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GREAT HORSES AND THEIR TRAINERS Kngli-h trainers who will long be remembered by tin- great hoise- tiny prepared and raced are -liown in the following list: Charles Bios-. Hermit; Charles Btaatea. Bobert the Devil: George Blackwell, Bock Bead; Major Bcatty. Ziafnadel; Matthew Dawson, Bt. Biaaoa; Joseph DawsOtt, Prince Charlie; John DaWSOB, GalO-pin: George Daw-011. Donovan: J. Daw-011. Pre-ender; J Dover, Lord Lyoa; B. Darling. Aid Patrick and Galtee More: F. W. Day. Air- and Graces; John Day. Lady Elisabeth; William Day. Foxhall: W GUhert, Cumorae; J. Goddiag, Macaroni: Mr. Gilpin, Pretty Polly: Jeseph Hayhae, Favoaias and Kisber: .1. tJomahy, Victor Wild; A. Hayhoe, si Amant : W. I Anson. Blair Athol and Blink Bonny: C. Jousiffe. Bendigo: James Jcwett, Isinglass; T. Jeaaiags. Gladiatear; w. Jarvia, CyUeae; T. Leader, George Prederick; B Marsh. Pershaaaoa; c. Morton. Dean Bwtft; W. Matthews. Marcian: Sir C. Nugent. Dramcree; J Porter. Ormonde: P. Peck. Neil Gow; B. Peck. Douc.ister: C. Peck. Ponimern and Bacbe-lor- Button: K. Parr. Lord lifUn: K. Bahaoa, Thrush; W. T. Bobiuson, tloraue: Bobert Sherwood. Si. tiali-n: John Scott. West Australian: W. G. Stevens. Merry Hampton: Bobert Sievier. Sceptre; A. Taylor, Bayardo; I. Wadlow, Sir Uugo.