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FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Selling May 3 1912 54 2 110 Index Course DIst TimeTckOdds Wt St i Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishBy HIDDEN SHIP b f 2 114 By Cunard Masks and Faces H S Koppin 42217 Pimlicn 41 f DC fast 6 111 1 12 21 43i B Haynes 9 Fanny Cook Edith K Hush 42119 HdeGce 41 f 55goodll10 112 3 22 Int n i Troxler 6 Sedgegrass C Murphy Drnsilla 42051 HdeGce 12 50 hvy 32 109 6 3 Z 4 = 1 R Troxler 9 FanCook MShackleton GLiRht 41481 PGnds 12 50 hvy 8 115 3 C 7 712 R Troxler 7 R R Rose ThelmaE MinMau 41378 FGnds 31 t 44hvy 65 115 3 3 3 i R Troxler 6 Atta Boy Booneville Pueblo 41203 PGnds 3i f 42fast 5 114 2 Il I1 R Troxler 6 Canvasbaek Eulah F Airnat 41214 FGnds 31 f 44hvy 1710 115 3 1J 2 R Troxler 6 Atta Boy Diomed C the Way 41082 FGnds 38 39 hvy 21 102 5 3J li C Robson 9 MyAda OgdenGirl MarGrrett MarGrrettBy MAJOR FISK br c 2 M 107 By Boots and Saddle Ruth D S Fountain I I4ii 42175 HdeGce 41 f 55fast 235 30S G 4ii 41 T Kolan 10 Sgegrass MStathem LeBleuet I 42105 HUeGce 4 f 57 hvy 20 110 C Gt 7 = 2 L Stalker 14 Bryiihild Murray Sweet Apple 42051 HdeGce 12 GOVjhvy 82 10SJ 4 7 = C S C Taylor 9 FanCook MShackleton GUight 42012 Bowie 12 50 fast 37 108 C CIE 7J C = J C Taylor 11 BNaUreena UiBoots Rterer RtererBy IE BLEUET b c 2 M 103 By Verdun Grande Source G E Webb 41270 Pimlico 45 f DTVimutl 10 107 1 1422S1 44 33i A Richcrk 5 Murray Littlq Alexander Hush 422S1 Pimlico 12 49 fast 15 17 4 9 10 A Richer k13 Super Oriental Park WhoCares 42217 Pimlico 4J f 50 fast 15 83 3 53 C5 A Richcrk 9 Fanny Cook Edith K Hush 42175 HdeGco 4i f 55fast CG 101 7 3l 3 A RichcrklO Sedgegrass MStathem MFisk 42105 HdeGce 4i f 57 hvy 6f 106 7 131 11 3 J Mooney 14 Krynhild Murray Sweet Apple 42012 Bowie 12 50 fast 2710 113 2 8 73 J Butwell 11 Na reena UBoots Rterer 41887 Bowie 12 49fast 245 107 8 41 4 i S Sndman 9 BCall M Skleton MSthem 41827 Bowie 12 B0fast E5 115 6 52 4 5 A Richcrk 7 Amaze C S Grason S Sponge 41538 FGnds 7 7 N Barrett 7 Minute Man Thelma E Rarar RararBy LITTLE ALEXANDER b c 2 M 107 By Zeus Mamena W S Murray 42270 Pimlico 41 f 57 mud 1S5 112 2 o s T UIcc jllrrlyi r eUleuet Hush HushS 42203 Pimlico 12 51 slow 95 114 2 24I1077 S S 3 G Corey 10 Griffwood H Pardner Caubeen 4I1077 HdeGce 45 f 55fast Cl 112 2 11 11 G Corey 11 Oleaster Sandy Mac Drusilla 42012 Bowie 12 50 fast C 112 1 1418C7 11 4 = 1 G Corey 11 BNaBreena BBoots Rterer 418C7 Eowie 12 49 fast 19 115 C C41S27 7 7 G Corey 7 Oleaster Calvert Fanny Cook 41S27 Bowie 12 50ifast 13 115 3 41 5r W Doyle 7 Amaze C S Grason S Sponge SpongeBy KIRAH ch f 2 M By Astronomer Mary Greenwood D Gideon 422C2 Pimlico 12 40mu I 39 HO 3 a 411 T Rice S OnessAKain Panoply LucieMay 42117 HdeGce 12 4Sfast 65 C i F Cltiletti 7 U Billows Gness Again LMay LMayBy THE WIT ch c 2 M By Ormondale Witfull Parr Cosden j