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THURSDAY WORKS AT NEW ORLEANS 119 NEW ORLEANS, La., November 2S. The inclement weather here yesterday did not halt training operations to any extent. Botli tracks were deep In mud and the "dogs" were up. The following were the work-outs: At the Fair Grounds. Weather cloudy; track muddy; "dogs" up 117 Alexander, half mile in 51 5f.. 117 Assume, five-eighths in 1:11. 11C. Bandymo, three-eighths in 42. II-1 Belle Roberts, half mile in 53. 117 Bronco Billy, mile in 1:53. 117 Captain Ilershler, half mile in 5S. 115 la van Boy. five-eighths in 1:10. 1 IK Clear the Way. half mile in 55. 110 Day of Peace, half mile in Sr.. ; 117 Ermitana, three-eighths in 38. lit. Edith K., rive-cigiiths in 1:13. 113 Goldcrest Boy, three-iiuartcrs in 1:29. llf. Gallant there-eighths in 39 . 117 Grumpy, half mile in 59. 110 Ilelma. five-eighths in 1:09. 115 las. T. Clark, three-eighths in 40. 111. Kimpalong. five-eighths in 1:10. 11C Modiste, five-eighths in 1:11. 90 Mary IL. half mile in .".4. . llli Malva, three-eighths in 42. i Mr.. Mark, half mile in 5.".; lit Paddy Dear, three-quarters in 1:23. .82 Pickwick, three-eighths in 40. May 29 Rcgrcso, three-eighths in 43. 111. Rifle Sliooter. three-quarters in 1:23. 115 Rainbow Division, three-eighths in 37. 117 Searpia II., five-eighths in 1-10. I1C Sway, three-eighths in 43. 117 Sir John Vcrgne,. three-quarters in 1:23. 111! Stitch in Time, three-quarters in 1:23. 114 Sentimental, half mile in 55. 117 Sugarmint.: three-eighths in 42. 117 Shenandoah, half mile in 5S. ; .S2SwirJ. three-eighths in 41. . 117 Sky Pilot five-eighths in 1:12. 117 Toto, three-eighths in 41. 117 Toombeola. three-eighths i: 42. 115 Tom Goose, three-eighths, in 40V.-.. . . , . lit! Ting-a-Ling, five-eighths in 1:14. Hi; Tiajan. three-eighths in 40. 117 Vansylvia. three-quarters in 1:21.. 58 Valley Park Maid, three-eighths in 12. At Jefferson Park. Weather cloudy; track sloppy; "dogs" up 110- Alma B.. three-eighths in 42. 114 Antoinette, half mile in 57. 111.. Boxer, half mile, in 59. 117 Brickley, three-quarters in 1:28. 59 Breeze, half mile in 59. 111. Black Wing, half mile in 57. 113 Bessie Atkin, three-eighths in 42. 102 Coronado, half mile in 51... 177 Camouflage, half mile in 30. 11C Dancing Girl, half mile in 5S. 1H5 EH. three-eighths in 42. Grumbling Ina, half mile in 59. Ill King. Neplune. mile in 1:51. 110 Kentucky Boy. half mile in 59. IKv--Luthcr. mile in 1:57. 11C Little String, three-quarters in 1:29. 113 Lloyd George, five-eighths in 1:13. 114 Montague, half mile in 50. 117 Malice, half mile in 39. 110 Marie Council, three-eighths in 42. 117 Mabel Trask, three-eighths in 41. 117 Ornery, five-eighths in 1:13. 11C Peccant, five-eighths in 1:13. 113 Prevaricate, three-quarters in 1:31. 117 Polygamisti three-quarters in 1:30. 114 Riddle, half mile in 57. 113 Revolution, half mile in 59. 114 Redland. three-eighths in 40. 115 Rita, three-quarters in 1:2!. 115 Saints Bridge, half mile in 09. 117 Safranor, half mile in 32. 113 Sturdce. three-eighths in 44. 110 Sleeth; half mile in 59. 117 Tours, half mile in 59. 117 Thermostat, half mile in 59. 110 Thursday Nighter. five-eighths in 1:13. 110 Tie Pin. three-quarters in 1:2S. 117 Thirteen, five-eighths In 1:1-1. 110 Verna IS., half mile in ,58. III W. II. Buckner, three-eighths in 42. 110 Yermak, three-eighths in 41. 117 rYowell, half ..mile in 57 v