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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO 111 July 31 Weather forecast Illi ¬ nois Showers probable tonight and Friday cooler Friday and in west and north portions tonight Missouri Unsettled weather tonight and Friday probably local tliundershowers slightly cooler in north portion tonight cooler Friday General fore ¬ cast The disturbance which was central over Iowa this morning will move slowly eastward during the next thirtysix hours attended by thuriilershowera from Nebraska and Kansas eastward The tem ¬ perature will be lower in the middle and southern pqrtiphs of this forecast district but will rise again Friday in the northwestern states statesCHICAGO CHICAGO III July 31 The New York Yankees will not be allowed to use pitcher Carl Mays ob ¬ tained from the Boston Red Sox yesterday for an indefinite period President Ban Johnson of the American League immediately after learning of the deal announced that Mays had been Indefinitely suspended Johnson declared that Mays desertion of the Red Sox on July 13 and His refusal to play again with that club constituted an offense that will not be tolerated in the American League He expressed amazement that any club owner should even attempt to negotiate for the services of a player guilty of such conduct CHICAGO 111 July 31 That Chicago street cars and elevated trains will be in operation Fri ¬ day evening or Saturday morning is the hope of the conservative element of the car mens union The conservative element is declared to be in the major ¬ ity the indication being that the referendum vote on acceptance of the companies G5G7 cent offer will be carried fty opponents of the radicals rwho brought on the strike last Monday night Plans for the holding of the referendum vote tomorrow are progressing rapidly under the direction of the union chiefs The polls will be opened at 8 oclock in the morning and close at 4 oclock in the after ¬ noon The ballots will then be taken to the union headquarters counted and the result immediately made public publicNEW NEW YORK N Y July 31 Clarence II Mac kuy president of the Postal Telegraph Company announced this afternoon that when the govern ¬ ment turns back the wires of the system to the company at midnight tonight a flat reduction of 20 per cent in present rates will be made These re ¬ ductions will be made on all day telegrams and leased wires and it was stated night messages would soon be made cheaper