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WORK-OUTS FROM THE EAST AND WEST 92 At Laurel. LAUREL, Mil.. October 30. Work-outs at Laurel this morning included the following: Weather clear; track fast 90 Ballet Dancer II., mile in 1:43. 52 Charlie Lcydecker, three-eighths in 3S. 91 Clean Gone, mile and one-eighth in 2:01. 90 Duchess Lace, five-eighths in 1:03. 53 Douglass S., three-eighths in 37. 72 Dnke John, threo-eigliths in 36. 90 El Mahili, three-eighths in 37. 91 El Plaudit, half mile in 53. 52 Flying Welshman, half mile in 49. 90 Franc Tireur, half mile In 51. S9 Farmingdale, half mile in 49. 84 Franklin, half mile in 54. 90 Freemantle, three-quarters in 1:17. 90 Gallagher, half mile in 48. 50 Glasstoi, three-eighths in 30. S9 lone, three-quarters In 1:10. 90 Juanita III., three-quarters in 1:22. 34 Kewessa. half mile in 54. !0 Kallipolis, half mile in 4S. 90 Lloyd George, half mile in 49. 90 Margery, half mile in 53. 90 Ophelia, mile in 1:43. 8" Pirate MtGee, half mile in 51. 04 Passing Shower, three-eighths in 37. 90 Rollicking Airs, half mile in 4S. 49 Sophia Gatewood, mile in 1:53. 87 Squire Charlie, three-quarters in 1:20. 72 Sandj- Real, three-eighths in 3S. 7" Sinn Feiner, mile in 1:46. 90 Sea Queen, three-eighths in 3G. S9 Tit for Tat, five-eighths in 1:04. 64 Tufter, five-eighths in 1:02. S6 Vnlspar, mile i:i 1:48. 81 War Club, three-eighths in 36. 83 War Mask, mile and one-eighth in 1:5G. 91 Weliew, half mile in 49. 90 Wedding Cake, half mile in 4S. At Churchill Downs. LOUISVILLE, Ky.. October 30. The following training gallops tool: place- this morning: Weather cloudy; track heavy 90 Alex Jr., three-quarters in 1:17. 58 Bourbon Lad, mile in 1:43. 53 Busy Signal, mile in 1:51. 90 Brig o War, five-eighths in 1:04. S3 Capt. Toney, five-eighths in 1:04. 72 Colonel Livingston, three-quarters in 1:18. 51 Dodge, mile in 1:13. 83 Destroyer, three-quarters in 1:10. 84 Dresden, three-quarters in 1:21. 59 Discussion, half mile in 50. 84 Donna Roma, half mile iii 50. June 24 Grumpy, half mile in 52. 87 Grand Slam, mile in 1:47. 90 Iris, mile in 1:48. 75 Jim Iletfering, half mile in 54. 73 Lancelot, three-quarters in 1:17. 90 Linden, mile in 1:44. 85 Legal, mile and a quarter in 2:10. S9 Money, half mile in 53. 82 Metem, mile in 1:49. 8! Midway, two miles in 3:43. S8 Neppcrhan. three-quarters in 1:21. 90 Our Birthday, mile in 1:41. SU Orenzo, half mile in 50. 00 Quito, five-eighths in 1:09. 77 Rapid Stride, mile in 1:50. 90 Sansyming, mile in 1:47. 90 SiNJCtnciilar Girl, three-quarters in 1:18. 90 Spearlene, three-quarters in 1:19. 90 Sway, half mile in 52. 90 War. Spirit, mile in 1:50. At Douglas Park. Weather cloudy; track sloppy S3 Bobby Allen, half mile in 52. 73 Code of Honor, seven-eighths in 1:42. 90 Cortland, half mile in 51. 78 Emden, .three-quarters in 1:20. 90 Flyaway, five-eighths in 1:07. 81 Orla Lee, half mile in 52. 89 Rib, five-eighths in .1:00. 4C Saner, half mile in 55. 89 Sun God. mile in 1:46. 75 Truant, half mile in 51. -Velio, five-eighths in 1:05.