Thirty Leading American Jockeys, Daily Racing Form, 1919-03-10

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THIRTY LEADING AMERICAN JOCKEYS Winning four races in one day liclped materially In giving II. .1. Burke a record of seven winning mounts in the. course of last weeks racing and liuidu him the riding hero of the week. T. Murray and Ci Brown with four wins each, were next to lilm, H. Tliurbcr, JI. Lunsford. II. Erickson and It. TroAler following with three each. C. Robinsons enforced absence from the saddle has enabled T. Murray to creep up on him to such an extent that the latter Is now only five winning mounts behind the leader, with a good chance to become the leader himself presently. Hjs good percentage denotes him a young rider of real merit. The records of the thirty leaders of this year are now as follows: Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. P.C.L.W- Robilison. C. 197 43 25 33 95 .22 0 Mnrrav, T 108 38 20 17 93 .23 4 Mooney, J. 204 33 2.1 23 123 .10 - Kelsnv. W 107 30 25 18 94 .18 1 Tliurber. II 219 31 37 24 127 .14 3 Burke, II. .1. ...147 2! 15 20 83 .20 7 Lunsford. II; 137 .28 22 19 OS .20 3 Dreyer, .1 175 27 20 29 93, .15 0 Nolan. T 119 25. 22 17 55 .21 0 StnlkCr. U 89 20 15 9 I.. .22 0 Connelly. D Ill 19 18 21 83 .13 1 Garner. M 117 IS. 22 21 5j .15 2 TroiM. R 1W! 10 It 12 .1. 1 Dnmtnkk.W. .... 83 Hi 10 10 17 .19 0 Erickson. H .... 89 14 18 13 41 .10 3 Bullmau,,H. ....128 13 15 23 77 .10 0 Rodriguez. lil. ...134 13 15 18; 88 .10 0 Mpleworth,TGV . .119 12. 17 11 49 AO- 0 Preeee. Q. 88 12 1 7 53 .14 1 Sneidman. S. ...153 11 22 21 99 .0. 1 Pool: E. . 7L. JU 9 - 7 0 Rm:n. C 70.11 rt 5; .4 4 Barrett, N. 85 10 21 11 4 .12 Pickens, A 11 10 1 20 72 .i s Troxler. R 51 10 7 0 2 .20 .1 Cassity, 11.. 72 10 3. 11. J -4 1 Dnrsch. J. 33 10 1 4 IS .3 .Murphy. F, ..... 09. 9 10 44 .1.5 0 Pauley; R: ...... 70 9 7 7 47 .13 0 Howurd, C, ,,...00 S? b b -, ,18 I

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