pickwick, VioletBonnie, Pepper 404G5 Litonia 1 l:40slow 1G-5 107 2 3 3 2 2 2 C VnDun 5 B.Snnon, W.Mhine, Op tunity 40431 Latonia 3-4 l:16hvy 31 108 5 4 1 l1 2l J Hanover r, G. Queen, Opptiinity, L.Lusury 40375 Latonia 3-4 l:15slop 7 10S1 3 4 3 3s 3S1 J Hanover 7 Bon Trohip, S. Knob, Gip.Queen 40333 Latonia 1 l:37?ifast 14 103 2 5 4 4 4 3i E Pool 9 Grundy. Machine, F Handley 39915 Churchl lm70yl:43fast 33-10 106 5 4 2 2 V 2h E Pool 5 Courtship, Nightyvind, Amalette 39912 Douglas lm70y l:42fast 11 109 4 4 2 1 3H 45 J Hanover 5 F.Handley, Precious, Courtship 39S15 Lexton 1 1-S l:50fast 13-10 1101 5 5 3 3 2 2 C Borel G Hocnir. Cadillac. Turco FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Feb. 13, 1915 1:4443104. HARVEST KING ch. fr. 5 106 By Sea King Mum J. M. Goode 41073 FGnds 11-1G 1:52 hvy G-5 106 2 2 2 2 21 2s M Buxton 6 Oprtunity. D.Bright. Amalette 41021 RGnds 1 1-16 l:51hvy 22 111 2 2 1 1 11 1 M Buxton 9 Irregular. B McDawell, B.Pedler 409S1 F.Gnds lm20y l:41fast 41 109 3 3 1 1 HUM Buxton 8 Irish IUss, Jiffy, Obolus 40914 F Gnds 1 l-47aihvy 20 105 3 2 2 4 45 41 M Buxton 7 Warsaw, Cobalt Lass, Waukeag 3r0SO Latonia 1 1-16 l:47slow 8 109 4 7 7 7 62 6" J Gruber 7 Hocnir, Sun God. M. Rose II. 3S851 Latonia 1 1-1G l:45fast 10 110 5 5 5 5 4 4 F Merimee G SunGod, BabyLynch. J.Heffering 3S797 Ltton a 1 1-1G 1 45good 13 108 7 6 5 6 7 V- F Merimeell SmartMoney, B.Fellow. BXynr., 38717 Latonia lm70y l:43Hfast 24 109 7 7 6 5 6 4i F Merimee 8 Reg.Lodge, M.Fmlen. Wlurl.Duu H639 Laionia 1 1-1G landast 23 111 2 7 7 6 GJ 6 F Merimee 7 Faux-Col, Rifle, Wh rl ing Dun .W49 Douclas 1 M6 l4G4;hvy 27-10 110 2 3 3 3 31 33 A Johnson 4 Diversion, Rifle, Whirling Dun 38483 Doul ill 1 1-16 l:46fast 6 105 2 2 2 2 2? 21 O Willis 8 Sansyming. Safe.First. ErnestB. 3371 Churchl 3-4 1 Wast 27 112 8 7 6 S 31 O Willis 10 Kinney. SkilesKnou MaryslScau 3S276 Churchl lm70yl:44fast 24f 112 3 5 5 6 7 73 H Shilling 8 Fell Swoop, Manokin. Grundy LORD HERBERT, b. g. 4 104 By Fitz Herbert Manzanita T. Francis. 41134 F.Gnds 1 1-4 2:19andhvy 1S-5 107 3 G G 5 21 1! J Rodgez 7 Old Ben, Lucile P., Petit Bleu 41075 F Gnds 1 1-4 2-15 hvy 7 107 G 3 3 3 41 lnt J Mooney 10 Rhymer. Dalwood, Cracow 410l FGnds 1 1-16 l-nPKhvy 50 102 G 6 6 7 7 7" S Sndman 9 Har.King. Irregular. B.McDawell 4098 RGnds 1 1-1G l:53Ahvy 30 104 1 7 7 7 7 73 J Rodgez 7 Opportunity, Lottery. Grayson 40S94 F.Gnds lm70y l:47good 20 103 7 7 7 7 71 7" J Rodgez 8 Queen Apple, BigFellow. Lucius 40552 Bowie lm70y 1:50 slow 27 100 4 4 5 6 6 6" J Rodgez G J. an Bout, Manoevre, Peer.One 40458 Bowie liri20y lt44fast 30 106 10 1111 11 11 11" R Denyse 11 Ballast. Graphic ;. Jusqu au Bout 40424 Bowie 1 1-16 1:51 good 17 304 3 6 5 5 5 5" R Denyse 5 P.Butterfly, I.Chant, B.of P ems TR218 Pimlico 1 1-16 l-492fast 9 109 1 7 7 7 53 63 L Stalker 9 Golden Glow. Valspar. Coral S79G2 H dcGce lm70yl-47 fast 23-10 102 1 8 8 6 4 2 L Stalker 8 Blazonry, S.Berick. T.Lightlyll. 37S79 Bowie 1 1-49 hvy 31 93 6 5 3 3 Is l4 L Stalker G Petelus, C. Cannell. C.M.Johnson 37870 Bowie il 48mudl4 100 7 6 G 5 4 21 L Stalker 7 P.Butfly. S.Brodk GenevieveB. 37847 Bowie 3-4 1:14 fast C6 103 7 7 6 610 Gls L Stalker 7 Ornery, Tolerance. Presumption PRUNES br. c 4 104 By Voorhees Prestene D. S. Fountain. 41101 F.Gnds 1 1-8 2:02hvy 7 107 3 1 1 3 21 A.-Jolinfon G B.Peddler, K.XLMituni. Irregular 41060 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:5l4mud 2 106 2 4 4 3 3 3" C Robson Baby Lynch, JilTy, "Kcimie 40849 F;Gnds lm70y l:50hvy 8-3 100 1 1 1 1 l3 Is 31 Cassity r. Queen Apple, lottery. Quito 40518 Bowie 1 l:45? slow 21 100 4 1 1 1 IS 3s R McCrnn r. Bolster Water Lady. Trppliy 4047S Bowie lm70y 1:47 fast IS 99 4 3 2 3 3 4 H Myers Slip. Elm. Bolster. Douglass b. 4043S Bowie lm70y l:49fast 5 100 2 1 1 1 1" 3 H Myers 9 King Jo n, "ravado, Hauberk 403S1 Bowie 1 1-16 1:53 hvy 5 97 1 1 1 1 l5 l5 H Wyers G King John, Graphic. N-Iv. Deal 40355 Bow c 1 1-16 1 50 fast 14 104 7 3 2 2 33 3 H Lunsfd 7 Obelus. Q of the Sea, King John 40288 Pimlico 11:41 fast 51 103 6 3 3 3 3 2 G Walls S Valais, Grey Eagle, CaptalnRay KING NEPTUNE, br. g, 6 111 B,S ing To,?t?, ,Field.,Qt, 41101 F Gnds 1 1-S 2-02Ahvy 13-5 112 5 3 3 2 3l 3H M Buxton G Br.Peddler, Prunes. w,.,.i.,r Irregular 41054 FGnds 1 1-4 ":12 good 3-2 113 3 12 1 1 H C Robson G Benefactor, Pit, Thanksgiving 4100 FGnds lm70y l-49hvy 7 103 2 3 3 3 6 53 C Robson 0 Lucky B., Warsaw, Waukeag WiGn s Tl-4 ahlgslow 3 113 111 1 11 I3 C Robson 8 Waterproof. Pit. Little CotUige 49110 F Gnds 1 1-1 2:l5mud 4-5 108 1 1 1 1 l3 Is C Rob son G importation, L.Cochran, "vVilldo 40SG3 FGnds 1 1-4 2"14hvy 41 305 2 1 1 1 l3 1 C Robson 7 Grumpy, Blazwury, Jason 40S55 F.Gnds lm70y l:47andd 4 135 8 7 6 5 10 10" F RobsonlO Mab,. Handfull, Leah Cochran 40755 Jefson 1-51 hvy 3 116 3 4 2 2 l1 11 F Robson 7 Minnie F.. Jason, Cracow 40730 Jefson 3-4 1XS hvy 8-5 112 2 3 3 31 21 T Parton 10 Stelcliff. Kilmer. American OBOLUS b ir 7 111 By Oddfellow Kenmore Queen W. Smith. 41101 F Gnds 1 1-S 2:02hvy 7 112 4 5 6 6 5 5 E Haynes G Br.Peddler, Prunes, K.Neptiine 41021 F Gnds 1 1-16 1 51hvy 8 114 3 7 7 6 0 6 E Haynes- 9 Har.King. Irregular. B.McDawell 409S1 FGnds lmVy l:41fast 7-5 110 6 8 8 7 41 431 C Robson S Harvest King. Irish Kiss. Jifty 40911 FGnds 1 l:43s?ow 9-5 107 4 8 7 3 31 l4 C Robson 9 BabyLynch, Pal.Dear. Graphic 40901 F Gnds lm70y 146fast 5 1111 6 6 5 4 3 3 T Rice 7 Irish Kiss, PaddyDear, Grayson 4049S Bowie 1 3-36 3:50fast 7 116 2 7 7 6 4 1 T Rice 7 Bravado, Aldebaran, Babette loll Bow e lm70y lfS 9 134 6 S 6 8 63 53 G Walls 9 King John. Bravado, Prunes 40355 Bowie 1 1-16 1 50 fast 11-5 108 2 7 6 5 Cl 1 D Stirling 7 Q.of theSea Prunes, King John 4032G Bowie lm70y lilSfast 8 109 5 5 5 5 43 47 D Stirling 5 K. John; Thorn Bloom. Whimsy SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Feb. 12, 1916 1:4214 4 113. tit ttt THISTII! b c 10 115 By Blues Wild Thistle W. Cabill. 411 FGnds 3 i-36 3!5Sxhv-v- 7 313 3 3 3 3 2 2 A Johnson 5 Sleeth, Don Dodge, Progressive iimii FGnds 1 1-16 l:52mud 12 315 4 4 4 4 4 4" A Johnson G Sleeth. Lucky R., Gleipner 409S? FGnds 1 1-3G l:47Hfa"t 4 115 7 6 6 7 61 6S1 A JohnsonM Mab. Don Dodge. Black Broom 40943 FG nds lm70v 3:4ss?ow P-5 315 2 5 5 3 1 V A JohnsonlO Aztec, Foxy Griff, Sem. Stalwart 4095 FGnds ll-lfi 151 good 365 333 2 0 2 5 44 41 J Rod gezlO Daedalus. Tportation. Gleipner S Tfson 1 1-3G 1-51 slow 15 116 2 4 5 2 1J 1 F Robson 8 B.Hampson, MissFilley, IS.ock 407C8 Jefson 3m70y lhvy 1G-5 308 1 1 3 2 32 33 A Johnson 7 J. Reeves. Tportation. C.Hodge 406SSJefIon lSlo- 1:49 slow 31 110 5 4 4 4 5 3JH Wakoff 10 Miss Wells. Willdo. Cracow 4ollJefton 1 li4Shvy 0 109 7 7 7 7 64 6l L Stalker 7 Lucile P.. Luther. Ben Hampson TTONTIO Hk tr 5 109 By Plaudit Blue Jacket F. Dahnken. 41055 FGnds 1 1-16 3-554hv"v- 4 105 4 3 3 4 5 C14 H J Burke S Lucile P., Jason, Choir Master 41009 FGnds 3 1-1J l:545ihvy 16-5 109 7 3 4 4 34 33 A JohnsonlO Bajazet. Pulaski. Fairly 40963 FGnds 1 1-36 l:l?good 6 309 4 5 5 6 4 43 J Rodgez 8 Baby Cal. Sleeth, Mary II 40903 F Gndl 1 1-10 l-49fast SO 111 2 4 3 G Cl 0" J Rodgezl.1 M.Rosell., B.Jathan. Indolence 40540 Bowk 1 3-36 3:53 iVy 22 106 12 S 6 6 9- 9" G PreeceJrl3 B. Peddler. B. Thistle. G. Eagle lo45S Bowie lmSOy l:41fast 26 106 6 2 4 7 7 72 R McCrnnll Ballast, Graphic. Jusqu au Bout 40-9-- Pimlico 13-30 lMSfast 34 113 8 6 6 7 7 61 G Walls 9 Valspar. Bolster. Lazy Lou 405?9 Pimlico 1 3-36 3:47lkfast 30S 5 6 6 6 5 4 L Ensor 9 Jack Mount. Silk Bird. Mose 40ISS E m ire Im70y 1M la 30 111 3 2 3 6 6 6" T Rowan G C.ex, Jack Mount Xine.Simplex 40176 Fmn re lm70v l:44?ifast 20 10J 5 5 5 2 31 64 T Rowan 7 Gex, Jack Mount. Air Man 401S8 iSpir? 1 3;39fast 20 105 3 4 4 3 3- 3 L McAtee R Koh-i-Noor. AirMan. Kingfisher Rock Sly Nun W. D. Bernhardt. UTTrF -RnnK b e 6 115 By Trap lniZr?n,u 1 3-16 3-55hvv 7 112 " 6 2 2 1 2l 3s M Buxton 8 Sein.Stalwnrt, Rhymer. Brickley ? illo luhvv 8 133 2 1 1 1 23 1- F Smith 3 Capt. Hodge. Graphic Srand l iilr, lWhvv 7 113 3 1 3 2 61 63J F Smith 10 Grumpy. Luther, Keziah 1 1 l lfi T?l slow -0 116 4 2 2 4 C 4 F Smith 8 B.Thistle. B.Hampson. M.Filley ln-nTirn -1 l-lklood 41 112 2 3 4 5 C 4 A Johnson 5 Willdo. Grumpy. Handfull In--? ui.hw 3 310 6 4 5 5 4 S Sndman S General. Handfull, Dartworth mti Trnn 1 lhvv 5 1 4! 4 S Sndman G Tnsportatn.B.Favite.MissFnie fnrv, ? J :W4hw 6 309 3 2 1 ll 21 H Wakot 8 AlPierce. RobertLee. Dartworth S ieffoS lm70y l:lgood 4 115 3 3 3 3 3 31 F Smith 12 Paula V.. E.Bmanu B.Favorite 405U Jefson lm70y ! 2 310 111 1 l1 ll F Smith 8 Brando. Slumberer. No Manager of Melbourne Rose Print J. Arthur, vtitttt -RAHMANN ch m 6 104 By Pr. rioil POndfll-K 3-V slow 15 302 4 31 7 6 31 4 H J Burkell DonDodge. Adelanto. Scrgeman l"r Is 1 1-16 l-sVhvv 3 105 1 4 6 4 5 5 J Mooney 9 L. Cochran. 11. Interest. Ellison Sl , ii-16 1-w hvy 9-5 302 G 6 0 4 2 5i J Rodgez 9 Yermak. Thirst, Adelante l?r vrn s 1 3-36 l:54hvy G 105 3 4 4 3 34 3 J RodgezlO Willdo, Dervish. Black Broom In-fil Tef son 3-4 1:39 hvv 3 301 3 6 5 5 52 J Rodgez 0 Thirty Seven. M.Bacon. KeyMar io- T.fsnn 3-4 3:37"sslow 7 309 S 9 0 3i 2"i J Rodgez 9 FosyGrilT, M.Twinkle. B.andStars 40608 Tef son 3m7 lM9lood 20 103 9 4 5 2 21 21 J Rodgez32 Paula V., BlueRock. B.Favorite 2n47fi Rowie lm70v lMSfast 8 105 12 8 8 8 81 73 J Rodgczl5 Salvatelle, Bar One, Irish Kiss 11-16 l-54liVy 30 302 6 4 4 6 63 7 R Denyse 30 Blue Thistle. Luther. Oc.Prince fmil B 3 1-16 1-51 Tart 17 101 4 4 8 2 5 6i R Denyse 8 W-Thyme. Millrace. G.M.Miller 37SS6Bow e 1 M6 l:54hvT 43-30 302 4 4 4 4 4 4 J Rogz C Boxer. Ben Hampson Petelus 37857 Bowio 1 3-16 lisigmud 9-5 100 1 2 4 6 6 C J Rodgez G Spectre. Impression. Brando RAJAZET br s 4 113 By Ildrim Skirts A. B. Stello. TtnQr 11 -If, 1-53-hvv 3. 1S 4 3 4 3 33 4 Ensor .lack Reeves. Sosins, Petit Bleu in-r vrl 1 1 1-16 l-S ""ood io 33 4 4 5 5 3 7 8 M Buxton 13 Slumberer, Tito, Choir Master j,nn? w r-mi5 1 lfi lWlivy 15 301 5 7 1 2 2 1" C RobsonlO Pulaski. Hondo, Fairly llSm V r-nds 1 3-16 i-toVf-ist 25 303 1 1 13 33 32 8" S Sndman33 M.Rosell., B.Jathan, Indolence 22 f r-SrtS imVh- 1-EOWiw 7 1031 4 5 5 5 43 3 S Sndman 5 Dioscoride. Thirst, Dalwood i?TArn -l 4 i-17 slow 30 101 6 7 7 5i G1 H Wakoff S Star Baby. B, Peddler. Bathilde 11 JJsKOod 339 301 G 7 1 7 74 R Da vies 7 Tumbler. Oc. Sweep, GipsyQueen 2ilfxton : uK M 943 1 4t 4 K Lunsfd 7 D.Mcdonld. J.Hanover, B.Abbey lm-?y IS vana J:J2f?.?v ! , b 0 5 4k 3 C Hansen 7 James, Vagabond. Tom Tit "aana rti viovmud 11" 6 6 4 3 2 B Kleeger 8 Bandymo, Lit. Menard, Kick.Kid 37629 Havana 3 f lAO? Si 4 4 5 U 3i H Bullman 7 Kale Nettie .Walcntt. Dental 1 ?l-Ufni t , ; i i-v S 104 7 6 4 3 1" 3s " J Burlte 8 Rhymer. Blue Rock, Brickley 4LK S , , i 1 . ".-"h Vv- 30 107 7 6 5 5" 6m Cassity S Mary 11.. Langden. AI lierce F.G ImJOy -., S 0992 m s 1 1 Griff 30 Foxy 1 IS -lovk . 1W 1 6 4 A 4 41 4 1 H Cassity Blue Thistle, Aztec, tiMS F.G 1.. s innoy Ca!i.sity Mary II.. Aztec. Rosins 40917 F.Gnds 1 -lo ; H Cassity it Brando. Mikifula. Amalgamator 3XX 1 12 40S22 Jefson 1 MC JVwIott 1- ii i I g 7 7 H Cassity 7 King Neptune. finnieF.. Jason 122v2 J-r,son Suw 6 3"! 21 H Casnlty Tito. Luther. AVilldo 4 icJ ctl,on BOn 1 1 1 iMhiv 16-5 10S 4 4 5 0 3" 31 M Garner G D.of Shelby, Rqcderer, Margery 1225? 8-5 107 3 3 3 4 4 431 H Cassity 7 Tportation. Dr.Chrcot, Petelus fn 6 5 107 ". 2 3 3 33 H Cassity S Handfull, Ellison, Transportion ll-lliWodW 102 5 5 5 C 0 : II Cassity 0 B.IIuuipsou. Pass.Faucy, Medusa SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 4.year-olds and upward. Claiming. Feb. 12, 19161:42 4113. 1071 FCn ii l6 1:Hhvy 20 1C9 7 5 7 10 305 M Buxton III OldManCrit. Bombast. Yermak rtM p r-2 S s 1 lite Mfiood ;0 301 7 7 6 7 S 82 S Sndman S Baby Cal. Sleeth. Mary H. Ml7FGndl lilci-M hvy 20 108 9 9 8 8 7h Sl I Gregory 9 Mary H. Aztec, Semn. Stalwart 3fton.i i-rI,.ii 1 1 1.1 MUrniwi 8 108 4 4 4 4 5 5 I Gregory 5 Sleeth, Lottery. Amalgamator Swr5 Pfi- imfov i-rhvv 1 1M 3 C 4 2 2s 2s I Gregory 7 Werproof, Inciieta. Tportation 0823 Jefson 1 3-3G l-H slow 25 303 7 6 7 6 51 51 I Grelory 8 B.Thistle, B.Hampson, M.Filley 0792 Jefson 1 1-1G 3 53Vigood 32 104 5 3 3 2 5 53 I Gregory 7 B.Haiispn, Tportation, Inquieta 40743 Jefson 1 l:53hvy 0 10S 4 3 1 1 22 2 I Gregory G Tsportation. M.Fannie, B.Rock In itrlnu 1 lwandhvv 35 308 6 7 5 5 41 4 L Stalker 9 Inquieta. Thurs.Nighter, Grumpy inp w-snn "lm70vl:49 slow 12 130 3 9 7 9 93 9" I Gregory 10 MissWells, Willdo, BlueThistle K Jefson 11-16 Jimud 7 106 5 6 5 5 3 34 1 Gregory 8 P.Connelly. W.sLast. P.Fancy sstttmppbfr rh e -1 115 By Peep oDay Janot Gray D, B. Freeman; iiowortfl l-lfi-51 coodSO 313 8 4 4 2 2 3 L Gentry 13 Tito, Choir Master. Rhymer 4tB$ F G nds 11-4 2:Svflow 30 105 7 6 7 6 74 7? R Pauley 8 King Neptune Waterproof. Pit 1 FGnds 1 1-16 l-mfist "0 333 7 5 9 11 13 13" L Gentry 13 M.RoselL. B.Jathan. Indolence 40S0SJefs6n " 1 1:45 good 25 116 6 8 9 7 64 610 J Rodgez 9 Gor. Roberts Indolence Dervish 40603 JefsoS lm70y 1 49Iood 3 101 10 7 7 5 51 563 H Cassity 12 Paula V., E.Baumann, BlueRock 4S4 Tef son lm70v l:50slow 25 110 5 5 4 3 21 3 PI Barham 8 Blue Rock. Brando. NoManager 4tmo Tef son 3-4 rhvy 20 111 6 6 6 6 6 E Barham G Early Sight. Breezy, Stelcliff li Oaklwn 1 1-S l:54Vfefast 15 111 2 2 2 2 lk m L Gentry 12 Asama. D. of Shelby. Sea Urchin S7 Oak wn 1 1-16 l:4Wfast 8 114 6 2 1 2 3 33 L Gentry 11 Kingfisher. PinMoney. Cer.Polnt EllolhvnOyUiandlt 8 111 4 3 2. 2 3 Sl G Byrne 12 Great Dolly. Bobolink. Br.Velvet GTEIPNER b e 6 H5 By Giganteum Nil Desperandnm H; Nenrteter 41133 F Gnds 3m70y 3-54?ihvy 21 114 5 0 5 4 3 31! L Ensor 8 Amelita, N. Simplex-, Noureddin 41100 Vr.nds Ti-4 2:16V?hvy 6 10S 1 1 1 2 H 43i L Ensor G Al Pierce. Benefactor. Grumpy 410$ F Gnds 1 1 1 l-"SSSud 15 315 3 3 3 3 3 3 L Elisor 6 Sleeth, Lucky It... Blue Thistle 41041 FGnds 1 1-36 1:5 slow 6 331 12 13 11 8 83 8 R Bolton 14 DonDodge. Adelante, Scrgeman 40975 FGnds 3 3- 6 1-47 fast S 101 9 7 7 7 51 B Bolton 9 B.Peddler Orderly QueenApple 40930 FGnds 3m70v 3:51.hvy 33-5 306 5 5 G 3 11 l3 R Bolton 7 Dervish, Choir Master, Revivor 4uS95 FGndI 1 1-16 3:51 good 35 105 5 7 5 3 3 3s R Bolton 10 DaedIus, Tportation, B.Thistle 40S07 Jefson 5-8 1-03 good 7 112 1 2 2 ll Is F Robson 9 T.forTat. Skeer Face, Clar.Ruth 40504 LatonTa lm70y l:46Iood 6 103 7 4 5 6 73 8 H J Burke 9 J.W.Klein, T.Green. DabialiII. 36557 Jefson 1 1-16 l:50slow 12 102 7 9 6 5 4 45 R Bolton 9 Marianao. BlackBroom. Traction Tm-KT hF wftby hlk v 8 109 Bv Stalwart Piseco W. E. Matthews! . 410S7 FGnds 11-16 l-H hvy S 110 9 9 9 9 9 5" F Murphy 9 L.Lgfellow, B.Forite. Harbard 41075 FGnds 1 1-4 3:35 hvy 15 110 8 7 4 5 B 5i M Buxton 10 L. Herbert, Rhymer. Dalwood 2ot96 FGnds 1 1-4 2:1246hvy 15 105 9 9 7 6 H Cassity 9 Aztec, Dioscoride, Kebo 4OT10 FGnds 3 1-4 2:15fmud 10 103 4 4 5 5 and 6 S Sndman G K.Ntune, Tportation. L.Chran 40741 Jefson 1 1-15 l:5Sandhvy 8 105 4 4 4 4 4 4" I Gregory 4 Grayson, P.Cnnelly, B.Hmpson 4ofiS Tef son 1 1-16 l:561Shvy 7 103 5 5 4 2 ll 1 S Sndman G Roederer, S.Stalwart, Margery 40578 Jef Ion 1 3-36 2 OS slow 30 131 6 6 6 6 6 5 J Jordan G Wad.Last. LucileP.. B.Hmpsou 4O560 Jef sn tai20y l:58!ihvy 30 106 1 1 4 6 6 6" C Brown G Little Cottage, Keziah. LucileP. 40473 Jefson 1 1-36 1 53 hvy 12 106 6 6 6 6 6 6" T Hunt 0 Irregular. Keii.Boy. B.Hmpson 38704 Laton"a 1 3-16 2 00fast 21 107 12 10- 8 7 7 7" J McCabe 12 El Key. Alert. Rifle Shooter 3S562 Doug"as 1 3-36 3 59?fefast 9 102 12 12 11 11 91 832 R Hartonl2 EI Rey, Cruces. Little Bigger 38522 Douglas 1 1-16 1 4Gfast 35 108 10 11 11 10 5 4 R Harton 11 EddieT.. Bigtodo, KingHamburg 38402 Douglas 11-8 l:52fast 42f 102 11 U 11 11 7J 5i J Mooney 11 M. Herrmann. Exhorter. EddieT. pa-r-rtstt ch c 4 110 By Stalwart Margaret Hastings H. F. Coppage. 41075 F Grids l 1-4 2:15 hvj- 10 307 7 G S S 30 30" G W Car130 LordHerbert. Rhymer, Dalwood 41041 FGnds 1 1-16 1:52 slow 10 114 9 10 12 13 13 13s2 A Collins 14 DonDodge, Adelante, Scrgeman 40871 FGnds lm70y l:4Shvy 7-5 107 5 3 3 4 6 6" L Ensor 6 B.Peddler, Astraea, L.Cochran 40836 FGnds lm70y l:48mud 7 312 7 8 8 7 42 2- A Johnson 8 Daedalus, Benefactor, Gold.Bov 4CIK1 Tef son 1 l:48hvy 41 108 2 1 3 4 43 4J A Johnson 7 Lucile P., Luther, Ben Hampson 40621 Jefson 1 1-16 l:57mud 7-5 103 7 4 4 4 5 53 J De Ford 8 P.Connelly, W.sLast. B.Fvorite 40590 Jefson lm70y l:49good 11-5 109 G 6 1 1 lh 11 J RodBez I Jose of Autumn, Blazonry, Say 40572 Jefson ll:50andhvy 4 105 7 5 4 4 2 21 J De Ford 7 Say, Tze-Lsi, Audrey K. 40543 Jefson 51 f 1 34hvy 2 102 4 4 4 11 lh J De Ford 6 Al Pierce. Leta. Paganini 40530 Jefion 3-4 1 20hvy 12 105 5 5 4 21 24 J De Ford G Blaise. Miss Filley, Earlymorn 39027 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 241 1001 9 10 9 10 10 10" J Scott 10 Repton. Paula V.. Exhorter LITTLE PRINCESS ch f 4 102 By Peter Quince Little Oasis Solomon and Jarmon. 41041 F Gtrids 1 l-lol:o2 slow 20 109 2 3 5 10 ll1 ll30 D Connllyll DonDodge, Adelante, Scrgeman 40971 FGnds 51 f 20 111 12 12 10 7 73 D Connllyl2 H.Bgoyne, S.Oliver. B.Wlinms 40S19Jefson 3-4 1-17 slow 6 100 4 3 4 6 S" S Sndman 8 Star Baby. B.Peddler, Bathilde 40761 Jefson 5-8 l:04hvy 42" 105 1 6 6 6J 6 J Rodgez 8 KingK., R.Sckland, L.Lfellow 4041 Jefson 3-4 3 22 hvy 9-5 111 1 1 2 4s 4s F Robson S Paul Connelly. Breezy. General 40450 Jefson 3-4 i;i9hvy 12 108 4 3 4 4 2 D Wishrd 12 Blaise, Net. Walcutt, EarlySIght 39040 Latonia lm70y l:44y5fast 24 107 6 7 6 5 6 5S G Molesthl2 Clara Martin. Leta. Bandymo 3SS78 Latonia 1 1-161:46 fast 19 98 4 3 3 2 41 5l H Lunsfd 11 Col.Mchmont, Dr.Carmen, Lytle 3S744 Latonia 1 1-16 l-46fast 14 105 4 5 5 5 31 45J G Molesth S B.Louder, MarchWind, Marauder 8701 Latonia lm70y l:45V4fast 31f 104 5 5 3 2 1and ln G Molesthl2 B. Peddler, K. Adanis, AudreyK. 85S5 Douclas lm70yl:44fast 10 110 8 4 3 2 81 881 P Louder 32 Acheron, Bar One, EdaHerrninna 38531, Douglas sTiaS fast 19f 102 4 4 4 21 2 J Kederis 12 Miss Wright, Quito, ElIzabcthH.