Omar Khayyam Defeated: Former Great Racer Disappoints in Merchants Handicap.; Kinnoul Wins Pimlico Nursery Stakes--Four Straight Victories for Fanny Cook., Daily Racing Form, 1919-05-04


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OMAR KHAYYAM DEFEATED Former Great Racer Disappoints in Merchants Handicap Kinnoul Wins Pimlico Nursery Stakes Four Straight Vic ¬ tories for Fanny Cook PIMMCO Mil May 3 Omar Khayyam ac ¬ knowledged champion and idol of the turf in 1917 which came back to the races on Thursday and was heralded as the same great horse he was two years ago had u setback at Pimlico today in the Mer ¬ chants Handicap when he was beaten by Com ¬ mander Koss Foreground an imported son of Fu gelman Omar Khayyam showed in his nice today that lie is not the horse he was otherwise he would not have surrendered to Foreground The latter lias shown only indifferent form At Havre dc Grace he won Ills first start of the year but in his sec ¬ ond race he was beaten by ordinary horses in ¬ cluding Roi Craig which at his best is only a selling plater Tin last time Foreground started he was Iwatcn by Vindex the Whitney candidate for the Kentucky Derby but beaten so decisively that it was really no contest This afternoon however be lowered the colors of the once mighty Omar In ¬ cidentally He Frank C M Garrisons entry for the Derby was third and while he ran a good RICO hi hardly qualified for the big Kentucky raw Had it not boon for the ordinary quality of Fore ¬ ground the defeat of Omar Khayyam might have been explicable and the showing of Re Frank good enough to warrant hopes for him in the Derby but Foreground is not a great horse and never will be beK K M Wolds LEffare was the leader in the Merchants Handicap for threequarters of a mile wltliTReFrank and Foreground following him with Omar Khayyam in fourth place LiJffare gave it up at the turn into the stretch and then Kummer sent Omar Khayyam along He made up a lot of ground it is true but ho did not have the old dash that characterized his former races He ap ¬ parently had all the chances in the world an eighth from home but it was just there that he failed and Foreground came on to win witli Omar hanging on onThe The Pimlico Nursery Stakes revealed the fact that W M Jeffords possesses an unusually promis ¬ ing twoyearold colt in Kinnoul a son of Peter Quince Lycheo Nut which he purchased at the Saratoga yearling sale last August for 4100 Kin noul met some highly regarded youngsters in the Nursery including Carmandale and the Whitney pair Cobwebs and Guess Again and triumphed in a superiorityJ manner that left no room to doubt his superiority J K Griffiths champion chaser of last year The Rrook fencing in his usual faultless style easily accounted for the Mt Washington Steeple ¬ chase which served to attract a good crowd of limit club devotees to Pimlico this afternoon afternoonThe The defeat of W K Coes grand filly Terenlia in the Wimico Purse was entirely unlocked for and was attributed to the fact that she was not quite keyed up to a bruising race Looking Up the winner is apparently a miss of more than ordi ¬ nary merit and was best today todayCant Cant Ral Parrs good filly Fanny Cook continued on her winning way by capturing the opening dash and making it four straight straightSam Sam Hildreths colors were to the fore in the second race when his Peter Pan colt Out the Way scored in runaway fashion fashionKenneth Kenneth Karrick came over with his father from New York and will be here for the remainder of the meeting Jockeys Fairbrothcr and Myers ac ¬ companied the Karrick stable stableJOCKEY JOCKEY C ROBINSON IN DEMAND DEMANDIt It is said that the contract on C Robinson will l e transferred to an eastern stable and that the lad will probably be at Pimlico before the meeting hero conies to a close closeThe The Pimlico management has certainly done the patriotic thing not only in donating a 50 Victory lloihl to the trainer of the winner in every race but every returned soldier that applied for work at the course was placed placedIt It has been announced that a four days meeting will I i held at Hagerstown from May 27 to 31 31K K J Crawford was a visitor at Pimlico yester ¬ day It was Ids first appearance in many months after a protracted illness and he was busy during HID afternoon receiving the congratulations from his many friends on his recovery He formerly trained the good filly Golden Rantam After spending a couple of mouths at Atlantic City Mr Crawford will purchase a few horses which lie will probably race in Canada CanadaEdward Edward Tribe who will do the starting the first two days at Jamaica has arranged to send one of his assistants Tom Mcliride to Jamaica on Monday to erect a barrier and school what twoyearolds that arc quartered at Jamaica Golden llantam lias been purchased by J W liean and bred to Meridian MeridianJockey Jockey Albert Johnson was an arrival from Ken ¬ tucky tuckyTin Tin go Nl steeplechaser The African died recently at Hamilton Out OutThe The Ontario Jockey Club has arranged to run the Kings Plata at the Woodbine track on Saturday May 24 The Canadians take as much interest in the running of the Plate as the people in the States do in the running of tins Kentucky Derby or the Suburban and several of the prominent Canadian owners have wired their agents here to obtain a jockey for this event J E Seagram wired Joseph McLennan to engage the best rider obtainable AV P Fraser secretary of the Ontario Jockey Club is expected at Pimlico some day in the near future futureSandy Sandy McNaughton created a riot among his fel ¬ low horsemen and trainers when ho appeared at Pimlico this morning in breeches breechesMidnight Midnight Sun was claimed out of the seventh rare yesterday by Sam Louis for 2125 2125Handieapper Handieapper Frank K Bryan was called on to allot weights to no fewer than HiO horses which wore nominated for the Pimlico Spring Handicap mid which will be featured at Pimlico on Wednes ¬ day next That he accomplished the task in a most satisfactory manner was evidenced from the fact that many of the horsemen had no complaint to make at the weight their horses wore asked t curry

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