Amsterdam Stakes For Sprinters: Saratoga Diversified Program Caters to All Classes of all Horses--List of Nominations., Daily Racing Form, 1919-07-24


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AMSTERDAM STAKES FOR SPRINTERS Saratoga Diversified Program Caters to all Classes i of all Horses list of Nominations NEW YOHK N T July 23 The diversity of the conditions of the various stakes to be run nt Saratoga during the month of August contributes in no small degree to the popularity of these fixtures While the majority of these events are for the real topnotohers of the year still there are a num ¬ ber framed to bring together the best of the plater division The Amsterdam Selling Stakes is one such and judging from the list of its entries a fast band of sprinters will contest its running this year The nominators and their entries follow followArmonia Armonia Stables Wise Man ch h 6 by Gigaii teiini Magnctine MagnctineMrs Mrs James Arthurs Charlie Leydecker b c 4 by Jack Atkin Polly D DE E R Bradleys Porte Drapcau bi e 4 by Sun star Bright Cherry Bill Rendered ch c 3 by Marco Forecastle Mrs R L Brcsiers St Isidore ch g G by Isi dor Onaga OnagaBrookslde Brookslde Stables King Plaudit br c 3 by Plaudit Wild Thistle ThistleClarence Clarence Buxtons Sasin b h C by The Picket Queen QueenR R F Carmans Startling b h G by Marta Sauta Country Fraud FraudR R K Cassatts Trite ch c 4 by Aeronaut Sententious SententiousP P A Clarks Lion dOr ch c 3 by Heno Aile dOr dOrI I Cleveland Stables Matinee Idol b g 4 by All j Gold Matinee Dorcas b m 0 by ildrim Dawte i W R Coes Uncles Lassie ch f 3 by Uncle iPlanutess Stepson ch c 3 by Uncle Katrine Nutcracker br c 4 by Thrush Roman Slave I Daniel Cunninghams Woodtrap ch ti 5 by Trap Rock WoodVine I J E Davis Ophelia b f 3 by Senseless Ghent Azalea i John Dundees War Mask b c 3 by Star Shoot Miss Kearney R Dwyers Gex ch g G by Bachelors Button 1 1Folly Genny Folly Farms Uncle White ch c 3 by Uncle Busy Lass J J Hallenbecks Golden King ch c 4 by Star Shoot Kings Daughter Young Adam ch c 3 by Adams Express or Frederick Lr Maezie MaezieH H P Headleys Duke of Savoy ch c 4 by Uncle Lady Savoy SavoyH H H Hewitts Sam Reh b c 3 by Peep oDay Coy Maid Herald b c 4 by Coy Lad Anger ona Jap b f 3 by Coy Lad Inspiration InspirationS S C Hildreths Stromboli ch g 7 by Fair Way St Priscilla Lord Brighton cli c 3 by Ballot iMiss Crittenden Charles F Hills Dendera br f 3 by Rabelais i Queen Til TilG G Holmes Fleeing Sheik ch c 3 by Delhi Runaway Girl Smart Money ch g 5 by Armeath i II Servilia ServiliaI I Frederick Housemans Lady Gertrude br f 4 by Meddler or Fitz Herbert Lady Winifred Aunt Dinah b f 3 by Uncle Crazyqiiilt Frederick the Great b c 4 by Fltz Herbert Miss Malaiirop MalaiiropKentucky Kentucky Stables Nightstick ch g 8 by Broom ¬ stick Handspun Minto II b g 5 by Snndridge Miss Ronald Torchbearer br h 5 by Radium Hacklers Pride PrideWillis Willis Sharpe Kilmers Mormon blk c 3 by Ogdefl Rose of Gold C V Q Lenz African Arrow b c 4 by Javelin African Slave Papp ch c 4 by Peter Quince Phebe G Zenith br c 4 by Ogden Zahra ZahraJ J If Xoucheiins St Qucritiu br g 3 by His Majesty The Marchioness M Eowenstcins Cleek b g G by Yankee Uutta Percha Perchat t J Matters Scrub Lady b f 3 by Broomstick Rpxane Nolawn b c 4 by Sir John Johnson Onaga All Aglow blk c 4 by Sain Fulfill Fizer b h 5 by Transvaal Foundling Iina Frank ch in 6 by Abe Frank Tex Anna AnnaMurrom Murrom Stables Jack Stuart br c 4 by Valcns Sweet Sauce SauceJ J AV McClellands Cromwell blk g 3 by Plau ¬ dit Affect Phantom Maid ch f 3 by Lnclu Algie M MEdward Edward B McLeans Leocharcs b g S by Broomstick Leayoiiara Bon Jour ch f 3 by Von Tromp Jourdain Candle Light br c 3 by Light Brigade Caiandrla CaiandrlaMrs Mrs S McNaughtons George Clark b g 4 by King1 James Mary Stuart StuartJ J C Milams B B Johnson b g 4 by Sweep Flycatcher FlycatcherAndrew Andrew Millers Recount b c 4 by Ballot Censure Snapdragon II b c 4 by Fitz Herbert Mistress Pehn R H McC Potters Blairgowrie ch c 3 by Knight of the Thistlfr Belle of Peqiiest PeqiiestHerbert Herbert L Pratts Game Cock ch c 4 by Bal ¬ lot Alinadie AlinadieE E W Prices Gueland b c 4 by Land League Mill Bay J L Prices Cum Sah blk c 4 by Burgomaster Antipathy AntipathyQuincy Quincy Stables Lady Dorothy b f 4 by Helmet Grail Yurucari b c 3 by Rockton Kennyetto KennyettoD D Raymonds Hollinger b c 4 by McGee Josic L Commander J K L Ross Damrosch br h G by Rock Sand Dissembler Cunso br c 4 by Lcm berg Wife of Bath Samuel Ross llallyinooney ch f 4 by Celt iady Isabel Frank Macklin b g 4 by Grey Leg Marie Claire ClaireWalter Walter J Salmons Teddy Rousseau b g 3 by Assagai Mountain Mist John Sanfords Tuscaloosa b f 3 by Chucta ininda Sadaquaila Juvenescence b f 3 by Junior Scammpny John W Schorrs Dragoon b c 4 by Cunard Mrs F G Hogan Butterscotch II b h 5 by Radium Macaroon Jas T Clark br c 4 by Dick Finneli Paradise Won Frederick Slocnms Star Class ch f 4 by Star Shoot Lady Bedford B G Soules Paddy Whack br g 6 by Celt Network Mrs C W Starrs War Zone b g 3 by Do ¬ ra ndo Boco BocoSylvester Sylvester Stables Reveler b g 4 by Sweeper La Ribaude RibaudeThe The Bpach Stables Wyndover ch c 3 by Free Lance Hlmcra T P Thomes LErrant b c 4 by Magellan Gaya GayaWilfrid Wilfrid Viaus Cainoufleiir ch e 3 by Astrono ¬ mer Penitence II Nonnandie ch c 3 by Star Shoot Mamie Worth Duke of Devonshire ch g 4 by Transvaal Mindful Musito ch c 3 by Sweeper rMusette If F Wagners Billy Nestlehouse b g 4 by Bryn Muwr Briretta F D Weirs Hendrie ch h 6 by Star Shoot Orange and Blue Tetlpy b c 3 by Ormondale Tei KiioiiglU KiioiiglUtteorge tteorge U Wideiurs Ruse dOr b f 4 by Carry llernnuiui Golden Hose HoseJ J K Wiiienprs Tai iKeur be c a by Mil HO La Vrnganza Huron II b B t jy stvetfiier Zlma Zlma1C 1C T WJUons TljistUdoii br c 3 l y Oluntbula Madchfii Wyoming ch c 4 by Bryu Mdwr Star of tlie West

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Local Identifier: drf1919072401_2_8
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