Purchase Defeats Eternal: Lowers the Colors of McClelland Star in Stuyvesant Handicap.; Arrah Go On Beaten by Long Shot--Favorite Zenith Falls in Second Race., Daily Racing Form, 1919-06-20


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PURCHASE DEFEATS ETERNAL Lowers the Colors of McClelland Star in Stuyvesant Handicap Arrah Go On Beaten by Long Shot Favorite Zenith Falls in inSecond Second Race NEW YOKK N Y June 19 Attracted by the offering of the fourth running of the Sinyvesant Handicap anil the Flight Overnight Handicap a large crowd attended Jamaica today and were rewarded by witnessing Purchase score an easy vic ¬ tory over Eternal Ophelia and Blairgowrie in the main feature The manner of his victory evoked from many the desire to see him try conclusions with the champion Sir Barton Purchase was always under Ijoflus stout restraint in todays race and RIII the milo in 138 according to the consensus of times taken by many private timers Had Ixf tus willed the Hihlrcth candidate would surely have clipitcd a tiicoml from his1 mark Eternal appeared somewhat lighter in flesh than he was for his Bel ¬ mont Park racing though he hail no mishaps in todays race Ixyond the fact that he was forced to the outside on the two last turns turnsOccanna Occanna scored an easy victory in the first race Schuttinger had trouble with the Parr filly at the post but after getting in her stride Oceanna raced iHliind tin pacemaker to the last turn where she easily passed her and won by n safe margin But for l oiiig caught unprepared at the start Who Cares might have made it more interesting for the winner winnerKolsays Kolsays desire to save ground while rounding the last turn was responsible for Zenith stumbling and throuins him in tuo second race Thcline pacemakers wore closely bunched just after passing the threoeightlis iwst and Zenith ran up on St Qncntins heels The rider cscajxd unhurt Ivry won the nice in a canter with Soldat du Verdun wcond and Tcelelv Konssoail third thirdIn In the third the heavily supported Arrah Go On after racing into cxhinstion with Mahony in the early running tired when challenged by Thunder ¬ storm and was beaten a head in a rousing finish Pickwicks xrfonnaiice was a good one the Clancy campaigner making up a great deal of ground and finishing fastest of all allTapagcur Tapagcur won in his new owners colors the first time he carried them when he beat John Sanfords Marchesa II in the fifth race Tapagcurs vic ¬ tory was easily achieved He raced Mardiesa II into defeat ifler rounding the last turn and his rider was easing him up at the end endThe The Cuban turfman Seimr A II Diaz scored his first metropolitan victory of this season when Grayssain led home the two favorites Anzau and My Laddie in the closing race of the afternoon afternoonI I guess a good horse beat me said Mr Pat ¬ terson after the Purchase race Dont know whether he can lKnt Sir Barton or not I would like to see them hitch up with Sir Barton as good as lie was in the Preakness Dont forget too that Purchase is a good fresh horse horseLOFTUS LOFTUS FEEE OF THE RIDERS RIDERSIxiftus Ixiftus stands out so prominently compared with the majority of jockeys these days that even the next best is not within hail It is true that he has ge od horses to ride his services King in great de ¬ mand but ho rarely makes a mistake once a race Js started In fact it would IM difficult to point out a race in which he has ridden this year that he has not won when on the best horse Some riders can get Ixiatcn on the best horses Fre ¬ quent ly Ixiftus has won on the second best and even has brought the third best homo on one or two occasions Another rider who is making few mistakes these days is Davies DaviesSir Sir Bartons next appearance will lw in the Dwycr Stakes to l e rim at Aqueduct on July 10 10Fcodor Fcodor is a grand looking colt but is apparently a slow beginner When in his stride he shows semblance of a nice horse As soon as the distance for twoyoarohls are spread out to thrcequartci of a niili and longer Fcodor will be a more promi ¬ nent factor than he is just now nowSelling Selling platers are costly luxuries these days There is one redefining feature about the soiling and claiming races the surplus money contributed by owners protecting their own horses gots into the general jackpot and eventually goes back into the pockets of horsemen If as in the old days the association split the surplus fiftyfifty some owners would not have money enough to buy a white chipVague poker chip Vague showed his true colors when he met Out Ihu Way Ho tried to hold the HildroUi horse but at the end of threeeighths showed he had enough and quit quitTimothy Timothy J OLoary one of tin prominent stock ¬ holders iu Havre de Grace track was a visitor today for the first time since the war started lie once owned several horses but has now retired and simply attends the races for pleasure and its associations associationsJockey Jockey MeAtee was susiieneled for three days by starter Cassidy on Wednesday WednesdayBy By the purchase nf Harly Light from J K Grif ¬ fith Med Henderson has obtained the nucleus of a proposed steeplechase stable stableJ J J Farrell Jr a Maryland mutuel official was a spectator He reported great activity at Pimlico where the mutuel plant and bleachers are being enlarged and other elaborate improvements are being made madeOrlando Orlando Yzquierdo the Cuban turfman has returned from Havana where he says the satis ¬ faction over the transfer of thu Marianao course to its new owners is general generalJack Jack Flanders an attache of the secretarys office was removed to a local hospital on Wednes ¬ day apoplexyGuess night after a second stroke eif apoplexy Guess Purchase is living up to my preelietiems raiel George Odom after the colt had beaten Kternal I think he is the best threeyearold in the country and lie will prove it before lemg lemgSam Sam Hildreth workeel Cirrus for the Brooklyn Hanelieap this afeTiioou He sent him a mile and an eighth in l5i The fractions were 12 24 37 49 102 114 128 141 155 The last eighth the colt was well iu hand

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919062001/drf1919062001_1_1
Local Identifier: drf1919062001_1_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800