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— — m CRESCENT CITY HANDICAP NOMINATIONS i:v oki. k.ans. La., January -"•. Becretarj Mi Ij nnan aniiollliced today the nomination- for the ,000 Crescent i Ity Handicap at a mile and aa • thth. which will have n- running Janaary 31 There are 32 named for it. tern prising the following: •lack Hare. Jr.. Slippery Kim Chief, Courtship. Handa of Pleasnre, ■foadtrap. Oppertaaitjr. KorMy, I. ink; B . Madge !.. Prospector, Maichesa II.. Iloitgla— S . Franklin S.. de Verdun. Damask, Ben- Dry, nailer. Deleter, Picter, Pnnaasaa, War Mask. Mistress Polly. Omond. Tantalus, Blairgowrie, Baigaear, Tailor Maid. Irish Ki--. General Glenn, Almino, Thspe Bakeh