Work-Outs Of The Eastern Horses, Daily Racing Form, 1919-06-20

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WORKOUTS OF THE EASTERN HORSES NKW YOKK N Y June 19 Itecent workouts at Bclmont 1ark included the following Weather clear track fast Cobalt Lass Threeeighths in 37 37Dinty Dinty Moore Half mile in 49 49Double Double Kye Fiveeighths in 100 100Golelvalc Golelvalc Mile in 147 147lock lock Scot Fiveeighths in 108 108LKrrant LKrrant Mile in 145 145Iord Iord HirlRrt Mile and an eighth in 15 Panaman Threeiiiarters in 126 Phantom Maid Threequarters iu 121 121Pointex Pointex Fiveeighths in 100 100Icnclopv Icnclopv Fiveeighths in 103 103Ki Ki Craig Half mile in 51 51Kosie Kosie OMoorn Fiveeighths in 103 103Sailor Sailor Mile In 147 147Sinn Sinn IViner Threequarters in 115 115Tarasuon Tarasuon Mile in 148 148At At Aqueduct the following moves were noted notedBallast Ballast Seveneighths in 132 132Ballvinooney Ballvinooney Seveneighths jn 129 Be Frank Mile in 142 142Crumpsall Crumpsall Threequarters in 117 117Canso Canso Mile in 143 143Courcellcs Courcellcs Threequarters in 117 117Game Game Cock Mile in 145 145G G M Miller Half mile in 02 02Ideal Ideal Half mile in 52 52Nolawn Nolawn Threequarters in 120 120Old Old Koenig Threequarters in 120 120Prince Prince of India Threequarters in 117 117Koamer Koamer Mile in 147 147Basin Basin Half mile in 51 51Sir Sir Barton Mile in 142 142Scotch Scotch Verdict Fiveeighths in 104 104Syrdarya Syrdarya Mile in 145 145Sammy Sammy Kelly Three quarters In 12G 12GTicket Ticket Half mile in 51 51Ultimatum Ultimatum Threequarters in 117 117War War ClubrrTlireequarters In 117

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Local Identifier: drf1919062001_1_9
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